Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Whey Protein Isolates have Dangerous Forms of Protein 

All whey protein isolates are devoid of nutritional co-factors including alkalizing minerals, naturally occurring vitamins, and lipids, which are lost in the processing... This renders them deficient and overly acidifying. Unlike whole protein food concentrates which does not acidify your body due to it's alkalinizing minerals, whey protein isolate are over acidifying. 

Whey isolate can be a serious liability.

If chronically consumed in large amounts (such as with bodybuilders or athletes) without alkalizing foods, it can acidify your body and over time may lead to metabolic acidosis with consequences that include waste of muscle and bone tissues, total metabolic shut down, and increased vulnerability to degenerative disease.

Many cheap whey protein isolates are produced from acid cheese; they're byproducts of acid processing, which is a cheap way to separate whey from the curd. Most of these whey products are rated below pet foods because of the inferior quality of the protein, which is actually more of a nitrogen waste product than one that will produce health benefits that are mentioned in the featured study.

Additionally once the fat has been removed from whey protein isolate, you lose some of the most important components of its immunological properties, such as phospholipids, phosphatidylserine and CLA. All of the IgG immunoglobulins, which are an excellent source of glutamine and glutamylcysteine, are also bound to the fat globule, and therefore lost in the processing of whey isolates.

So the bottom line is that if you want to use whey protein, PLEASE do not use an inferior whey isolate as there is no doubt in my mind it will cause more damage to you than benefit.
Too much work to go through all of these pages, but has anyone tried the slow carb diet? I think I might have seen a link in here.. I just started it Monday to give it a try for a month to see how it works. It has been decent, but a little rough.. You guys drink any protein shakes on this diet? 
can someone help me out with breakfast getting kind of bored with my breakfast. i aiming for low carb and low calorie items. i usually rotate instant low calorie flavored oatmeal with a banana, a english muffin with a teaspoon of nutella and a banana, or a egg white omelete with spinach, mushrooms, cheese onions and some times chicken. I eat a banana every morning. I am getting tired of that rotation though and would like to try other things...any suggestions?
Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

so... is it that bad eating only 1000-1500 calories a day?

tryna lose some weight without excercise....

1,000 isn't bad....don't know if you'll lose much though without no work'll prob just be stuck at where you are now.

I've lost 10 pounds in a month...

but my weight loss seems to have stopped now...
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

You just +!$+#! up son's mental game now.
yo I swear every post you make has me 

(see what I did there)
i love my self
get some pics up, skinny

shadykay, what is your height/weight/BF% ??

I'd like to get there by this summer... two or three months 

5'4, 142.8lbs (as of this morning) I have no idea.

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by Its That Dude

so... is it that bad eating only 1000-1500 calories a day?

tryna lose some weight without excercise....

1,000 isn't bad....don't know if you'll lose much though without no work'll prob just be stuck at where you are now.

I've lost 10 pounds in a month...

but my weight loss seems to have stopped now...
yeah, you've lost those pounds to an extent, but you'll hit a peak where you'll have to do MORE than just eat right to shed weight/ reduce your body fat percentage...if it was that easy everybody would not work out and eat healthy, it goes hand in hand.

like i said, you're stuck at a certain weight now...that's natural without any gym work...if you want to keep losing you'll have to add some cardio in whether you want to or not.....or cut down your calorie intake even more...which probably isn't healthy in the long run, because there's a certain amount of protein that your body should take in each all depends on your age and weight.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

can someone help me out with breakfast getting kind of bored with my breakfast. i aiming for low carb and low calorie items. i usually rotate instant low calorie flavored oatmeal with a banana, a english muffin with a teaspoon of nutella and a banana, or a egg white omelete with spinach, mushrooms, cheese onions and some times chicken. I eat a banana every morning. I am getting tired of that rotation though and would like to try other things...any suggestions?

apple, or orange.....

yogurt, bagle with low fat creme cheese....

cooked noodles (not ramen) with a little soy sauce, very small can add a graham cracker or two for something sweet in the morning....

one waffle with light butter and a half cup of orange juice.
you guys should look up "DieselWeasel" on youtube and look at some of his videos. atrocious form, i don't know how this dude is still standing. my favourite is when he does the clean and press
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

can someone help me out with breakfast getting kind of bored with my breakfast. i aiming for low carb and low calorie items. i usually rotate instant low calorie flavored oatmeal with a banana, a english muffin with a teaspoon of nutella and a banana, or a egg white omelete with spinach, mushrooms, cheese onions and some times chicken. I eat a banana every morning. I am getting tired of that rotation though and would like to try other things...any suggestions?

