Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by thekryptonite

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Ah...just ordered scivation xtend blue rasberry
I have the Bodytech bcaa pills...looking to see how i like the powdered form better.
I am going to sound like an idiot, but what are these for?

Basica Chain Amino Acids - In short, they help counteract muscle breakdown after long strenuous exercise.  They also help with muscle soreness (DOMS) and are especially good for people on cuts...since they help preserve muscle-loss.

If you want the long it.
Thanks, I think I will buy the powdered version.
Originally Posted by The Kid Fiasco

--But My advice is i've been stuck on what protein to take. I'm a huge fan of ON, i recently bought ON's platinum Hydrobuilder. Almost out, I researched it, and it says its just a 'post workout' protein shake. Because I'm starting to take it throughout the day.. but really didnt know thats ok. well please any input would be appreciated. btw if this helps, im looking to get muscle obviously but not gain any weight. I wanna Be cut/lean. im 6'4 roughly 203lbs. 

I am just getting into working out the past six months.  I tried a few different protiens and just caught a deal in some PRO NOS.  I haven't seen anything in this thread about it, but I read good reviews and some said it was good as a pre workout as well.  It is supposed to be good for gaining lean muscle mass.  It is somewhat high in calories for a protien, but I am taking OxyElite Pro and do cardio 2xs most days so I don't think it will hurt.  I just cracked the tub open yesterday so I can't give a personal review yet, but it is worth looking into. 
To me... Theres wayyyyy too much focus on supplements in,here... Yes theyre important and a good tool if your shooting for specific goals and wanna reduce the time it takes u to acheive them but some of yall jus need to go harder n the gym and eat right. If you dont workout 4 hrs a week or more forget the NO-xplode n all that garbage. Get your body right FIRST and ur results from using said supplements will be ten fold. Healtht diet and lifestyle > supplements.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by car9vel

I play soccer. I want to be stronger, but not lose any speed. Is there a way to get more upper and lower body strength/mass without losing anything else?
its a lot more challenging than a typical gym workout....but it fits your goals: olympic lifting. will increase your strength and power, which will translate into more speed. you prob won't get as much mass as a bb style workout but that's not what you need anyway.  
as for a specific oly plan either google it or ask someone who knows their stuff like wawaweewa, i dont have much experience with oly lifting. i just know its ideal for your goals.
joe, I'm not sure O-lifting is the best way to achieve that. The o-lifts are very technical and take a long time to learn. They're great moves, but unless you're an oly lifter or want to oly lift, you don't need to do them. Derivatives such as power cleans, jump shrugs, etc. provide the benefits without the steep learning curve. 
Might want to check out the work of Ross Enamait. He works with combat athletes who need to maintain condtioning, agility, etc. and he's shown how to gain mass while maintaining those attributes.

The basics still apply. Squat, deadlift, press, pull, and eat more.
Great infor i was in the same boat as Carvel

I play soccer and now that outdoor season is about to get underway its hard to keep muscle mass on when you have to train for endurance to be able to play a full 90min game. 

Thanks for the info
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

To me... Theres wayyyyy too much focus on supplements in,here... Yes theyre important and a good tool if your shooting for specific goals and wanna reduce the time it takes u to acheive them but some of yall jus need to go harder n the gym and eat right. If you dont workout 4 hrs a week or more forget the NO-xplode n all that garbage. Get your body right FIRST and ur results from using said supplements will be ten fold. Healtht diet and lifestyle > supplements.
I'm sorry but this is just common sense, surely. If people think that supplements are some type of magical product then they are incredibly dense. I use supplements on top of a healthy diet AND work hard in the gym, as i'm sure others do.
/\ I hope so but it seems as if there are at least some very naive NTers wryin about which whey isolates are better than the next yada yada, half this thread is chem talk. I see dudes come n and say im starting lifting,for the first time ever what pre workouts n creatines n proteins are the best
Originally Posted by phaze1123

Originally Posted by The Kid Fiasco

--But My advice is i've been stuck on what protein to take. I'm a huge fan of ON, i recently bought ON's platinum Hydrobuilder. Almost out, I researched it, and it says its just a 'post workout' protein shake. Because I'm starting to take it throughout the day.. but really didnt know thats ok. well please any input would be appreciated. btw if this helps, im looking to get muscle obviously but not gain any weight. I wanna Be cut/lean. im 6'4 roughly 203lbs. 

I am just getting into working out the past six months.  I tried a few different protiens and just caught a deal in some PRO NOS.  I haven't seen anything in this thread about it, but I read good reviews and some said it was good as a pre workout as well.  It is supposed to be good for gaining lean muscle mass.  It is somewhat high in calories for a protien, but I am taking OxyElite Pro and do cardio 2xs most days so I don't think it will hurt.  I just cracked the tub open yesterday so I can't give a personal review yet, but it is worth looking into. 
Called PRO NOS? alright ill check it out. Thanks.
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

/\ I hope so but it seems as if there are at least some very naive NTers wryin about which whey isolates are better than the next yada yada, half this thread is chem talk. I see dudes come n and say im starting lifting,for the first time ever what pre workouts n creatines n proteins are the best
I used to think like this but, WHO CARES. Let people do what they want to do with supps. You say hardwork and nutrition first, but honestly, it just takes too long (unless you have great genetics) without supps and people get discouraged. I used to be on the same boat as alot of people here and always used supps and loved them, but I still trained hard.

