STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Bigboss, some crossfit gyms will put you through a week of fundamentals first.. Others might start you in classes right away. I doubt you would develop the right impression of crossfit from a class or a single week.

Also, keep in mind that not all crossfit boxes are created equal. That's the downside to using an affiliate model instead of a standardized franchise model. Lack of quality control.
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I'm a sucker for airheads 
Yeah i want to just see what its really like before I talk anymore **** about it. Not trying to get injured though.
You won't go straight into the workouts. The trainers will modify your workouts as needed and make sure you know the basics. You'll start off with the newbs basically and work your way up.

At my box, for example, our trainers start you off on pvc pipes. Once you get the motion and form down, then they will let you use the bar. Everyone that is new starts with a group of newbies (like an on-ramp course) where you learn the basic movements.
If I went to a box in my area and did a class or whatever, what would they have me do seeing that I am a CF virgin child?

I would consider doing it just so I can see it first hand but Im not about that see how many C&Js you can do in 5 minutes life.

I honestly don't know, it varies from box to box, a good box will get to know you somewhat and if you have a lifting/working out background they will put you through something that is at or close to your current fitness level. There are bad CF gyms out there though, |I, that will throw you through a workout you are not ready for.

The workout that you are talking about is usually a bench mark workout, Isabel (Snatch) or Grace (C&J). If a box throws you into that on your first day, run away as fast as possible. Those two workouts I mentioned are actually inspired by Oly lifting complexes.

As with everything, do your research, ask a ton of questions. Most CF gyms also specialize in other specialties i.e. strength training, olympic lifting.
I see I see, thanks guys.

I don't have the time or want to get involved with it like that, just wanted to try it and see if it changed any of my current views or stereotypes Ive heard.

I know Im not down with the price though.
It's probably for the best. It doesn't make sense for powerlifters to try out crossfit anyway. Too much of crossfit is cardio based and high rep. But you don't have to do crossfit to get rid of your bias.

A lot of weightlifters are huge fans of crossfit even though they don't practice it themselves ej. Ilya Ilin, Dmitri Klokov, Kendrick Farris.

I wonder why crossfit is more easily accepted by the weightlifting community but not the BB and powerlifting community...
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pull day + no more caloric deficit = feeling pretty good. just ate a small pile of veal with a little pasta and now imma top it off with a 400 cal protein bar :nthat:

gonna eat turkey burgers tonight and make a roast in the slow cooker tomorrow. basically gonna be eating as much meat as possible :nerd: :lol:
A lot of weightlifters are huge fans of crossfit even though they don't practice it themselves ej. Ilya Ilin, Dmitri Klokov, Kendrick Farris.

I wonder why crossfit is more easily accepted by the weightlifting community but not the BB and powerlifting community...

Oly community and the powerlifting/strongman community have embraced CF, the BB community though, :lol:, they hate everything about it.

This is just an assumption on my part, but I think it has to do with Oly and Strongman already going to specialized gyms and majority of BB'ers go to commercial gyms. Also, most BB'er arguments against CF are centered and attack the CF'ers that do CF to stay fit, your soccer mom and dad (admittedly "the annoying ones") and generalize that argument to attack the entire community. CF'ers that train for competition have strength/oly programs attached to their programming.
Been a while since I've been in this thread. This semester has been rough. Workouts here and there but not at the level I want. Going ham this summer. I got nothing to do but work and better myself. Strict diet, gallon of water a day, 6-8x meals a day. Going to have my nutrition calculated down to an oz/calorie/etc. I want to treat myself like a machine. I've never been this strict with myself before but I am literally treating myself as an experiment and a machine. 

Here's some motivation. Lets get it yall and have a good summer 

Tryna get my cardio game back to where it was, biked 14 miles in 50 minutes today, previous best time was 35 minutes.

It's hard to balance trying to still make strength gains while getting back to optimal stamina.
A lot of weightlifters are huge fans of crossfit even though they don't practice it themselves ej. Ilya Ilin, Dmitri Klokov, Kendrick Farris.

I wonder why crossfit is more easily accepted by the weightlifting community but not the BB and powerlifting community...

Oly community and the powerlifting/strongman community have embraced CF, the BB community though, :lol:, they hate everything about it.

This is just an assumption on my part, but I think it has to do with Oly and Strongman already going to specialized gyms and majority of BB'ers go to commercial gyms.

Ah. That makes sense.
It's probably for the best. It doesn't make sense for powerlifters to try out crossfit anyway. Too much of crossfit is cardio based and high rep. But you don't have to do crossfit to get rid of your bias.

A lot of weightlifters are huge fans of crossfit even though they don't practice it themselves ej. Ilya Ilin, Dmitri Klokov, Kendrick Farris.

I wonder why crossfit is more easily accepted by the weightlifting community but not the BB and powerlifting community...
Hey now Im not your average powerlifter lol I can run a sub 20min 5k.

But you got me on the high rep part 
 I can't remember the last time I squatted or DL something over 5 reps that wasn't a warm up or drop set.

I respect anyone who does Oly and Power lifts. I just don't agree with a contest to see how many you can do in a given time frame.

Klokov is the realest, Ive watched a lot of his vids. I think he paused front squatted 550? 
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Klokov is a beast for sure. I like him especially because of how much he endorses cross fit, and definitely one of the favorites in the olympics. But I got to go with Ilin :x even though he's smaller and an underdog coming from the 94 kg class.

I just like his style

I watch one of his videos everyday. Bordering on obsession for me :lol: Watching him makes me want to crossover to full on weightlifting sometimes. Don't think Ilin can pause front squat 250 kg like Klokov can but he's done it for a double before.

One more video.. Ilin C&J 240 in training. :smokin

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In Russia when a baby is born they take it from the mother after birth and put it in the gym.
geez oh pete some of you guys are so sensitive and soft acting. smh

lets go to a box Boss and see what it's like,
Any of you guys take/use any "natural" performance "enhancers"?  Bout to get my Chinese weightlifting on and start drinking some HGW tea and some ginseng/herbal teas.  Not sure abt the icing of your #%$!& yet 
Only box I'am going to is my lady.

I guess I don't really have to worry since my gym has everything I need.

I could see a reason to go to a crossfit gym if you wanted to do oly lifts and your typical gym doesn't have the equipment.
Any of you guys take/use any "natural" performance "enhancers"?  Bout to get my Chinese weightlifting on and start drinking some HGW tea and some ginseng/herbal teas.  Not sure abt the icing of your #%$!& yet :lol:

:lol: i need to take what "she" is taking

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