STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Man I forgot about that resolution mentality. Man this is going to suck. Hopefully my gym stays chill, theres never more than 5 people in it at a time.

Snippets of my workout today. Was also doing promo for a brand..

how tall are you and how much do you weigh?
my last visit in 2021, tried sumo deadlift for the 1st time, definitely going to mix that in more for 2022 going as well as work more on unilateral movements & being consistent with upper body stuff...
got 1 patient yesterday who is NPO pallative care for 1 week now, damn woman still haven't lost any significant weight or fat other than fluid. those fat reserves are real and might take awhile to burn even if someone hasn't eaten for a week or drank for a week.
Same ht/wt here.. was stuck @ 265-275 for long *** time. Now I’m @ 225. Even shrunk a 1/2 shoe size. Food intake fam.. that was key
Can you expand on that a little?
Like what did you eat? And how many calories per day?
Did you do fasting?

High cardio levels?

I do a lot of compoud movements with no where near my max in reps. As you see in the video above… Ive been stuck in this zone for a min, but my body has changed drastically, adding muscle and shape with some fat loss…

I’m not really focused on the number, I really respect functionality and being agile and being able to move better and faster.. Because I bike, hike, swim…etc… but also, I want to drop weight to have less stress in my knees. And I think ai have that visceral fat, so I would like to aid my internal organs.
Can you expand on that a little?
Like what did you eat? And how many calories per day?
Did you do fasting?

High cardio levels?

I do a lot of compoud movements with no where near my max in reps. As you see in the video above… Ive been stuck in this zone for a min, but my body has changed drastically, adding muscle and shape with some fat loss…

I’m not really focused on the number, I really respect functionality and being agile and being able to move better and faster.. Because I bike, hike, swim…etc… but also, I want to drop weight to have less stress in my knees. And I think ai have that visceral fat, so I would like to aid my internal organs.
Mainly fasting from 12am to 2pm. Never counted calories. Protein (chkn/beef/pork) once a day usually dinner time. Lots of water, fruits, saltine crackers/cheese in between. Mary Jane helps for hangry moments (suppresses appetite).

Culture plays a huge part .. I’m Pacific Islander so it’s hard to say no to food. Why I stay away from the homies/fam a lot.

Medium high intensity @ da gym..
I do the same workouts as you with lateral movements and more thoughts on agility and quickness. Jump rope in between circuit training. Rowing machine as well. Also mess with a bball pickup games here and there and touch rugby.
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I'm at the other end of the spectrum...

6'2 and 185 after a couple years sitting around 195+/- (where I'd prefer to be). Been hard for me to eat consistently and have been training 6-7 days/week (moderate-high intensity for 1-2 hours/day, depending on the split). Generally Powerbuilding (bodyweight/banded warm ups, alternating strength/volume days with compound movements, followed by BB accessories with higher reps/tempo).

All my homies from the gym tell me I look good, and I'm relatively happy with my vascularity/physique/proportionality, but have definitely noticed clothes fitting looser (in a bad way) and strength disappearing on most lifts due to the lost bodyweight...

I also tested positive for COVID last week and can't smell/taste anything (no other major side effects other than a couple nights of the sweats and generally feeling run down), so that's definitely put a damper on things as well. The forced time off is making me eager to go back and hit weights hard and start putting away some food to get back to where I was, though.

I start a new job in a week (office job), so that should help with eating/rest/recovery aspect of my training as well, but I'll have to adjust to my new (albeit more consistent) schedule.

Anyways, just checking in and hope you guys crush your goals this year!
I did a lot of jogging before the pandemic and even reached 185-189 from 214, then covid hit and everything went to SH*T! also, a part of my exercise regimen was lap swimming 2-3x a week for 30 mins per session and I'm an moderate speed swimmer. I'll restart possibly tomorrow with my New Year's weight resolution.
Can you expand on that a little?
Like what did you eat? And how many calories per day?
Did you do fasting?

High cardio levels?

I do a lot of compoud movements with no where near my max in reps. As you see in the video above… Ive been stuck in this zone for a min, but my body has changed drastically, adding muscle and shape with some fat loss…

I’m not really focused on the number, I really respect functionality and being agile and being able to move better and faster.. Because I bike, hike, swim…etc… but also, I want to drop weight to have less stress in my knees. And I think ai have that visceral fat, so I would like to aid my internal organs.

a couple years ago, i got up to around 250-260+ and just by moderately increasing my activity, experimenting w/keto, & intermittent fasting; i had a pretty fast body recomposition w/o really paying attention to or restricting calories at all.

Mainly fasting from 12am to 2pm. Never counted calories. Protein (chkn/beef/pork) once a day usually dinner time. Lots of water, fruits, saltine crackers/cheese in between. Mary Jane helps for hangry moments (suppresses appetite).

Culture plays a huge part .. I’m Pacific Islander so it’s hard to say no to food. Why I stay away from the homies/fam a lot.

