Stephon Clark, 22 Year Old Black Male Shot and Killed by Police in his Backyard Sunday

Top Boy

formerly jay patt
Feb 5, 2013
22-year-old shot by Sacramento Police was carrying cellphone
The 22-year-old black man fatally shot by Sacramento police in his own backyard Sunday night was carrying a cellphone, not a "tool bar," when confronted by officers, the department clarified late Monday.

Stephon Clark was killed in the backyard of the south Sacramento home he shared with his grandmother, grandfather and some siblings, his 25-year-old brother Stevante Clark said Monday. The police department said officers were responding to a call of a person breaking car windows nearby.

Police said they believed Clark was armed with a gun, though no firearm was found at the scene. Police said instead Clark had a "object" that he "extended in front of him" while advancing towards two officers.

Police were unable to immediately give details about the tool bar Monday, and did not identify the item in Clark's hand when he was shot as different from the tool bar until late Monday night. The department said it believed initial information released about the incident was clear that the object Clark was holding when shot was not the tool bar.

Continued in this link:

Yet another one... To make matters worse they tried to pass off the initial lie that he was holding a tool bar... A ******* tool bar, how do you mistake a phone for a damn toolbar and regardless that somehow warrants sending 20 shots his way? It defies belief....

Just reading this pissed me off man, dude was living in damn near the same situation I am now and is only a year younger than I am, its hard not to see how easily I could be in his shoes. When is this **** going to end man? When are we going to wake up as people and understand the Police institution is systemically broken?

Starting off my day in a ****** up mood
Just read about this, this morning

The system is broken. They want police officers that live on the outskirts of the cities they patrol in. They take these small town white kids and put them in a big city full of minorities.

The police are suppose to be there to serve and protect. The police department should be a representation of the city that they are serving. If the city is 90% black. The police department should be 90% black or close to it. Also with the whole serve and protect motto these police officers should be required to be apart of the communities that they work in. Examples: youth sports coaches, middle school coaches, high school coaches etc. They should be volunteers for programs that help at risk youth. They should be holding community events where they get out to know the people living in the communities that they serve. Lower level police officers should be assigned the same neighborhoods all the time so they will be able to know the majority of the residents in their area on a first name basis. The community should be able to look at the officers as friends and trust them. All of the residents should know who the officers are in their community and be able to call them when needed on their personal work cell phones. The police are suppose to be mentors for the youth.

Until this type of stuff starts to happen and police departments get overhauled these type of shootings will never go away.
Just think if the officers that showed up knew this young adult on a first name basis? I bet this senseless killing would not have happened. These cops need to be charged. Total BS.
So many unknowns. Body cams should be standard equipment.


Cops have already figured out how to work around the body cams. :smh:

"Body camera malfunctioned" or "Body camera was turned off during the incident"

Should have drones follow them around at all times with a live feed so everyone can watch them. That might keep them in check.

Start taking their pensions. Make them pay for suits out of their own pockets. Then will see how many "good" cops drop that blue wall/code/shield BS.
Cops have already figured out how to work around the body cams. :smh:

"Body camera malfunctioned" or "Body camera was turned off during the incident"

Should have drones follow them around at all times with a live feed so everyone can watch them. That might keep them in check.

Start taking their pensions. Make them pay for suits out of their own pockets. Then will see how many "good" cops drop that blue wall/code/shield BS.

I like the idea, but not the possible ramifications(Using them to also patrol neighborhoods etc).

But yea, its definitely not fool proof but we have seen them be useful like when a cam caught an Baltimore officer planting drugs at a crime scene.
Yet another life lost. RIP to the young man and condolences to his family.

I will never understand the shoot to kill mentality of the police. Even if he was the actual suspect and he has been reported to have a "toolbar" whats the worst that could happen to the cops. A few bruises if they got hit. I mean if a perp has a handheld "melee style weapon" and you feel threatened why not just aim for the foot or the arm or something ? Why is it always fatal shots ? You telling me 2 cops cant take down an armed suspect without shooting to kill. ? The " I feared for my life " angle is getting tired. With that argument I should be able to kill any cop i see because i feel threatened for my life whenever I see one
The system is broken. They want police officers that live on the outskirts of the cities they patrol in. They take these small town white kids and put them in a big city full of minorities.

The police are suppose to be there to serve and protect. The police department should be a representation of the city that they are serving. If the city is 90% black. The police department should be 90% black or close to it. Also with the whole serve and protect motto these police officers should be required to be apart of the communities that they work in. Examples: youth sports coaches, middle school coaches, high school coaches etc. They should be volunteers for programs that help at risk youth. They should be holding community events where they get out to know the people living in the communities that they serve. Lower level police officers should be assigned the same neighborhoods all the time so they will be able to know the majority of the residents in their area on a first name basis. The community should be able to look at the officers as friends and trust them. All of the residents should know who the officers are in their community and be able to call them when needed on their personal work cell phones. The police are suppose to be mentors for the youth.

Until this type of stuff starts to happen and police departments get overhauled these type of shootings will never go away.
Just think if the officers that showed up knew this young adult on a first name basis? I bet this senseless killing would not have happened. These cops need to be charged. Total BS.
All of this is true; and that's the thing . . . everyone acts like it's a mystery, or we can't figure out the root cause of the disproportionate killing of unarmed, black men. It all stems from institutional racism and bias. The individuals who patrol our streets and police our neighborhoods have been conditioned to believe young, black men are unworthy of life or even the slightest benefit of the doubt when they arrive on a scene. Some of the initiatives you presented will definitely help to reduce institutional bias and racism, but it's so engrained in American culture, it'll take a nationwide effort across many platforms.
All of this is true; and that's the thing . . . everyone acts like it's a mystery, or we can't figure out the root cause of the disproportionate killing of unarmed, black men. It all stems from institutional racism and bias. The individuals who patrol our streets and police our neighborhoods have been conditioned to believe young, black men are unworthy of life or even the slightest benefit of the doubt when they arrive on a scene. Some of the initiatives you presented will definitely help to reduce institutional bias and racism, but it's so engrained in American culture, it'll take a nationwide effort across many platforms.
I agree and the only way we do it is through unity. We all have to come together. It starts from the president on down. Won’t happen with Trump in office. Smh
Rest In Peace Stephan.

It’s important that we don’t become complacent. We have to continue to press for answers and determine the best solutions to put an end to these incidents. :smh:

This **** hurts every time, man. Prayers for his family, especially the two sons that were left behind.
So many unknowns. Body cams should be standard equipment.


They dont care about body cams. You had cops in Baltimore planting drugs with the body cam filming the whole thing. Jury: "body cam, what body cam? Not guilty"
I hope they burn the city down

this part of sacramento is lightweight hood and has been for around 30 years. not to say that the shooting is justified, but when a cop goes to that area of sacramento I am sure he/she is expecting the worst. point is nobody in sacramento will be too shocked when they heard a cop shot someone in the meadowview area unarmed or not.
for those of you who didn't read the link and only read what was posted:

Body-camera footage of the shooting will be released within 30 days, per a city policy approved in November 2016.

Chandler said that video would include footage shot by Sacramento County Sheriff's deputies in the helicopter. The Sheriff's Department does not usually release video, but Chandler said the departments wanted to work "collaboratively."

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