Stay friends with an ex? yay or nay

Originally Posted by DaNiKeRhiNo

Originally Posted by BOTTOM74BOTTOM

I tried. I failed. I took more damage than if I'd have just let her fade into Oblivion BOLIVIAN to begin with.
True words spoken (typed).
Aye, chill out son..
Originally Posted by derventa

Originally Posted by niketalk7

so.... how should i break it off with her then.....?

i work with her right now ....and we broke up a little over a month ago.. however, i was stupid and got her this job hoping it would help us get back together.....

we talk with each other at work and eat lunch together occasionally, so how do i go about breaking ties with her...? just stop talking to her all of a sudden or what cuz that seems kinda douchey
Go up to her and explain that you do no want to continue to be friends as it does not benefit you in anyway (you got the boys for that.) Seriously, you'd rather do that 'friend' stuff with your boys. You do not need female 'friends,' we all just wanna smash and friends do not smash each other. (no ayo)
 I know you're still sweating her and it ain't never gonna stop as long as you're friends with her. Simply approach her and tell her the deal.
She'll think long and hard about what you said to her, and from then on she'll make her choice of coming back to you, or offing you completely. 

You just gotta have the "I don't give a +**%" mentality. Because right now, she is just holding you for emotional support, and eventually she's gonna come to YOU asking for relationship advice with the next guy.

Good luck, and upate us. 

Cut the *!@%**!* convos. Smile. Hi. Smile. Bye. Thats it.  Dont text her. Dont call her. Dont act like your sad or mad around her. Project that you dont give a +%%! about her.  Its gonna be hard, but once you master this she'll either:
1) get the point and leave you alone or
2) realize that she needs you; then the power will be in your hands 

cut it off completely. do your own thing. If you were going to be friends it will happen. Dont let her control this part cause it will never turn out well
Originally Posted by BigBallinBruce

Originally Posted by niketalk7

the thing is.. i'm still trying/wanting to get back with her, but i think she's already moved on.... and that she's already feeling some other dude....

and i think if i abide by her wishes to still be friends i'm just gonna be in more pain because seeing her with another dude while i still want her back is painful as hellllllllllllllllllllll
I can relate dude...I went out with this one chick for 2 years and 9 months...we broke up and she started dating this dude she worked with at red lobster like a month later. %@+@*+ up part is, is that i knew these two hung out sometimes after work, and she even invited me to  hang out with the both of them. @%#% was bogus, but you'll move on. And don't get all self pity on yourself...shes the one thats sick not you.

just reading this gets me heated..sounds like what I went thru, but she worked at applebees
how about just being a man and making a decision without asking a buncha random dudes on the internet for advice on women?

do whatever the !%*+ you want dude. hows that for advice?
Don't be her crutch
She can't function without you
You're only helping her ego while she finds someone else
Leave her alone, don't call, don't e-mail, NOTHING
it's gonna hurt, but its gonna work.
if you initiate a friendly relationship with her you gonna just want to be with her more
and drive her into another dudes arms, it's what she ultimately wants.
she has all the control right now.
Severe all contact with her, until you see her reaching back.
it depends on the situation of the breakup.

curious though, you told her you "like" her but you stated to us you "love" her, maybe tell her you love her.
Originally Posted by Darkwing Duck

how about just being a man and making a decision without asking a buncha random dudes on the internet for advice on women?

do whatever the !%*+ you want dude. hows that for advice?
How you gon +*!# on dude for asking for advice then give him advice?
Depends on how it all ended. If she messed wit you and ran around, then hell no. But if you left on a good note I don't see why not. I'm goin thru the same thing right now. You'll always have that attraction and $@+%, but it's just better to move on. AT least in my case.
Originally Posted by seniosoul

Don't be her crutch
She can't function without you
You're only helping her ego while she finds someone else
Leave her alone, don't call, don't e-mail, NOTHING
it's gonna hurt, but its gonna work.
if you initiate a friendly relationship with her you gonna just want to be with her more
and drive her into another dudes arms, it's what she ultimately wants.
she has all the control right now.
Severe all contact with her, until you see her reaching back.
Hell no. When I broke up with my last chick, I cut her off completely... no phone calls, email, anything. It's the only way she could move on without it being so painful.
im goin thru it also, so its a nay. like homeboy said before, if yall didnt start as wont end up as friends.
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