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I ready stuff about certain Multis having Crap ingredints, I use Optimen right now and was going to switch to Orange Triad because I hear great things and it has Joint stuff too.

Yea. I heard the same thing. That's why I use controlled labs muti and fish oil. It's a bit pricey. For there muti the serving size is 6 pills. I only use 3 and 270 comes in a bottle so it last awhile.
If anything, just try not to get sick. I think I caught something last night and I feel like absolute **** today. A few extra g of fat >>>> aching throat/mucus
Just killed chest and triceps today 

I swear all the monsters came in to lift today, this baby hulk was lifting beside me and I was mirin no homo, made me work even harder 

Good luck to everyone during the holiday season, stick to your goals fitness fam 
This mourning I did legs. Great workout. I actually dreamed about it. Pretty weird. I was able to front squad 185 for 8 after doing back squat and lunges. Felt great. I really need to make a new routine where front and back squat are on two different days.

On another note: the is the second leg day with the Vibram shoes and they have really help me get below parallel on the squats.
Yea. I heard the same thing. That's why I use controlled labs muti and fish oil. It's a bit pricey. For there muti the serving size is 6 pills. I only use 3 and 270 comes in a bottle so it last awhile.

Yea I`m gonna have to go generic on some of my sups lol or I`m gonna be dropping 3-400 every reup.

And man I`m never rocking normal boxers EVER again to the gym, I was on the elliptical and my joints was all up my az the whole time smh
Compression shorts, Wal Mart, 10 dollars, joint in a headlock.

Anybody live near Lebanon, TN? If so, check ebay right now and it;s a few auctions of the Bowflex SelectTechs going for the SUPER low. I emailed the seller asking him to throw them in a flat rate box but he said no.
Anyone here do Tabata training? I love it because I come up with different exercises and different routines every time I go to the gym. So I never get bored with my workout and it's always a challenge because my body doesn't get used to a certain routine.

How far were you from dunking before? I used to be able to grab rim, now I cant. Hoping when I drop to 180 and get some power in my legs I could atleast grab rim.
I was always really close, easily grabbing rim both hands. I honestly think it may have just been a mental thing.
if you can't palm a ball well then its tough to throw it down one handed IMO. i can get pretty far above the rim but still clank most one handers.
congrats btw, feels good to see results from your hard work :pimp:

Yeah I agree. Thanks man, it definitely does :pimp:
gonna resist not cheating tonight smh on the way to Target to pick up ingredients for Red Velvet Brownies for Christmas -_-
gonna resist not cheating tonight smh on the way to Target to pick up ingredients for Red Velvet Brownies for Christmas -_-

Resist bro! You can do it. It's just brownies, they taste good for 5 mins while you eat them and that's it. Way too temporary of a good feeling to be worth it
QFT, all these sweets around the house during holidays is a big temptation. I'm a firm believer of out of sight out of mind and thats hard to do when staring at a pie or cake every time you walk in the house 
It's the worst haha.

I've always had a sweet tooth.  Takes a ton of will power to fight it, but nothing worth having is easy.

Hoping my lil one eats all the cookies we're making so that I don't have to be tempted.
Anyone here do Tabata training? I love it because I come up with different exercises and different routines every time I go to the gym. So I never get bored with my workout and it's always a challenge because my body doesn't get used to a certain routine.

I don't do it often but I throw it in to avoid plateau's and to destroy lagging body parts. Truly a killer, and underrated, routine

Edit: 2,000 posts :nthat: happy to be here fam
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