Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Originally Posted by syxth element

Kevin Levrone
Why would anyone want to look like the picture on the left anyways? @#$% is disgusting
Originally Posted by Checks McGee

Ok so i was at the gym
and i noticed that this bodybuilder looking dude lifts the same amount as me in like 3 diff. areas....

Now i am pretty big, but not bodybuilder big, more like college linebacker size. Do you think he was on roids?  How can some1 that much bigger than me have the same strength?

Are you sure you guys had the same strength?

He might have been doing more reps, lighter weight to focus on form, at the end of a workout, or just weaker. Bodybuilders are trying to look good, not to be strong, so it wouldn't be out of the question.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by Checks McGee

Ok so i was at the gym
and i noticed that this bodybuilder looking dude lifts the same amount as me in like 3 diff. areas....

Now i am pretty big, but not bodybuilder big, more like college linebacker size. Do you think he was on roids?  How can some1 that much bigger than me have the same strength?

Are you sure you guys had the same strength?

He might have been doing more reps, lighter weight to focus on form, at the end of a workout, or just weaker. Bodybuilders are trying to look good, not to be strong, so it wouldn't be out of the question.

he was doin the same reps as me and his form was mediocre. he was jerking his body
Probably just weaker then.

I mean, I'm bigger than some people who lift (I'm not big at all though, just bigger than them) but they can lift more than me.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Or how much youre willing to inject.....
Yep, exactly

Originally Posted by TroyMcClure

^ took me less cause you did it for me. Thank you my slave.

 I'm using this in the future 

*but seriously, thx for posting that link.

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by scshift

What are some good leg exercises? Compound ones, particularly explosive ones, not like leg extensions/leg curls.

I've been doing back squats, front squats, single leg deadlifts, pistol squats, but I want to add more since I found out my front squat form is terrible and it'll take some time to get the form right before I can add weight.
It's pretty hard to mess up front squat technique if you're using a clean grip. Don't use a crossed arms grip, instead, a using straps is a better way.
Deadlift variations: snatch grip, deficit, romanian, sumo, behind the back, bands, chains, duck foot, etc.
Squats: front, back, pause, bands, chains, eccentric, split, single leg, low bar back squat, high bar back squat, jump, cossack, hip, bottom up, parallel, atg, one and a quarter, etc.
Glute ham raise, hyperextensions, single leg hyperextensions, the shrimp, jumping pistol squats
Jump shrugs and other olympic lifts or their variations

Then you can change all of the other things that apply to most exercises: tempo, intensity, reps, sets, range of motion, etc.

I used to do front squats with the "normal" grip, meaning I held the bar like the end of a power clean, elbows straight out, wrists bent. But the other day, I kept dropping the bar and straining my wrist cause of the heavy weights. It's either a flexibility issue or a form thing. So I tried to do the crossed arms grip and my balance got all screwed up. Just doing the 45lb bar was hard with the crossed arms, when I can do 155 with the power clean grip (before it falls off).
Using a 'clean' grip, like that in a clean or power clean is the best.You could be losing the bar because you're leaning forward due to a lack of strength. Wrist mobility is another posibility. Remember, the bar is not resting on wrists, it rests on your deltoids. Your wrists' job is to keep it in place. If the problem is wrist mobility, work on that. In the meantime, you can try front squats with straps
Doing more than 3-5 reps in the front squats is counter productive as well. It tires out the supporting musculature, not the main movers. If you were doing sets with more than 5 reps, you were using too light of a weight. Keep the reps low(1-5)
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by scshift

I used to do front squats with the "normal" grip, meaning I held the bar like the end of a power clean, elbows straight out, wrists bent. But the other day, I kept dropping the bar and straining my wrist cause of the heavy weights. It's either a flexibility issue or a form thing. So I tried to do the crossed arms grip and my balance got all screwed up. Just doing the 45lb bar was hard with the crossed arms, when I can do 155 with the power clean grip (before it falls off).
Using a 'clean' grip, like that in a clean or power clean is the best.You could be losing the bar because you're leaning forward due to a lack of strength. Wrist mobility is another posibility. Remember, the bar is not resting on wrists, it rests on your deltoids. Your wrists' job is to keep it in place. If the problem is wrist mobility, work on that. In the meantime, you can try front squats with straps
Doing more than 3-5 reps in the front squats is counter productive as well. It tires out the supporting musculature, not the main movers. If you were doing sets with more than 5 reps, you were using too light of a weight. Keep the reps low(1-5)

Yeah I usually let the bar rest on my front deltoids/collarbone and just guide it with my wrists. IDK why but last time I tried it my wrists were aching.

