STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Excuse the dirty mirror. Slowly trying to get to 160 in the next few months. 170 would be cool but I wanna maintain some leanness.

5'8" 150lbs
greek yogurt, sure it aint sweet but if your cutting or trying to stay away from sweets it does the job

no sweets or junk food for me for a long time. if i want something "sweet" or some kinda of snack its either peanuts or greek yogurt :lol

i do both, vanilla greek yogurt with honey roasted peanuts :smokin
how do i improve on my pullups? I can do 7-8 medium/close-ish grip pullups, but my gym also has a wide grip pullup bar, and i'd like to be able to do 5-7 of those in a row (it'd be a start).
thing is, i can't do a single one. there's a weight rack for it, but i've been stuck on 80 lbs of assist and can't seem to move forward (doing sets of 6, like 2-3 sets)
what do i do? should i keep on doing pullups on the wide grip with assist? should i do lat pulldown instead with more weight?

Slowly increase the width of your grip when you do pull ups. Don't jump from close straight to wide grip. Build some volume at each distance and after you can do 5-7 reps in the wider position, increase the width by a fist length each side.

Another option is to do eccentric training when you are able to properly perform negatives in the position. Aim for a single 30 second negative.
greek yogurt, sure it aint sweet but if your cutting or trying to stay away from sweets it does the job

no sweets or junk food for me for a long time. if i want something "sweet" or some kinda of snack its either peanuts or greek yogurt :lol

i do both, vanilla greek yogurt with honey roasted peanuts :smokin

too much sugar with the vanilla greek. prefer little to no sugar and more protein. thats just me tho

honey roasted is a nice snack, not too much sugar compared to regular lightly salted.
I'm probably hella late but anybody watch PhysiqueofGreatness aka Chris Jones on youtube channel. Damb that dude is pretty big for his height 5'7 at around 175-200lbs. He doesn't look like too big and stocky for his height at that weight either. That's a good thing for me because I'm just an inch shorter than him. Being somewhere close to his physique would be my ideal goal. Would be probably take years though
Yeah CJ is a beast for sure, I'm around his height too and he has my ideal physique. He's been at it for 5+ years i think. A good amount of cut and bulk periods under his belt. 

KILLED back and biceps today.


Ended the day with some ballin, go my uncle drew on 
Bought one of these bad boys today. $20 @ Wal-Mart. 17 piece set. Can't beat it.


Chest day today. Cardio tomorrow.
what is that exactly? and is it better to start low and increase weight with each set or start high and decrease reps and weight like you did on the incline?
So basically the purpose is to try and get 50 reps in 3 sets. It's more of a "challenge" type thing than anything, but it's a good way of getting some high rep sets in there. 135 is pretty light for me on the incline - this was just assistance work and was after I had done my real strength work on the bench. It's a fun addition to training here and there, but it's not a necessity.

My main program is Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 but I've been fiddling with the assistance work to keep it fresh. My main priority is strength, so I'm doing three work sets that work up to a heavy as many reps as possible set aiming for 5+,3+,1+ reps depending on the week in the program. After I get the strength work in, I back off and do assistance work at a significantly lower weight. Of course, before I do the strength work, I'm doing a solid warmup at lighter weights.

Leg day today, ate me UP! :eek :eek

20 min

Seated Barbell Twist
150 reps, per side

Leg Press
3 sets of 85 reps: 20 reps with feet at bottom of plate, 20 reps 1 inch up, 20 reps 1 inch up, 25 reps at top of plate

Barbell Squat
3 sets of 20 reps
Resume normal sets:

Leg Extensions
3 triple drop sets of 12-15 reps
1 burnout set with partial reps

20 min

Seated Barbell Twist
150 reps, per side
Or you could just squat first and do the super lightweight prehab stuff afterwards. I get the purpose of high rep stuff, but I think you're overdoing it. My unsolicited advice - frame your workout around the compound lift, the squat.

[SIZE=10pt]It's best to just invest in the equipment (Medicine Ball and Detachable Olympic Rings) and do it yourself. Any cross-fit gym always post their WOD online.[/SIZE]
I'm assuming you mean get these on top of access to a normal gym with a barbell etc?

I hit a plateau and my lifts stalled. Decided it was time to reset and switch things up, so today i started the bodybuilding version of Jim Wendler's 5/3/1. It's an interesting concept aimed to keep you fresh in the major compound lifts so you can continue to make progress. I've got the e-book, so if y'all have any questions about the program, let me know.
Yeah, I've been following it for the past year and change and I've seen steady progress on my lifts. Definitely not the fastest progression thus making it not optimal for beginners. That said, the simplicity of it and the no ******** philosophy behind it is refreshing compared to a lot of the isolation heavy workout plans. May switch over to the Texas Method for a little while for a change and to try and get my squat up.
I really appreciate Wendler's writing and overall philosophy though.

I need a new workout split..

Right now, im doing this.. but I want to put legs on its own day... What do yall recommend?

