Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Starting Insanity today. I'm going to be doing my morning weight training in the gym still and adding in Insanity at night. Two a days baby!
i was lifting religiously with my roommate for the past two weeks and on friday i came down hard on my ankle playing ball. the doctor told me it was a severe sprain and to stay off of it for two weeks. does anyone have any suggestions for things i can do and still stay off of it by either lifting or abs or anything? thanks
well you can still work out your abs of course. Anything lying down or where you're hanging or supporting yourself with your upper body is okay.
Alright guys I'm still on my quest to a better carbohydrate post workout and I've researched the chocolate syrup but my man Hyper Cutter posted about Dextrose and I never really researched until now...Supposedly it's the safer of the big three in the bb world the others being Maltodextrin and dextrin. Dextrose is made out of corn sugar and is supposed to be a High GI carb. Well I found that a local organic store near my house sells this kind of dextrose by NOW foods:


While this version is on bb sites


For those that take dextrose is there any difference between the seems to be a table sugar and the other seems more geared to people who workout so would it hurt to take the first one with my pwo shake? Both are manufactured by the same company btw.
oh of course DC, I'm usually an all natural guy but after an intense workout session I can't stomach food post workout so I turn to an easier on the stomach alternative like ON natural whey mixed with 1% milk along with either a banana or an organic skinless potato. I always like to experiment to see what works best for me so thats the reason why I want to try dextrose as a pwo carb then take in a meal about 45 -60 minutes after that when my body has calmed down.
I wonder what is going on inside that stomch of yours. You aren't the first to say that you can't stomach food. Does it give you gas, cramps, what does it feel like exactly. Have you spoken to a DR or a trained professional about what the issue could be?

You only get this feeling after a workout right? I really want to know what that is called.
working out three days a week is killing me... I love this program for the strength I'm gaining, but I HATE limiting the amount I can work out.

Especially being unemployed
Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

Can anyone recommend a shoe that helps with shin splints?
If this has been a recurring problem: stretching and you need to hit RunningRoom and get an assessment of your foot. They'll direct you to which type of shoe to get.
I was suffering from shin splits for 3 months.
I started running on dirt trail (month) and started wearing compression socks.

I run 3 times a week (4-9 miles on the pavement) and haven't had problems with shin splits since.
Originally Posted by Me4u2Night

Originally Posted by damnTHOSEjs

Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

Can anyone recommend a shoe that helps with shin splints?
If this has been a recurring problem: stretching and you need to hit RunningRoom and get an assessment of your foot. They'll direct you to which type of shoe to get.
I was suffering from shin splits for 3 months.
I started running on dirt trail (month) and started wearing compression socks.

I run 3 times a week (4-9 miles on the pavement) and haven't had problems with shin splits since.
try not to do sudden stops as well, it puts a lot of pressure on the shins. To prevent the problem, I try to warm up properly, stretch, rub the shins before and after running.
Can someone give me some feedback on my routine? I wanna bulk up.

Also, I weigh 140 lbs, so how many calories should I consume? An online calculator said that I needed around 2700 calories, but I'm not too sure how reliable that is.

Day 1: Back and biceps


-EZ Bar Curl 7x3
-Hammer curl 7x3
- Concentration Curl 7x3
- Machine curl 5x1


-Wide grip lat pulldown 8x3
-Seated Row 8x3
- DB Bent over row 8x3

Day 2: Chest, shoulders, triceps


-DB press 7x3
-Flies on machine 7x3
-Incline Press 7x3


Machine 7x3
DB lateral Raise 7x3


-Pulldowns 7x3
-Dips 7x3
-Machine pulldown 7x3

I usually switch between chest and shoulders, and then I do triceps at the end and my tris are usually fried, but I dont want to work out my tris in between chest exercises because then I wont be able to fully work out my chest because my triceps would be worked out.
Should I switch up how I split my days?

I also do legs, but I just do a few machines.

