STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Anybody know about Elliot Hulse? He owns a gym in Florida and has several channels on youtube. Strenthcamp Channel and his namesake channel.

He's talking about gaining strength through negatives...Good friend put me on this guy...

This video is great:

Talks about not really needing WHEY protien and it's being a gimmick

In this video Elliott talks about drinking alcohol and it's affect on strength and muscle building workouts.

Elliot is that dude & it doesnt matter what protein powder you take. Protein is protein & its mostly suppplement company bs
Deadlifted sunday... 325lbs 3 reps in set one....2 reps set two...felt good though. Back and bi's today.

CT fletcher video was great. "It's still your mother ******* set" lol get some

You don't deadlift on back and bi day? That's what I used to do - was I wrong?
so you take this 30 min prior to lifting and then drink a whey one after? I want to start adding a little more supps in my day and I pretty much only use whey right now.
beta alanine takes effect immediately, i take teaspoon of it stright up and wash it down with has no taste..and wait till you feel the effects. A friend of mine takes it in the morning because once he takes it after 3pm it effects his sleep. I take it at 7pm before my work out and it doesnt effect my sleep habits. good cheap website for some supplements also is theirs where i can bunch of mine.
You don't deadlift on back and bi day? That's what I used to do - was I wrong?
You aren't wrong. Personally, i believe deads should be done on back days. I like to make sure I have enough time to recover between back and leg days so i can hit deads and squats equally as hard without worry of being fatigued from one or the other. 
On a different note, I can't stand most of these dudes on youtube with fitness channels. Most of them are just spitting out bro-science. Just because you are big doesn't have proper knowledge of training or diet. It doesn't hurt to watch these guys, but take everything you hear with a grain of salt. If you really want to learn something, actually read scientific studies with factual backings.
Whats going on guys haven't been posting lately just lurking. I'm still playing this weight lost game. December and January has been hard for me. In December I started good then I fell off and I gained 5lbs smh. I started off good in January but towards the end of the month I started slackin on my workouts and diet. Today I returned to the gym and did my monthly weigh in and surprisingly I lost 6lbs. 6lbs isn't much but I'm just happy that I didn't gain 6lbs. I told my self today that I'm no longer going to mess up on this weight loss journey. I'm tired of being fat and I'm going to do something about it!

02/04/13 - 306lbs

01/04/13 - 312lbs

12/01/12 - 307lbs

11/01/12 - 319lbs

10/01/12 - 332lbs
Anybody know about Elliot Hulse? He owns a gym in Florida and has several channels on youtube. Strenthcamp Channel and his namesake channel.

He's talking about gaining strength through negatives...Good friend put me on this guy...

Bio: Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist, Holistic Lifestyle Coach through C.H.E.K,  Professional Strongman, studies in exercise physiology

 at St. Johns University

This video is great:

Talks about not really needing WHEY protien and it's being a gimmick

In this video Elliott talks about drinking alcohol and it's affect on strength and muscle building workouts.

Watched a few of his vids def learned something.. Dude knows his stuff..
Some amazing progress in this thread. 

Now that I got my Super Bowl wing binge out of the way, I'm more focused on my nutrition than ever.  Ready to attack the next few months extra hard.  Consuming less chicken and more seafood.  Just needed a change.  We'll see how it goes.


Thats crazy, someone was just telling me about the theory that Whey Protein is basically wasted parts of chicken, beef, etc.

That's why I never saw the use of drinking 2-3 shakes a day. But he def has changed my opinion. I may only mess with Creatine man.
Day 1 of my cut. it's going to be a slow month. This month is really to prepare for Armageddon next month. Slowly cutting things and weaning myself off of the things I was shoveling in there while I bulked. Mainly carbs, processed sugars, and large amounts of fatty foods. I'll mix in some fasting here and there too perhaps. See what that's like. This time period sucks because my body still wants the stuff, but my will is unfazed. That itch and the headaches come and go, but it's all mental. It's that little bit of ***** that lives inside all of us. That ***** that loves the path of least resistance. That ***** that doesn't want abs, and is comfy eating donuts and fried chicken lol. Nahhh. We're shredding yo.

So yea, this month is more of the loading phase, getting past all of the things i love and want for the things i need. Meal portions are smaller, and the types of foods are more strict. Less snacks, less carbs. More cardio, heavier weight, less reps. Next month tho...IT'S GOING DOWN. Cutting out all processed sweets (light fruit here and there), no cheat days, (although thats unofficially the plan for this month as well, but i won't be as tough on myself), strictly lean foods, low low carbs/sodium. Beast. 10 weeks out. I'll keep you updated.

Today is chest day. Groggy because I'm going through withdrawal. Having a peppermint helps with my sugar urges and gives my mouth a good flavor, since food with less seasoning and low sugars/salts can leave a bad aftertaste. plus the peppermints i have have the oil in them, so they're pretty legit in other categories.
Thats crazy, someone was just telling me about the theory that Whey Protein is basically wasted parts of chicken, beef, etc.

