Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by MaddenFan04

Does anyone remember a website that maybe was posted in this thread that had a guide to cutting to the extreme before a big event such as a beach? It was a downloadable to a link that may have been posted. It was to be used only a few times a year to look good at a particular time.
you talking about ? I posted it a while ago. There's a free e-book by the author of the site about what you're talking about. Give it a look.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

by the way.... GOMAD - gallon of milk a day = success. Two weeks and I've gone up a steady 8 lbs.
...lets just say that it's not all muscle
. It's feeling good at 170lb body weight but I'd like to be that at <10%BF.
You sure that is safe man?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

by the way.... GOMAD - gallon of milk a day = success. Two weeks and I've gone up a steady 8 lbs.
...lets just say that it's not all muscle
. It's feeling good at 170lb body weight but I'd like to be that at <10%BF.
You sure that is safe man?
You must have missed the big argument we had in here a few weeks ago about GOMAD.
Sweet potato, Yay or Nay, to add into a daily diet?
100 calories, tried it in a restaurant yesterday night and it was delicious.
Daily, I would say no because of boredom. But I personally like Roasted Sweet (or regular) Potatoes.

Cut in cubes
Salt, Pepper, Olive Oil, ROsemary
Bake @ 350 until they are nice and crispy

How was it prepared at the rest.?
Baked or steam cooked, it was cut into long slices with vinegar or some sour after taste. Pretty damn good.

Healthwise/ stay fit- would anyone suggest for me to add this into one of my daily meals? Perhaps cut in half? I'm currently only taking 1,700-1,8 calories a day. Or should it remain purely as a cheat meal.

I've been looking up more info. about sweet potatoes and i think it would be acceptable in my diet, but i want to hear someone's opinion.
Lower back and hips are super effed from dead lifts.

I was told my core it too weak for all that weight.

Any advice?
Originally Posted by nealraj006

Originally Posted by MaddenFan04

Does anyone remember a website that maybe was posted in this thread that had a guide to cutting to the extreme before a big event such as a beach? It was a downloadable to a link that may have been posted. It was to be used only a few times a year to look good at a particular time.
you talking about ? I posted it a while ago. There's a free e-book by the author of the site about what you're talking about. Give it a look.
Thanks man that's what I was looking for, I do have a lot of time to look for that but damn 300+ pages to search thru?
Originally Posted by Wraith aka invincible

it depends on how you're preparing does have it's benefits though

Yea, that is the exact page i was looking at. Wiki(reliable source?) stated that it was ranked highest among other vegetables in nutritional value; that being said, i'm definitely adding this to my diet perhaps only twice or thrice a week, but it is being added.

Thanks for all the responses.
I decided to change up my cardio workout.

Would biking about 10 miles 2 days a week be good enough?
Originally Posted by BangDak

I decided to change up my cardio workout.

Would biking about 10 miles 2 days a week be good enough?
If i could go back in time and change something about my workout, would be less cardio/hiit. It led me to have a disproportionate body(torso? and legs are too thin compared to arms), which i am slowly fixing.

In other words, just do light cardio, but keep at it. Good results take time, remember to focus on everything not solely one single part of your body.
Just got this on sale at GNC for 25$ and a tub of Glutamine. I was wondering if any of y'all have used this whey before and how effective was it?

Alright guys I need you to school me on resistance strength training...I seriously am in need of good info on this. I'm tired of doing 8-12 reps with about the same weights i've been using for a year now with a little increase here and there.

I just want to know all there is to know about strength training because right now I think it would be a good move for me to switch things up:

1. I've heard of bill starrs, rippetoes, stronglifts, and other which one would be a good program to start with that would help me add strength while maybe gaining some lean mass in the process?

2. Should I stick to compound lifts or is it okay to mix compound with isolation excercises.

3. Should now be a good time to start taking creatine, because i've heard that it supposedly helps with the strength gain's among other things.

4. how many days a week/whats a good split to do each week...full body couple times a week or different muscles groups each day?

5. I've heard that strength training makes your muscles more dense or there any truth to this? It would be something i'm looking for...

any strength training advice would be appreciated.
Originally Posted by BlackChiney06

Just got this on sale at GNC for 25$ and a tub of Glutamine. I was wondering if any of y'all have used this whey before and how effective was it?

it protein won't really affect your gain much
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