I mean, I'm trying right now to bend my wrists back to touch my deltoids and I can't do it. I'm not sure what's going on. I had no problem doing front squats until last week. Right now I can't even get my fingers to touch my shoulders.
scshift wrote:

Yeah I usually let the bar rest on my front deltoids/collarbone and just guide it with my wrists. IDK why but last time I tried it my wrists were aching.

I mean, I'm trying right now to bend my wrists back to touch my deltoids and I can't do it. I'm not sure what's going on. I had no problem doing front squats until last week. Right now I can't even get my fingers to touch my shoulders.

If you're serious about fixing your front squat, find a local olympic weightlifting coach that can help you sort out your form. They deal with this issue regularly.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Yeah I usually let the bar rest on my front deltoids/collarbone and just guide it with my wrists. IDK why but last time I tried it my wrists were aching.

I mean, I'm trying right now to bend my wrists back to touch my deltoids and I can't do it. I'm not sure what's going on. I had no problem doing front squats until last week. Right now I can't even get my fingers to touch my shoulders.

If you're serious about fixing your front squat, find a local olympic weightlifting coach that can help you sort out your form. They deal with this issue regularly.

See, I don't know what the problem is. I had no problem front squatting 2 weeks ago, but last week (I haven't tried it since, I'm back squatting this week) I just couldn't do it. I'll try again next week and see what happens.
I need to motivate my fat @%* to get back into the gym. I can't believe how much weight I've gained in the most couple of months.
To all my dudes that put in that work in gym,
What's y'all take on frail dudes wearing super tight shirts or small beaters on, Akways giving off the impression that they're big? And Akways gives me the I'm tough n strong look?
Your take?
Originally Posted by FResHtuDEF

To all my dudes that put in that work in gym,
What's y'all take on frail dudes wearing super tight shirts or small beaters on, Akways giving off the impression that they're big? And Akways gives me the I'm tough n strong look?
Your take?

Everyone starts somewhere, at least they are trying.

and for the tough looks, idk, sometimes i get in the zone and mean mug people too. 
  you should know better than to think anything of it.
Originally Posted by FResHtuDEF

To all my dudes that put in that work in gym,
What's y'all take on frail dudes wearing super tight shirts or small beaters on, Akways giving off the impression that they're big? And Akways gives me the I'm tough n strong look?
Your take?

Eh I usually don't care what other people wear. But when old, fat women don't wear shirts and just wear sports bras, that's crazy. Like if they get to do that, then I should be able to work out without a shirt on even though I'm not jacked
Originally Posted by FResHtuDEF

To all my dudes that put in that work in gym,
What's y'all take on frail dudes wearing super tight shirts or small beaters on, Akways giving off the impression that they're big? And Akways gives me the I'm tough n strong look?
Your take?

You tell them that their max is your warm-up.
Originally Posted by FResHtuDEF

To all my dudes that put in that work in gym,
What's y'all take on frail dudes wearing super tight shirts or small beaters on, Akways giving off the impression that they're big? And Akways gives me the I'm tough n strong look?
Your take?

I get a bad vibe from dudes who rock beaters to the gym...regardless of how fit/ripped they are.
Compression shirts I'm ok with.

But I don't have to deal with that  

Basement gym ftw.
Originally Posted by FResHtuDEF

To all my dudes that put in that work in gym,
What's y'all take on frail dudes wearing super tight shirts or small beaters on, Akways giving off the impression that they're big? And Akways gives me the I'm tough n strong look?
Your take?

I don't care what other people wear unless it's a hot female w/ tight yoga pants. I see a ton of frail dudes rocking beaters at my gym as well and I also see a ton of people who lift heavy with bad form or 1/2 ROM. It doesn't bother me though. When I'm in the gym, I'm there for myself. Just like Greg Plitt said, leave the ego at the door.
I dont even wear shoes to the gym lol.. well I rock my chuck taylors then remove em when doing squats, deads etc..

Hell i just rock up covering my body as much as I can during winter
I use to be fat, then got in fairly ok shape, then got fat again lol

So I guess I've seen both worlds.

As someone said above, at least they trying, everyone has to start somewhere. I won't think anything of it, people in the gym have similar goal in getting in shape.

Of course you notice the folks there, but I tend to just do my own thing.

What I always hated was going with other folks/friends. It's a distraction. I go there, handle business and bounce.
I don't mind it either, but man it's gets annoying sometimes , cuzz they think theyre tough, I mind my own biz , get in and get out, like dudes just hop in on ur supersets to block, at least ask first?

And I understand everyone starts sobewhere part, but all that talking and staring ain't gon gettin em no where, I mean when I started , Ive Akways had a shirt on lol

I guess I was just mad , ppl doing twenty thousand sets of curls at the power rack when I was just wanna squat. Only one squat rack at my gym, it sucks .
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