Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

So with the 5 meal a day thing, technically I`m assuming it really translates into 3 meals and 2 snakcs ie: Breakfast,Snack,Lunch Snack,Dinner?
Like would eating an orange and a cup of nuts, count as a meal?

And I`m a "retired" athlete lol, so I plan on just doing cardio in the gym or walking, and lifting weights.

If you're doing 5 meals, you should do 5 meals. Not 3 meals and 2 snacks. Meals should always be meals in my opinion, especially for the general population.
One cup of nuts is a lot of calories. A cup of almonds is around 800 calories. A handful of nuts is a more appropriate serving.

One thing you'll notice with the diet you're proposing is that you will become fat adapted. That means that your body will become more efficient at using stored body fat as a source of energy. This is important in appetite suppression and weight loss. Sugar adapted people can suffer from insulin spikes, lightheadedness, and a need to eat around meal times. Fat adpated people can go hours without eating and not feel bad because the body is able to retrieve stored energy.

Like I said, if you're only working out for an hour or two a day, you're not an athlete. You don't need an athlete's schedule, diet, supplementation protocol, etc. You're probably looking for general fitness, so keep everything as simple as it can be.
Any recommendations for a legal designer steroid to use? My test levels are low as hell sometimes, even though Im mad hairy and have a full beard.

I want something I can take orally, and wont be expensive as hell, and wanna know about the workout dedication required with it.

Any experience?
hey guys, can anybody lead me to those rubber grips i seen people use in the gym? gloves isn't enough for me still a little bit painful so my grips slips a lil when doing deadlifts.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

So with the 5 meal a day thing, technically I`m assuming it really translates into 3 meals and 2 snakcs ie: Breakfast,Snack,Lunch Snack,Dinner?
Like would eating an orange and a cup of nuts, count as a meal?

And I`m a "retired" athlete lol, so I plan on just doing cardio in the gym or walking, and lifting weights.
If you're doing 5 meals, you should do 5 meals. Not 3 meals and 2 snacks. Meals should always be meals in my opinion, especially for the general population.
One cup of nuts is a lot of calories. A cup of almonds is around 800 calories. A handful of nuts is a more appropriate serving.

One thing you'll notice with the diet you're proposing is that you will become fat adapted. That means that your body will become more efficient at using stored body fat as a source of energy. This is important in appetite suppression and weight loss. Sugar adapted people can suffer from insulin spikes, lightheadedness, and a need to eat around meal times. Fat adpated people can go hours without eating and not feel bad because the body is able to retrieve stored energy.

Like I said, if you're only working out for an hour or two a day, you're not an athlete. You don't need an athlete's schedule, diet, supplementation protocol, etc. You're probably looking for general fitness, so keep everything as simple as it can be.

lol I wasnt trying to do anything extreme I was just planning on keeping my daily carb intake in the 70-80 range, doesnt a normal diet require about 120 for a male?
Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Any recommendations for a legal designer steroid to use? My test levels are low as hell sometimes, even though Im mad hairy and have a full beard.

I want something I can take orally, and wont be expensive as hell, and wanna know about the workout dedication required with it.

Any experience?
If you have to ask, you probably shouldn't be messing with anything like that. Regardless, this isn't the place to ask either.
Body hair and testosterone levels aren't necessarily correlated as you think they are. How do you know that your testosterone levels are low? Do you have blood work to prove this?

Originally Posted by I LIKE AIR MAXES

heyguys, can anybody lead me to those rubber grips i seen people use inthe gym? gloves isn't enough for me still a little bit painful so mygrips slips a lil when doing deadlif
Chalk. Don't try to take the grip strength requirement out of the deadlift. That's like trying to take the leg work out of the squat(people do this).

LuckyLuchiano, Ideally, stay under 100 grams of carbohydrates per day. It's a general number, but suits most people well. Don't worry about the minute details. Keep it simple and sustainable and enjoy.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by Forgot About Jae

Any recommendations for a legal designer steroid to use? My test levels are low as hell sometimes, even though Im mad hairy and have a full beard.

I want something I can take orally, and wont be expensive as hell, and wanna know about the workout dedication required with it.

Any experience?
If you have to ask, you probably shouldn't be messing with anything like that. Regardless, this isn't the place to ask either.
Body hair and testosterone levels aren't necessarily correlated as you think they are. How do you know that your testosterone levels are low? Do you have blood work to prove this?

Originally Posted by I LIKE AIR MAXES

heyguys, can anybody lead me to those rubber grips i seen people use inthe gym? gloves isn't enough for me still a little bit painful so mygrips slips a lil when doing deadlif
Chalk. Don't try to take the grip strength requirement out of the deadlift. That's like trying to take the leg work out of the squat(people do this).

LuckyLuchiano, Ideally, stay under 100 grams of carbohydrates per day. It's a general number, but suits most people well. Don't worry about the minute details. Keep it simple and sustainable and enjoy.
sub 100 carbs is enough to for my system to start burning? I mean 100 doesnt seem that low
You can burn body fat even with higher levels of carbohydrate intake. This doesn't mean that it is optimal.
You can go lower if you'd like. Basically meat and veggies with tubers/fruit post workout. It can work, and does work. Under 50 grams/day can work better for some people as well.
Originally Posted by nealraj006

You can burn body fat even with higher levels of carbohydrate intake. This doesn't mean that it is optimal.
You can go lower if you'd like. Basically meat and veggies with tubers/fruit post workout. It can work, and does work. Under 50 grams/day can work better for some people as well.

lol tubers?  the reason I was looking at doing a low carb diet is because I was looking at the Atkins for example, which talks about when u lower your carb intake to a certain level, your body will burn the stored fat to make up for the lack of carb intake, am i correct?
I cut at 40% protein 40% carbs and 20% fat. That seems to work best for me. I also don't do cardio as i tend to lose more muscle with it then just controlling it all through diet. everybody's different but that works for me. I also keep calories relatively high for a cut. Didn't go below 3200 last cut. These 1500 and lower calorie diets people do burn too much muscle and prevent people from really lowering bodyfat %.