Also, how realistic is getting a six pack by the end of August? I have a little gut.

One last question: How long should I bulk for? I'm thinking 2 months, and then 2 month cut.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

oh of course DC, I'm usually an all natural guy but after an intense workout session I can't stomach food post workout so I turn to an easier on the stomach alternative like ON natural whey mixed with 1% milk along with either a banana or an organic skinless potato. I always like to experiment to see what works best for me so thats the reason why I want to try dextrose as a pwo carb then take in a meal about 45 -60 minutes after that when my body has calmed down.

have you been cooking stuff medium-rare? it's possible you may need too prepare your food another way. boiled eggs, any type of runny eggs gives me diahrea i have to sure they're completely dry before i can eat it. meats have to be well done also. 
Those two dextrose powders are the same exact thing. Same company/brand, etc... Dextrose is just dextrose, there aren't really different versions of it.
My lower back has been killing me after I squat.  I have asked various trainers in the gym to watch my form and they that nothing is wrong, they say my form is perfect.I have also read , watched various videos on youtube and I just do not know what is going on.  I only have 135 on the bar.  When ever I start to jog or play ball, I have to quit playing.  I was using the free motion machine, but I feel I get more out of squatting by using the bar.  I have only been at it for 3 weeks but, that is too long to still be having back pain. Can any body out there give me pointers.  I am also warming up a stretching before and after I work out.  Help please... 
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Those two dextrose powders are the same exact thing. Same company/brand, etc... Dextrose is just dextrose, there aren't really different versions of it.

Yea i figured that out today...I went to this health food emporium here in queens and that place is great...good prices on the same things trader joes and whole foods sells, its actually 1 block away from my college and it has its own cafe with food from different companies that they stock.  Great place to go and eat and chill out where no one can bother you.

I'm going to try the dextrose pwo and see how that works for me.

The reason I say I can't stomach food pwo is because at the end of my workout i'm drained which you should be depending on what your working towards and I feel bloated after eating a balanced meal meaning vegetables (usually broccoli, brussel sprouts, or asparagus) a grain like rice or cous cous and chicken.  I did that for like 2-3 months last year and that was not easy on me so I had to switch it up to a pwo shake.
with the lower back i always try to stretch it out too after sets of squats
also it may have to do with your core strength, core includes lower back
so strengthen that up and you should be good
I need some help trying to put on about 10+ lbs, muscle weight or whatever. I'm pretty lean already but everytime I do so I seem to just get tone. I try increasing my food intake with more protein but should I add whey protein in the diet?

on my right forearm I get a weird tingly thats an uncomfortable feeling not so much pain, for the past few weeks when I got on the eliptical. It was weird nothing else not running not lifting heavy weights but the eliptical. But today I got it doing shoulder front raises. Does anybody have an idea of what this could be? I pmed durden as well but maybe somebody heard of this before?
Well looks like im gaining weight.. which is good, im about 147, hopefully i'll push it to 150-155 then just maintain at that level and lean out. Its winter here, so its not too bad. As long as I can see some definition and strength gains.. its all good.

I dont know if I can cut anymore though, I hate losing mass, but I love the definition!
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by NjCollector

how many days a week can you do hiit(8cycles, 1:2)?

I've heard people only do it 2-3 times a week
i've been doing 6/7 days, is that too much? I feel like i'm burning out(4th week in doing this)

edit- but i am seeing amazing results, all i need to lose now is my lower abdominal fat or get it toned. That's why i want to stop hiit and take on something else. Any suggestions?
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Anyone interested in doing Insanity? I have a few extra disks sitting around.

First person to reply gets them.

PM me your address.

The only thing, they aren't formatted to work in ALL DVD players. Will work on your PC using VLC Media PLayer. So if you can stream from your PC to your TV then you are straight.
i was just wondering about the program. Is it worth it? I'd check it out if you haven't given em away yet.
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