Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

^^^ Yea my diet was crap that day. I didn't eat how I should have that day.
I'm looking to lean up more while staying in the 170-180 range (I'm 178 now).
Definition is coming, except at my biceps. It was always flipping difficult for me to get the results I want on my biceps.

Todays diet was a bit better though.
As always, I'm always open to suggestions.

Breakfast: 1 whole egg, 3 whites with chopped chicken breast (Costco made chicken), onions and green peppers on a whole wheat wrap.
Snack - Cliff bar
Lunch - Tuna and salad on whole wheat sandwich thin.
Snack - Peanut butter with sugar free jelly on Whole wheat thin.
Dinner - Ate a grilled chicken breast not to long ago and will eat a bowl of lettuce when I get back from gym.

Heading to gym now to work out shoulders and abs. Hate the fact its raining, otherwise I'd be out running.
Will have to settle for the bike.
All I can say is Grease the Groove most certainly works. I used it before for pull ups and now I'm using it for L-sit and Planche progressions. It's only been a few days and I have noticed the holds have gotten easier and I can hold them for longer. If any of you want to work on bodyweight moves like handstands, pull ups, push ups, etc., this is a great way to improve your numbers pretty quickly.
Deadlifted 295 5 times for a new Pr today... after doing military press and squats.... my ankles are so fragile now
Originally Posted by nealraj006

All I can say is Grease the Groove most certainly works. I used it before for pull ups and now I'm using it for L-sit and Planche progressions. It's only been a few days and I have noticed the holds have gotten easier and I can hold them for longer. If any of you want to work on bodyweight moves like handstands, pull ups, push ups, etc., this is a great way to improve your numbers pretty quickly.
I actually might give this a shot starting in a few weeks.

Its basically just a bunch of sub-max reps throughout the day, right?
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by nealraj006

All I can say is Grease the Groove most certainly works. I used it before for pull ups and now I'm using it for L-sit and Planche progressions. It's only been a few days and I have noticed the holds have gotten easier and I can hold them for longer. If any of you want to work on bodyweight moves like handstands, pull ups, push ups, etc., this is a great way to improve your numbers pretty quickly.
I actually might give this a shot starting in a few weeks.

Its basically just a bunch of sub-max reps throughout the day, right?
Basically. Here's a good pdf on it. He explained it very well in an easy to understand way. Short and simple:
Greasing the Groove to Increase Reps.pdf
I'm 22, looking to gain about ten pounds. I'm 5'7, 146 lbs, I want to get to about 155 lbs.

I take Bodytech Ultimate Man Elite multivitamins, natural fish oil Omega 3, and Bodytech tech x mass weight gainer formula.

I workout about 4 times a week, do very little cardio, and eat fairly well. I try to start the day off by loading on carbs and fiber such as oatmeal or cereal along with a fruit. Then i eat grilled chicken or tuna.

As far as my workout goes, if I'm trying to get mass, should I do higher weight, lower reps, or vice versa??

Also, is it a bad idea to drink a protein shake before I workout? The weight gainer says 4 scoops daily, and someone recommended I do two scoops before workout, and two scoops after the workout....
Originally Posted by majik214

I'm 22, looking to gain about ten pounds. I'm 5'7, 146 lbs, I want to get to about 155 lbs.

I take Bodytech Ultimate Man Elite multivitamins, natural fish oil Omega 3, and Bodytech tech x mass weight gainer formula.

I workout about 4 times a week, do very little cardio, and eat fairly well. I try to start the day off by loading on carbs and fiber such as oatmeal or cereal along with a fruit. Then i eat grilled chicken or tuna.

As far as my workout goes, if I'm trying to get mass, should I do higher weight, lower reps, or vice versa??

Also, is it a bad idea to drink a protein shake before I workout? The weight gainer says 4 scoops daily, and someone recommended I do two scoops before workout, and two scoops after the workout....
It tells you four scoops a day because they want you to run out fast and buy more.
You don't need more than 1 a day.. 2 at most on traning days.
To gain size do higher reps (and therefore somewhat reduced weight). Shoot for 10 reps in each set.
Focus on compound movements i.e. deadlift squat military press bench press and rows. These exercises will target the most muscle and hep you put on size.
Increase your caloric intake. Milk is helping me with that.. I drink 4L a day.

Eat and lift.
So question for those in this thread who are already certified PTs. Did you get your certificate online? What do you think about NASM?

I'm pretty good looking right now and I think if I get certified now during summer I could build a client base for Jan 2011.

Any help/guidance would be much appreciated.
Originally Posted by bruza

Ran 10 miles today. Got a half marathon on saturday.Reading this thread makes me think i rely toomuch on cardio nowadays. I dropped 20+ lbslast yr and kinda got "addicted" to running. I stilldo pushups. Never been a big fan of weights tho.Not tryna bulk up just be cut.
good stuff man 
.. im trying to get back in my running routine.. been running 5s and 10ks every other day.. hopefully i can get back to doing 21s by mid summer. 
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by bruza

Ran 10 miles today. Got a half marathon on saturday.Reading this thread makes me think i rely toomuch on cardio nowadays. I dropped 20+ lbslast yr and kinda got "addicted" to running. I stilldo pushups. Never been a big fan of weights tho.Not tryna bulk up just be cut.
good stuff man 
.. im trying to get back in my running routine.. been running 5s and 10ks every other day.. hopefully i can get back to doing 21s by mid summer. 
You sure that you can handle that? Many, many people that run long(er) distances for extended periods of time start to develop joint problems later in life. If you like running and haven't yet looked into it, search up "barefoot running"
Not just you, but anyone else that runs longer distances on a regular basis. It would suck to get bad knees later in life when you can prevent it.
I noticed a weird quirk of mine today.

If theres 2 sets of dumbbells, ill grab the set thats next to the lighter dumbbells.

If im using 40s, ill grab the set of weights that is next to the 35s and not the 45s.

Im weird.
Is there really a difference between taking regular whey protein and casein?

And has anyone ever thrown in a scoop of peanut butter in their shake?
Originally Posted by HyphySole

Is there really a difference between taking regular whey protein and casein?

And has anyone ever thrown in a scoop of peanut butter in their shake?
Whey = Fast Digesting

Casein = Slow Digesting

And plenty of people add peanut butter to there shakes.
anyone have the guy that rocks the 59/50 in the gym? dude that goes to my gym wears one the matches his bball shorts everyday. he takes it off before every set. its pretty funny.
Originally Posted by Durden7

I noticed a weird quirk of mine today.

If theres 2 sets of dumbbells, ill grab the set thats next to the lighter dumbbells.

If im using 40s, ill grab the set of weights that is next to the 35s and not the 45s.

Im weird.
That's not weird.
Originally Posted by HyphySole

I knew that but whats the benefit to having slow absorbing protein?

at night, but it really doesn't matter if you have a slow or fast if you met your macros for the day

On my bulk today my macros #'s are crazy, still getting use to having such high numbers compared to being on a cut  98g of fat/398g of carbs/ 167g of protein
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