Originally Posted by LuckyLuchiano

Originally Posted by nealraj006

You can burn body fat even with higher levels of carbohydrate intake. This doesn't mean that it is optimal.
You can go lower if you'd like. Basically meat and veggies with tubers/fruit post workout. It can work, and does work. Under 50 grams/day can work better for some people as well.

lol tubers?  the reason I was looking at doing a low carb diet is because I was looking at the Atkins for example, which talks about when u lower your carb intake to a certain level, your body will burn the stored fat to make up for the lack of carb intake, am i correct?
Root vegetables. Sweet potatoes, yams, etc.
I think it's a mistake to focus on macronutrients for the most part. Focus on food quality and your macronutrient intake will fall into place. You can go on a 0 carbohydrate diet with nothing but shakes and meat, but it's not going to be ideal. Eating vegetables won't hurt you in terms of fat loss. They will also increase your performance/health. Is it worth cutting the carbs from vegetables then? No.
Atkins focuses too much on extremes, which is why it's so popular. Paleo diets are less extreme and still facilitate body recomposition. It's all individual. Play around with a low carb diet and figure out what works for you.
any tips for me?

starting weight was 272

im at 215, trying to get to about 190 before bulk...maybe 185 (6'3)

im taking whey, and 1mr sometimes when i do intense lifting.

eating about 1600-1800 cals a day, high protein low carb/cal (sometimes i increase carbs on leg days)

looking into taking multi, not sure which one to get.

and i feel like i cant lift as heavy as i want to, is this because my diet is so light? am i doing it right? recommendations?

thanks NT fam
Originally Posted by VeEzyV

any tips for me?

starting weight was 272

im at 215, trying to get to about 190 before bulk...maybe 185 (6'3)

im taking whey, and 1mr sometimes when i do intense lifting.

eating about 1600-1800 cals a day, high protein low carb/cal (sometimes i increase carbs on leg days)

looking into taking multi, not sure which one to get.

and i feel like i cant lift as heavy as i want to, is this because my diet is so light? am i doing it right? recommendations?

thanks NT fam

so your pretty much trying to lose weight? is that the goal here?
yea you won't lift as heavy as you want because well you dont eat enough, the goal is i believe is -500 calories deficit based on your maintenance calories. so in a week you'll be losing 1lbs or so.

check some sites that helps you regarding about whats your calories maintenance and go from there, its not healthy or recommended to lose too much weight in so little time.

regarding about supps, im like you im just taking protein and 1mr as my pre workout. but i do take fish oil as one of my supps.
^ tried it, and didn't gain any weight.

Just an extremely strong back- from deadlifting 315 10 sets of 10
I have a question for people who used to be really fat but then slimmed down. Is there any way to lose the gut from being really fat without working out like a maniac? I really dont hit the weights cause my job kills me everyday but I have been watching my calories. Im down from about 250 to 175 right now but my gut is still there even though the rest of my body has thinned out.
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

I have a question for people who used to be really fat but then slimmed down. Is there any way to lose the gut from being really fat without working out like a maniac? I really dont hit the weights cause my job kills me everyday but I have been watching my calories. Im down from about 250 to 175 right now but my gut is still there even though the rest of my body has thinned out.

I went from about 185 to 145 simply by watching what I eat, drinking only water, and running 1-2 miles a day. If that's too much to do then I don't know what to tell you. It was relatively easy. Just have to be disciplined.Since then I have put on a lot of muscle and I'm weighing about 170 right now.... Btw I'm 5"8
Has anyone done the GSP Rushfit workout?

I downloaded the Strength & Endurance one.. was wondering if anyone has done it and possibly give out some tips..
I'm about to start hitting the gym soon for the first time in my life and I'm interested in some sort of protein shake/meal replacement due to the fact that I don't eat much..I know people will recommend pre-made meals to take out with me and all that but I don't have the funds or time for that..Any suggestions?
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I'm about to start hitting the gym soon for the first time in my life and I'm interested in some sort of protein shake/meal replacement due to the fact that I don't eat much..I know people will recommend pre-made meals to take out with me and all that but I don't have the funds or time for that..Any suggestions?
you have funds to buy supplements, but not whole foods? you do realize supplements are pretty pricey, right? As far as not having time just make your weeks worth, or at least a few days worth of meals at one time
Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

I'm about to start hitting the gym soon for the first time in my life and I'm interested in some sort of protein shake/meal replacement due to the fact that I don't eat much..I know people will recommend pre-made meals to take out with me and all that but I don't have the funds or time for that..Any suggestions?
you have funds to buy supplements, but not whole foods? you do realize supplements are pretty pricey, right? As far as not having time just make your weeks worth, or at least a few days worth of meals at one time

Those big protein/meal replacement shake mix jars last like 2 weeks and cost like $30...Chicken, rice, pasta, vegetables/fruit, etc. for 2 weeks is at least $150...I live in NYC where everything is overpriced
It's official like a ref with a whistle.  Hit 300lbs on the bench today.  I think I could actually do 305 or maybe even 310.  Took a vid of it for our website video blog, maybe i'll post it when it's done.
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