Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

^I think your problem is that you were only motivated by women. You need some inspiration to get off your %*! and go to the gym without being phased.

Word. Girls didn't approach me before and don't now.. not that I've exploded in size or anything... but I've just stopped caring about how females think about my physique.

What keeps me motivated?
This thread.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

^I think your problem is that you were only motivated by women. You need some inspiration to get off your %*! and go to the gym without being phased.

Word. Girls didn't approach me before and don't now.. not that I've exploded in size or anything... but I've just stopped caring about how females think about my physique.

What keeps me motivated?
This thread.
cuz of the other muscley dudes?
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by bijald0331

That rugby dude's tat is something serious.
and I don't even tattoos that much.
i know right? if i was samoan i'd get one of those in a heartbeat. so sick.

You have to be Samoan? Well... uhh... good thing I used pencil on this list right here... *sadly erases*
Building muscle takes soooooooo damn long.

but.... everyone worried about their physique when I can't even worry about tanning haha
fix it = hit the beach and tan your whole body it will catch up

bunch of amateurs in here i swear

nah but for real your arms are looking good, def your best feature which makes me jealous since my arms are the toughest things for me to grow
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

^How do you fix that? I got that too where the skin past your t-shirt is tanned haha
I got mine just from driving. You could try wrapping your left arm in a towel or a shirt
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

^I think your problem is that you were only motivated by women. You need some inspiration to get off your %*! and go to the gym without being phased.
LOL what can I say? Women are my only vice besides cursing... I'll try my best to keep up with this thread and see if the motivation remains...

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by 18th letter

Probably around 190.

When doing deadlifts, does the bar ever scrape y'alls shins up? I hate doing them because I do em, they scrape and I bleed, I get scabs, then when I go to do them again, i just scrape the scabs off again.
Its a real pain in the !$$

either you have the bar too close to your shins, or you've got a bar than has a lot of rough texture to grip on it 
It can either be;
-your stance too wide; you technique/form is off
- it's a @@*@%! bar where the knurling extends too far towards the center
- your body mechanics force you to take a wider than optimal stance

Are your shoulders behind the bar when you deadlift?

If it's a @@*@%! bar or your body mechanics just force you to take a wider stance then just wear sweat pants.
Yeah it's probably my form, I'm going to try and work on that next time. Its sort of hard though, because I have to try to remember what I saw from youtube videos once I get in the gym. I have never seen anyone do a deadlift before at my gym so I have nobody whose form I can watch.
Originally Posted by bbllplaya23

Ok can someone help me out? 
I weigh about 155 pounds and am 5'5. I want to cut down to about 145 in a month or so, reasonable goal? 

I have been hitting the gym basically everyday this summer. I run for 30 minutes (about 3.5 miles) 4 times a week. My question is, do you think I should switch to do HIIT 3-4 times a week instead? 

This is my basic workout plan:

Monday: Back/Bi's/Tri's, 30 min cardio

Tuesday: 30 min cardio, Ab Ripper X

Wednesday: Shoulder/Legs

Thursday: 30 min cardio, Ab Ripper X

Friday: Chest/Bi's/Tri's

Saturday: 30 min cardio, Ab Ripper X

Sunday: Either rest or cardio depending on how I feel

Also, can someone let me know what you think of this workout plan? Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Last question, can someone help me with what supplements to take. I've been working out on and off for 5-6 years (more off for the past 2-3 years other than summer
) but have never really taken any supplements. I use to take protein but now I just try to get it more from natural foods. I started taking N.O. about 3 months ago and like it. Once I finish, I will probably get on jacked. But are there any other supplements I can take to help me out with weight loss? 

Thanks for the help guys. 
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Starting next week I plan on changing my routine to:

Monday: Chest + Back + Abs
Tuesday: Biceps + Triceps + Shoulders
Wednesday: Legs + Abs
Thursday: Rest or Abs (Abs if I don't do it on Wednesday)
Friday: Chest + Back
Saturday: Biceps + Triceps + Shoulders
Sunday: Rest/Abs

Anyone doing anything similar? Would you recommend this split?

