STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Yeah the new shiny fits after new years are hard to not notice

then there’s me in there with my $5 Walmart t shirt lookin like an ogre
Speaking of Walmart, I been buying their cheap screen printed t shirts to work out in and I’ve saved a bunch of money as opposed to buying Nike shirts and shorts. I be styling on em.
I literally don’t care what I wear in the gym. It’ll be subzero temps w/o windchill and I stay in a tank top styling on these beech-as punks. Cheap graphic tees and Nike shorts, value pack stringers from Amazon China, w/e.

Why you wanna turn the overhead lights off and work out in the dark? Oh, cause you ain’t got no gainz to show off, bet.

And you better not have a 200 dollar fit on with a 50 cent squat or bench, cause word to Curtis Imma have to get on your ***.
No muscle mass and a big head, def Ozempic or surgery. I'm not against that stuff though, happy for him.
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