Originally Posted by venom lyrix
Okay, So I'm looking for help. I'm determined to lose my stomach. I'm 5'8 and currently fluctuating between 182-188 lbs. I have a solid chest from when I use to work out and play sports, but over the last two years I've gained a decent amount of weight and it's all in my stomach and love handles area.
I can't stand it, I'm disgusted. I really want to lose it, mainly for image purposes, and also so shirts look better on me, since I'm style conscious (don't laugh, I love clothes.)
Here's my thing - I don't think it's worth it for me to go to a gym, the monthly membership fee for what I really want to do, I believe won't pay off. That being said I have a treadmill at home, and I'm willing to go out and buy some weights for other type of lifting.
I'd love for someone to help me out with a possible idea of a program, or what kind of weights to get.
My main objective is to lose the fat in my stomach, and just get more lean/cut. Running sucks, but I know that's how you get results.
Can anyone help out?