My current routine is:

Monday: Chest + Triceps + Abs
Tuesday: Back + Biceps
Wednesday: Legs + Shoulders + Abs
Thursday: Rest or Abs (Abs if I don't do it on Wednesday)
Friday: Chest + Triceps
Saturday: Back + Biceps
Sunday: Rest/Abs

Originally Posted by HardWork919

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

^I think your problem is that you were only motivated by women. You need some inspiration to get off your %*! and go to the gym without being phased.
LOL what can I say? Women are my�only�vice besides cursing... I'll try my best to keep up with this thread and see if the motivation remains...

Maybe I should have clarified....motivation and inspiration are two different things. Motivation puts you in a sort of state where you're ready to undergo certain tasks, but it's only temporary. Inspiration runs much deeper (Ex. My swag...) and puts you in's like comparing battery power to Nuclear power, yadidamean?

For a more tangible reference....



For me at least...I don't know about you but a girl can't get me to go workout and get in shape, but knowing� a man in his 60's completing Iron Man competitions while burdened with the load of his paraplegic son will.
^I'm only doing a 3 day works better for me. More time for muscles to actually build muscle. I used to do what you're doing but....yeah I just started burning out easier and I was plateauing more.

Brett: Walk around shirtless. What are you ashamed of?
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Starting next week I plan on changing my routine to:

Monday: Chest + Back + Abs
Tuesday: Biceps + Triceps + Shoulders
Wednesday: Legs + Abs
Thursday: Rest or Abs (Abs if I don't do it on Wednesday)
Friday: Chest + Back
Saturday: Biceps + Triceps + Shoulders
Sunday: Rest/Abs

Anyone doing anything similar? Would you recommend this split?

My current routine is:

Monday: Chest + Triceps + Abs
Tuesday: Back + Biceps
Wednesday: Legs + Shoulders + Abs
Thursday: Rest or Abs (Abs if I don't do it on Wednesday)
Friday: Chest + Triceps
Saturday: Back + Biceps
Sunday: Rest/Abs

-Abs once a week.
-Shoulders, Chest, Tricep on the same day. Why? Because your shoulders are hit in chest exercises and vice versa so you may as well target both. Triceps receive enough work from your chest exercises to suffice, however 3x of tricep pull downs may not hurt.
-Back, Biceps on the same day.
-Legs, Abs on the same day.

Monday - Chest, tri, shoulders
Tuesday - rest
Wednesday - Back Biceps
Thursday - rest
Friday - chest, tri, shoulders
Sat or Sun - Legs, abs

Now... depending on your goals you may want to do biceps/back on monday and friday, with chest day on wednesday.
Blazan, I agree with what Illest and brett posted to some degree...Illest is on point when he says going hard can actually be counterproductive...from the setup you posted for your new regimen it would lead to overtraining in my eyes. Illest's routine is basically the same one I used about a month ago and it worked out pretty good. Brett's routine I used about 6 months ago and it certainly did stress those "family" muscle groups like the chest, shoulders, tricep grouping.

My thing now because I wanted some form of change is that I went from doing a single muscle group per day like what Illest posted to doing a modified version of Brett's.

Right now I do
Day 1 - Chest, Shoulders, Biceps

Day 2 - Legs

Day 3 - Back, Lats, Traps, Triceps,

Often the problem with us is that we're not satisfied unless we work the same muscles 2x a week or something along those lines...So the big switch I did was to switch the tricep/bicep muscles to days where they were worked along with an opposing "family" muscle group. This way I work triceps through my chest excercises on day 1 then rest and later in the week I do direct tricep excercises...working them actually 2x a week and the same deal goes for biceps.

But i've gotten to the point were I realize that direct biceps work is only for my ego and seeing it in the mirror so I limit it to 1-2 excercises with 3 sets.

