Starting New Sports Site, Need Writers

The site is under construction but please no pm's no posting in here for those things please EMAIL ME!!!
whats going on people, just wanted to let you all know that the site is up and running.

we are currently getting articles up and all that so drop some feedback and we are always looking for talent.

if you got questions hit up [email protected]
Originally Posted by venom lyrix

whats going on people, just wanted to let you all know that the site is up and running.

we are currently getting articles up and all that so drop some feedback and we are always looking for talent.

if you got questions hit up [email protected]
whats the site called?
Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

Id be interested in writing for NBA. Have tons of knowledge about the game. Die hard fan and im also a former NBA player which im guessing is good for being a writer.
I see what you did there

but on topic, if you're still looking for writers update us
Anyways, I thought that the site would suck but it's not bad (at least design-wise).. fix the css though.. menu links aren't exactly visible (dark texton dark bg).. Good luck!
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