All that matters are results!!!!
my friend is bulking, how much would be an ideal calorie intake a day?

and his reps should come down to 6-8 reps right?

currently he is at 5'8 160lbs
5'8 168lbs cannot pass the 225 mark in benching but I have been increasing in weights with dumbbells currently 90lbs each hand on the flat bench

people who were "stuck" at a certain weight how did you get over the hump #noroids
Finally finals are over, been back in the gym for a week.Feels good man.

Edit: Is dark matter worth getting? I'm thinking of trying it out.
Originally Posted by The Kid Fiasco

--And my gym regimen is [mon]-chest-tris/light legs workout [tue]-shoulders-arms-back [wed]-cardio/abs/legs then [thurs]-same as mon. but higher weight. [fri]-same as tue, higher weight. [sat]-run/insanity we do that for 2 weeks then 1 week just insanity, and we cycle off and on that. I barely came up with this regimen hopefully it works. and from what i read from up above, start jump roping and do some burpees and hit the punching bag to start the workout and get me hyped. Take care. any help would be appreciated.

You should space out your chest day and shoulder a little more. Depending how hard you lift, you use a lot of shoulder on chest day and arms.
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Originally Posted by The Kid Fiasco

--And my gym regimen is [mon]-chest-tris/light legs workout [tue]-shoulders-arms-back [wed]-cardio/abs/legs then [thurs]-same as mon. but higher weight. [fri]-same as tue, higher weight. [sat]-run/insanity we do that for 2 weeks then 1 week just insanity, and we cycle off and on that. I barely came up with this regimen hopefully it works. and from what i read from up above, start jump roping and do some burpees and hit the punching bag to start the workout and get me hyped. Take care. any help would be appreciated.

You should space out your chest day and shoulder a little more. Depending how hard you lift, you use a lot of shoulder on chest day and arms.
Not only that, there doesnt sound like theres alot of rest time in between.
You could say rest is just as/more important than the effort put in the gym.
Originally Posted by Dropten

JewSeeJay wrote:
/\ I hope so but it seems as if there are at least some very naive NTers wryin about which whey isolates are better than the next yada yada, half this thread is chem talk. I see dudes come n and say im starting lifting,for the first time ever what pre workouts n creatines n proteins are the best
I used to think like this but, WHO CARES. Let people do what they want to do with supps. You say hardwork and nutrition first, but honestly, it just takes too long (unless you have great genetics) without supps and people get discouraged. I used to be on the same boat as alot of people here and always used supps and loved them, but I still trained hard.

All that matters are results!!!!

Why do the results have to be immediate?
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Dropten

JewSeeJay wrote:
/\ I hope so but it seems as if there are at least some very naive NTers wryin about which whey isolates are better than the next yada yada, half this thread is chem talk. I see dudes come n and say im starting lifting,for the first time ever what pre workouts n creatines n proteins are the best
I used to think like this but, WHO CARES. Let people do what they want to do with supps. You say hardwork and nutrition first, but honestly, it just takes too long (unless you have great genetics) without supps and people get discouraged. I used to be on the same boat as alot of people here and always used supps and loved them, but I still trained hard.

All that matters are results!!!!
Why do the results have to be immediate?

You tell me
Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Originally Posted by The Kid Fiasco

--And my gym regimen is [mon]-chest-tris/light legs workout [tue]-shoulders-arms-back [wed]-cardio/abs/legs then [thurs]-same as mon. but higher weight. [fri]-same as tue, higher weight. [sat]-run/insanity we do that for 2 weeks then 1 week just insanity, and we cycle off and on that. I barely came up with this regimen hopefully it works. and from what i read from up above, start jump roping and do some burpees and hit the punching bag to start the workout and get me hyped. Take care. any help would be appreciated.

You should space out your chest day and shoulder a little more. Depending how hard you lift, you use a lot of shoulder on chest day and arms.
Not only that, there doesnt sound like theres alot of rest time in between.
You could say rest is just as/more important than the effort put in the gym.

True. This is me.

Mon: Legs
Tuesday Cardio or Off
Wednesday Chest/Bicep
Thursday Cardio or off
Friday Cardio or off
Saturday: Shoulders (Front/Middle Deltoids)
Sunday: Back/Tricep.

Off days could be used for calfs, abs, squats, forearms, whatever.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Dropten

You tell me

I asked a question.

Most people are weak minded and are easily discouraged when they don't see immediate results.

How come you always come off as a Dbag in this thread??
Thats just how people interpret what I write.  I cant help it.  Its one of the negatives of the written word.

In terms of the question I was asking, wouldnt it make more sense to fix the actual problem (being weak minded and desiring immediacy) instead of masking it?
One of the reasons most people dont stick with exercising is because they dont understand its a lifestyle change, not a body composition change.  Through friends, media, news outlets, theyre programmed to think that the impossible is possible.  When they dont see a miracle, they become discouraged and give up using any variety of excuses (time, genetics, etc.)  Shouldnt these people be taught about proper nutrition and progression instead of what the best whey protein is?

In response to Droptens post, a lot of people should care.  People come here for discussion and knowledge.  By ignoring the real problem and masking it no one really learns anything.  People are lazy; I get it.  Someone who is just starting to exercise shouldnt be concerned with supplements at all.  They shouldnt even be thinking about them.  They should be taught, not told.

Im not 100% against supplements (contrary to what people may think here), but to blindly suggest supplements to someone isnt a smart practice.

Ask your daddy.
...and Im the one who comes off as a Dbag. 
Originally Posted by VeEzyV

my friend is bulking, how much would be an ideal calorie intake a day?

and his reps should come down to 6-8 reps right?

currently he is at 5'8 160lbs
^ How many days a week does he workout and how intense? How old is he?

Clean bulk? Dirty bulk?
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