I swear that you asked this same question, almost word for word, about a month ago, and I answered it...

nvmind I didn't.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

can someone help me out with breakfast getting kind of bored with my breakfast. i aiming for low carb and low calorie items. i usually rotate instant low calorie flavored oatmeal with a banana, a english muffin with a teaspoon of nutella and a banana, or a egg white omelete with spinach, mushrooms, cheese onions and some times chicken. I eat a banana every morning. I am getting tired of that rotation though and would like to try other things...any suggestions?

I swear that you asked this same question, almost word for word, about a month ago, and I answered it...

nvmind I didn't.
lol i did? i probably re asked because i didnt get an answer. can you answer it now though? if it was answered then nvm.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by SoleWoman

can someone help me out with breakfast getting kind of bored with my breakfast. i aiming for low carb and low calorie items. i usually rotate instant low calorie flavored oatmeal with a banana, a english muffin with a teaspoon of nutella and a banana, or a egg white omelete with spinach, mushrooms, cheese onions and some times chicken. I eat a banana every morning. I am getting tired of that rotation though and would like to try other things...any suggestions?

I swear that you asked this same question, almost word for word, about a month ago, and I answered it...

nvmind I didn't.
lol i did? i probably re asked because i didnt get an answer. can you answer it now though?

- 1 Cup steelcut oatmeal with a little bit of brown sugar and a hardboiled egg.

- Scrambled eggs, turkey bacon and 1 slice of whole wheat bread. 

- Sometimes I just have anytype of egg + any breakfast lean-meat.

- Whole wheat pancakes, ff syrup, butter.

I try to keep carbs low as possible unless I'm carb-ing up that day or its squat/deadlift day for me.
how do i lose stomach fat quickly?

i do crunches but not alot because my stomach gives me a painful charlie horse and cramps up.. so i basically do half !+* sit ups..

any other methods in losing stomach fat .. to obtain six pack/
Originally Posted by kidUFC

how do i lose stomach fat quickly?

i do crunches but not alot because my stomach gives me a painful charlie horse and cramps up.. so i basically do half !+* sit ups..

any other methods in losing stomach fat .. to obtain six pack/
you can't spot reduce. HIIT, diet, weights.
i want to lose fat as well, from what i read people say do hiit but i dont know how hiit is and how to do it...............
any help?
Anyone know where I can get a diet nutrition meal plan? Like a specific grocery list of what to get for breakfast lunch dinner? Im 180 right now (6'0") and used to be 170 and would like to be back at it. Cause of school and busy schedule I don't seem to find the time to work out consistantly at the gym. I think if I can get a sort of nutrition guide that lists the foods i can eat I can commit myself to at least keep myself at a steady weight. Anyone point me in the right diection?
Originally Posted by GregOdensBedpan

Originally Posted by kidUFC

how do i lose stomach fat quickly?

i do crunches but not alot because my stomach gives me a painful charlie horse and cramps up.. so i basically do half !+* sit ups..

any other methods in losing stomach fat .. to obtain six pack/
you can't spot reduce. HIIT, diet, weights.

what is spot reduce, HIIT..?

im new to losing fat.. so please be patient with me..

btw.. im not fat.. just have some stomach fat i want to lose.
Originally Posted by kidUFC

Originally Posted by GregOdensBedpan

Originally Posted by kidUFC

how do i lose stomach fat quickly?

i do crunches but not alot because my stomach gives me a painful charlie horse and cramps up.. so i basically do half !+* sit ups..

any other methods in losing stomach fat .. to obtain six pack/
you can't spot reduce. HIIT, diet, weights.

what is spot reduce, HIIT..?

im new to losing fat.. so please be patient with me..

btw.. im not fat.. just have some stomach fat i want to lose.
Spot reduce as in losing specific areas of fat.... like stomach. arm flab, $!$!! ****, theighs, kankles, love handles, etc etc.
You can not specifically pick an area and lose fat there.

GregOden is saying to focus in on HIIT (google it), diet, and weights in order to successfully lose fat overall. 
Y'all need to hit up GOOGLE for real!

There are millions of articles on the questions most of you are some research!
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