That's why I never saw the use of drinking 2-3 shakes a day. But he def has changed my opinion. I may only mess with Creatine man.

Lulz wut. Whey comes from milk. It's powdered milk.
Killed chest today 

Ended with some tris.


Now time to go get some hoopin in. Beast mode.

@ Freeze, sugarless gum helps cravings for me bro. I got a nasty sweet tooth. 
Killed chest today :pimp:

Ended with some tris.


Now time to go get some hoopin in. Beast mode.

@ Freeze, sugarless gum helps cravings for me bro. I got a nasty sweet tooth. 

My man! I'll keep that in mind. if anybody else has any suggestions for sweet substitutes, as always I'm all ears. My discipline is never in question, but any possible ways to make life easier safely, definitely deserves consideration.
Bruhs, brown rice sucks. I don't like the way it feels. Anybody got any recommended brand that doesn't feel like its straight from the fields?
Killed the arms today. 3 sets of 21s with the EZ bar. Biceps were screaming.

Running 5k tomorrow for cardio.

Some nice progress pics in the last couple pages. Keep it up, brahs.
Bruhs, brown rice sucks. I don't like the way it feels. Anybody got any recommended brand that doesn't feel like its straight from the fields?
This and I hate wheat pasta also. Taste like rope. Cant mess with either.

Ate some pie leftover from yesterday, made it fit my macros. **kanye shrug**


Lol homeboy is nuts.  Watched the vids today since I took a work from home day.  Looks legit, especially with all of the bodyweight stuff which is something I feel many flat out neglect.
Day 1 of my cut. it's going to be a slow month. This month is really to prepare for Armageddon next month. Slowly cutting things and weaning myself off of the things I was shoveling in there while I bulked. Mainly carbs, processed sugars, and large amounts of fatty foods. I'll mix in some fasting here and there too perhaps. See what that's like. This time period sucks because my body still wants the stuff, but my will is unfazed. That itch and the headaches come and go, but it's all mental. It's that little bit of ***** that lives inside all of us. That ***** that loves the path of least resistance. That ***** that doesn't want abs, and is comfy eating donuts and fried chicken lol. Nahhh. We're shredding yo.

So yea, this month is more of the loading phase, getting past all of the things i love and want for the things i need. Meal portions are smaller, and the types of foods are more strict. Less snacks, less carbs. More cardio, heavier weight, less reps. Next month tho...IT'S GOING DOWN. Cutting out all processed sweets (light fruit here and there), no cheat days, (although thats unofficially the plan for this month as well, but i won't be as tough on myself), strictly lean foods, low low carbs/sodium. Beast. 10 weeks out. I'll keep you updated.

Today is chest day. Groggy because I'm going through withdrawal. Having a peppermint helps with my sugar urges and gives my mouth a good flavor, since food with less seasoning and low sugars/salts can leave a bad aftertaste. plus the peppermints i have have the oil in them, so they're pretty legit in other categories.
On that same boat, but I feel mentally ready for it after going crazy on wings last night, lol.  Feel like now I have my eyes on the prize.  I've put on a bit of mass and gained strength over the winter without adding too much sloppy weight.  Eyes on the prize.  The sweet cravings can be unbearable, but I wouldn't go with the artificial stuff.  That just leads to even worse cravings.  Stevia is great once you get used to the taste.  Agave nectar in moderation is also good.
Bruhs, brown rice sucks. I don't like the way it feels. Anybody got any recommended brand that doesn't feel like its straight from the fields?
Not sure if you do many sweet potatoes, but those are a great carb and I'd almost sub most of my brown rice out in favor of them.  Brown rice basically has to be cooked a while to get to feel decent texture-wise.

Today was definitely a good day.  Feel my mojo coming back, the eye candy was definitely plentiful so that helped with the motivation.  Clean fuel and consistent workout sessions, my focus is as razor sharp as it's been in a while.  Feels good.

Nice meal, Lucky.  Time to channel DC...raw veggies man! Lol.  Spinach is a great option.  A lot of the vitamins go bye bye when cooking veggies, especially when they're boiled/steamed.
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I'm kinda pissed. I mentioned that I just added deadlifts back into my routine last week after not doing them for a year. I didn't wanna go too heavy last week, so I kept it at 315, but this week, I wanted to step it up. Did my first working set with 315x5 and my grip was giving out on the last 2 reps, even though I consider that weight moderate for me. But anyway, I still bumped it up to 365. The previous set with 315 really got me loose...'cause the first rep with 365 felt like paper weight and I felt like I was just snatching the bar off the ground like it was nothing. By this point, everyone was mirin' hard, so I let my ego get to me and thought, "**** it, I'm just gonna rep this out 'til failure like a bawse"
...instead of keeping it at 5-6 reps like I prefer for deadlifts. But after reps 7 and 8, my grip was completely SHOT and this is what made me mad 'cause I knew I could've knocked out another 4 or 5 solid, cleans reps.
I really hope my grip strength gets back to where it used to be. Might invest in some chalk.

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