Staying up to write a paper for school sucks

Jul 12, 2007
How do you guys stay awake to do that last minute paper due in the morning? I'm mad tired but I need to finish this paper, and at this hour my brain is not functioning and no ideas are flowing.d
Whose fault is that for waiting 'til the last minute?

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I used to do the same thing all the time. $*@+ sucks.
do some push ups or jump around to wake yourself up then go for it with a few hours of good sleep being your goal for once u finish.
I usually take a quick shower just to kinda refresh my mind... I tend to feel a little more alive afterwards. Maybe you can go grab some snacks to eat too.
story of my life, i always procrastinate. how many pgs u gotta do? go drink some coffee
I wait till the last minute all the time. This way i am not indecisive. Staying up sucks though, try going to sleep for 30 min then wake up and do it. The closer it is to the class time the more scared you should get and start writing for the sake of writing.

I usually get B's, sometimes C's, once an A

I am always surprised at what grade I have cuz, i always think I do not deserve it.
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