Medium high intensity @ da gym..
I do the same workouts as you with lateral movements and more thoughts on agility and quickness. Jump rope in between circuit training. Rowing machine as well. Also mess with a bball pickup games here and there and touch rugby.

supposedly pacific islanders generally are genetically are predisposed to gaining weight/putting on size/storing fat as an adaptation to sea-faring, those that were able efficiently use fat stores were able survive through traveling to distant islands & island famines, or something like's an interesting hypothesis/theory

I'm at the other end of the spectrum...

6'2 and 185 after a couple years sitting around 195+/- (where I'd prefer to be). Been hard for me to eat consistently and have been training 6-7 days/week (moderate-high intensity for 1-2 hours/day, depending on the split). Generally Powerbuilding (bodyweight/banded warm ups, alternating strength/volume days with compound movements, followed by BB accessories with higher reps/tempo).

All my homies from the gym tell me I look good, and I'm relatively happy with my vascularity/physique/proportionality, but have definitely noticed clothes fitting looser (in a bad way) and strength disappearing on most lifts due to the lost bodyweight...

I also tested positive for COVID last week and can't smell/taste anything (no other major side effects other than a couple nights of the sweats and generally feeling run down), so that's definitely put a damper on things as well. The forced time off is making me eager to go back and hit weights hard and start putting away some food to get back to where I was, though.

I start a new job in a week (office job), so that should help with eating/rest/recovery aspect of my training as well, but I'll have to adjust to my new (albeit more consistent) schedule.

Anyways, just checking in and hope you guys crush your goals this year!

if you are trying to put on size/not lose size and its hard to eat consistently...6/7 days of training is alot, maybe cut down on the amount of training sessions? sounds like the new gig may do that for you, hope your covid situation clears up and you ease back into activity
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if you are trying to put on size/not lose size and its hard to eat consistently...6/7 days of training is alot, maybe cut down on the amount of training sessions? sounds like the new gig may do that for you, hope your covid situation clears up and you ease back into activity
Oh, for sure. 6-7 days/week is not optimal for recovery or gains, it's more that my life has been in flux recently and lifting has always been the one consistent, grounding activity I do for myself/my mental health.

I know what I need to do after 12 years of lifting, eating at a surplus is just the hardest part for me. Smell/taste finally came back though, so I've been enjoying eating more than usual the past day or two.

I have been symptom free for 6 days now, so (following CDC protocol) I hit legs today. Worked up to 275 x 4 and 315 x 2 on high bar squats (no belt/sleeves), followed by some volume with SSB, and finished off hitting 2 singles at 365 (2x bodyweight) conventional DL without straps/belt.

Feeling good and excited to see what gains '22 brings :pimp:
where can i buy some cypionate online? asking for a friend w no health insurance who doesnt want to go through one of those online companies either
How tough is it to stay lean and build muscle? I am trying to keep my lean muscle but add about 5-10 lbs without getting fat/losing my abs

I have layered in more "heavy" weight days to coincide with my HIIT training regimen
Worked out at the gym yesterday and it wasn't anymore crowded than it has been the past couple months. They are doing the passive aggressive thing about reminding you to wear your mask except when drinking water by announcing over the PA system but not actually going onto the floor to tell anyone. Meanwhile no one playing bball is wearing one.
Oh, for sure. 6-7 days/week is not optimal for recovery or gains, it's more that my life has been in flux recently and lifting has always been the one consistent, grounding activity I do for myself/my mental health.

I know what I need to do after 12 years of lifting, eating at a surplus is just the hardest part for me. Smell/taste finally came back though, so I've been enjoying eating more than usual the past day or two.

I have been symptom free for 6 days now, so (following CDC protocol) I hit legs today. Worked up to 275 x 4 and 315 x 2 on high bar squats (no belt/sleeves), followed by some volume with SSB, and finished off hitting 2 singles at 365 (2x bodyweight) conventional DL without straps/belt.

Feeling good and excited to see what gains '22 brings :pimp:

say no more, i'm sure you already know that it might be beneficial to your goal to experiment with other activities that maybe don't burn through as much energy. good you're on the other side of that covid business!

How tough is it to stay lean and build muscle? I am trying to keep my lean muscle but add about 5-10 lbs without getting fat/losing my abs

I have layered in more "heavy" weight days to coincide with my HIIT training regimen

it likely depends on the individual, their training history (whether they are just starting out, intermediate, or advanced) how easily/difficult it will be to build muscle while staying lean...

Worked out at the gym yesterday and it wasn't anymore crowded than it has been the past couple months. They are doing the passive aggressive thing about reminding you to wear your mask except when drinking water by announcing over the PA system but not actually going onto the floor to tell anyone. Meanwhile no one playing bball is wearing one.

😂 same, i'm usually the only person on the court with a face covering...
😂 same, i'm usually the only person on the court with a face covering...

If you're the only one wearing does it do much good?? Anyways I sweat too much that wearing a mask would be a major hinderance when ballin so havent really played much since courts reopened earlier in 21'
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