Monday: Chest/Triceps
Tuesday: Back/Biceps
Wednesday: Shoulders/Legs
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Chest/Triceps
Saturday: Back/Biceps
Sunday: Rest
Dude you serious? You're doubling up chest and back days, but you can't give legs a dedicated day? Drop both of those extra days and throw legs on one of those days. If you're doing a body part split like that you don't need to be lifting more than 4 days a week.

what do you guys eat to satisfy your sweet craving?
I like dark chocolate - not low cal by any means, but the only sweet thing I really crave is chocolatey stuff, so it does the job and because it's not overally sweet and is pretty full of fat, I don't feel the need to gouge my self on it. Get as high a percentage of cocoa as you can stand. Try it with peanut butter or almond butter or thrown in a plain greek yogurt. Obviously if you're on an extreme cut, avoid it, but if you're eating at maintenance or clean bulking or even in a slight deficit you should have no issues incorporating it.
Had a nice bodyweight circuit going today with a lot of rope mixed in.  Wonderful workout.  Getting my stamina back up to where it should be.  Break out of this winter funk.
how do i improve on my pullups? I can do 7-8 medium/close-ish grip pullups, but my gym also has a wide grip pullup bar, and i'd like to be able to do 5-7 of those in a row (it'd be a start).
thing is, i can't do a single one. there's a weight rack for it, but i've been stuck on 80 lbs of assist and can't seem to move forward (doing sets of 6, like 2-3 sets)
what do i do? should i keep on doing pullups on the wide grip with assist? should i do lat pulldown instead with more weight?
Negatives.  Start at the top (use a chair if necessary) and lower yourself slowly.
hell of a chest workout today. besides folks randomly coming to talk to me, it was a very productive day. lol i have a welcoming disposition and presence i guess, people love to just come up to me and shoot the breeze. i welcome it before and after my workouts, but when I'm lifting...I'm in a dark place. It's best to gimme space.

People look at me like I'm insane when I'm in the gym.  It's like I'm a completely different person when I get in the zone.
do yall rock with Leg Curls
They're cool.  I prefer stiff legged deadlifts and good mornings.

Co-sign the dark chocolate for cravings.  Like Timbo said, its not necessarily low cal, but there's good stuff in there.
Bear naked granola with low fat kefir is my go to snack before bed. When I get tired of eggs and oatmeal i'll have it for breakfast with fruit.
Can someone recommend me a good tricep exercise?

My left is ALOT weaker than my right..

Whenever I bench press, my left gives out. Been trying to even it out...but to no avail.

Thinking about stopping the bench press for a month and focus on my triceps.


Bought one of these bad boys today. $20 @ Wal-Mart. 17 piece set. Can't beat it.

Chest day today. Cardio tomorrow.
I have this.  I love it.  Worth every penny.

Smoothies with the proteins in the morning.  

Plus, I use fruits to cure my sweets craving.  Also, Grapes and Almonds mixed are teh best.
Anyone know of a good strength training routine for a beginner to develop a base or can point me in the direction . Links would be helpful. Thanks.
Fire lit under my *** for no reason today. Destroyed the gym. Ran my six miles plus a solid delt/trap workout.

I have to say, I've never seen better gains since I lowered the weights I used, increased the reps, focused on form and cut the rest between sets to 1 minute max. I do bicep curls with 20s, one arm dumbbell press with 50s and it feels DAMN good. I'm 6'1 202, and I can definitely push way more weight but I don't even see a reason to anymore. No point in gaining strength for no purpose.
Can someone recommend me a good tricep exercise?

My left is ALOT weaker than my right..

Whenever I bench press, my left gives out. Been trying to even it out...but to no avail.

Thinking about stopping the bench press for a month and focus on my triceps.



Discrepancies in limbs may be neurological and not necessarily muscular. I suggest you switch entirely to dumbbell or unilateral training for upper body pressing. Stop when the left side fatigues, not when the right side does. You should be able to correct this, atleast somewhat. But there is a price for using one arm as a dominant limb over the other.

do yall rock with Leg Curls

Leg curls are one of the machines that has a legitimate use. Hamstrings are knee flexors and hip extensors, so if you're exclusively deadlifting, using reverse hyperextensions, back extensions, etc. for the posterior chain, you're missing a large function. There are other movements to train knee flexion though, like the glute ham raise (aka harop curl) and valslide curl. You shouldn't exclusively use the leg curl machine, but it can be useful for variation and improving posterior chain development. Remember, the hamstrings are predominantly fast twitch and shouldn't be trained with more than 8 reps, especially for knee flexion movements. If you're going to go higher rep with hamstring training, do it with hip extension work as the other muscles of the posterior chain work in this function and are more slow twitch.
I think with this cut, I'm going to start only going with a fruit/veggie smoothie with protein powder for bfast.

Idk yet though...I like working out on a empty stomach btw
I have done nothing but pushups for my chest for 3 weeks and shaped my chest much more efficiently than 3 weeks of incorporating a chest weight training day into my training. It's an oldie, but goodie. Try it for yourself.

Not just regular pushups though. I'm talking explosive pushups, decline, different hand stances. It'll hit your chest right.

Do you mind posting your pushup routine?
I have done nothing but pushups for my chest for 3 weeks and shaped my chest much more efficiently than 3 weeks of incorporating a chest weight training day into my training. It's an oldie, but goodie. Try it for yourself.

Not just regular pushups though. I'm talking explosive pushups, decline, different hand stances. It'll hit your chest right.

Do you mind posting your pushup routine?

Pushups are something I mix up regularly. For one, I get a deck of cards out and I split the deck in half. When I'm just sitting around, I'll draw a card and do that many pushups. I'll do the other half later that day.

Other days I'll do a circuit of as many as I can, or to failure, up until one minute. Regular, Wide stance, military, decline, and end it with some sort of plyo pushup. Resting about in between from anywhere from one minute to two or three minutes. Then I repeat the circuit starting with the plyo pushups and going back down to regular. Usually the second round is almost always to failure.

I've been doing weight training for my chest lately, but ideally I like to incorporate two chest days in a week. One day of training with weights and then the other day (at least 72 hours later) I do pushups for my chest. There's so many variations and ways to hit the chest with pushups that I love it. I also use the perfect pushup deals (but in a locked position) to get that range of motion. It works...I'm tellin' ya'll.
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