For me its a nice slight switch to what Brett did and eventually i'll cycle back to exactly bretts routine and then illests then this one with different excercises in each workout.
Yeah man I agree with all that ^^^

In my opinion, no actual isolation exercises should be done with a few exceptions.
i.e. chest/tri/shoulder day will have bench, dip, military press, and incline fly (which I find still hits my shoulders).
The girl is Hyori Lee.

and if you really want to go to fix that farmers tan (if you were serious) beach, or you can play ball half naked, get a arm sleeve to cover it.

eventually it wont be as noticeable.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

i.e. chest/tri/shoulder day will have bench, dip, military press, and incline fly (which I find still hits my shoulders).
This was one of my main problems because I feel my chest is my strongest feature but about 2 years ago I was developing the look of a saggy chest from doing flat presses.  I don't do any flat press especially not decline press for my chest....everything I do focuses on hitting the top portion of the chest near the collar bone.  Another problem was that I felt the higher the incline on the bench the better it would hit the top portion of the chest...WRONG...I used to do db presses and db flyes at a 70 degree angle and it was hitting the shoulders more than the I put the bench at 35-45 degree angle and it hits the upper chest way more and I have a more well rounded chest because of it.
^ thats interesting.

I hate the saggy chest type aesthetically, even though my goal is performance rather than looks. Do you think it would help to focus more on inclince (bb and db) rather than flat?

Im on a compound programme (strong lifts) and the only sort of chest exercise is flat bb bench and push ups.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Starting next week I plan on changing my routine to:

Monday: Chest + Back + Abs
Tuesday: Biceps + Triceps + Shoulders
Wednesday: Legs + Abs
Thursday: Rest or Abs (Abs if I don't do it on Wednesday)
Friday: Chest + Back
Saturday: Biceps + Triceps + Shoulders
Sunday: Rest/Abs

Anyone doing anything similar? Would you recommend this split?

My current routine is:

Monday: Chest + Triceps + Abs
Tuesday: Back + Biceps
Wednesday: Legs + Shoulders + Abs
Thursday: Rest or Abs (Abs if I don't do it on Wednesday)
Friday: Chest + Triceps
Saturday: Back + Biceps
Sunday: Rest/Abs

What are you goals man? that would help a little.
Personally, I wouldn't do Chest/Back on the same day since they are both the two largest muscle groups on your upper body.

I do one large muscle group per day and also add a smaller muscle (or two).

for example...

Monday: Large muscle is CHEST. smaller muscle targeted are SHOULDERS

Tuesday: Large muscle is BACK. smaller muscle targeted are the TRAPS

Wednesday:Large muscle targeted is LEGS. smaller muscle targeted...nothing.

Thursday: no large muscle targeted. Biceps and Triceps are both worked to the Max.

Rest for the rest of the weekend.

There is nothing wrong with your current routine IMO. If your looking just to confuse your muscles just switch the exercises up a little.

Good luck tho whichever way you decide.
I lurk in here, and don't really say much. I don't have pics before I started going to the gym but I've been going for about 18 months regularly. I weigh 230 6'3. I don't take any powder/pills etc. I just eat and drink, try to stay away from fried/junk food. I see a lot of peoples routines consisting of chest/back in the same day. I think it's important to know the secondary function of each workout and combine. My workout is 3 days a week. I don't do any squatting or dead lifts, always been concerned with the long term effects, might be all mental but the motion of each worry me. Some of these works out seem extremely intense, rest is important. I hope you guys are sleeping. I'm happy with my size, just wanna lose my stomach, will update with pics.

Monday- Chest/Tri/Shoulders
Weds- Back/Biceps
Fri- Legs/Core
Originally Posted by I3

^ thats interesting.

I hate the saggy chest type aesthetically, even though my goal is performance rather than looks. Do you think it would help to focus more on inclince (bb and db) rather than flat?

Im on a compound programme (strong lifts) and the only sort of chest exercise is flat bb bench and push ups.
I personally feel that flat bench is more for strength purposes as well as giving you a nice rounded shape at the bottom of your chest.  BUT if you have been doing flat bench work which most of us started out with because its such a staple of resistance training then it leads me to believe that the bottom portion of the chest for most people who have stayed dedicated to the gym for a year or so is already on point. 

I supplement doing regular benching by doing different types of pushups which you've been doing so I think you should give incline flyes, incline press, guilottine press or what have you at a medium incline...learn from my mistake and don't put the bench up too high unless your targeting the anterior delts.

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