OK, this is what Ive concluded about America. In america a gun is used mainly to discourage someone from messing with you rather than for self defense, unlikein many other countries.
In Africa for example, you NEVER carry a gun unless you know someone wants to kill you. People will shoot you rather than taking a chance simply because your arisk for their security. It is much safer to walk around without a gun because then you at least have a chance at negotiation if your lucky. (I know because Ilived in Africa from when I was 8 months old to around 10) Even when my dad had people trying to assassinate him he didnt carry a gun. He just wore a vest andhad a bodyguard follow him (this !@@#% was strapped to the max. Im talking AK Shotgun and pistol!!)
Ive only been shot once and it was only a flesh wound in my arm because it sort of ricocheted off of the bone in my elbow. The only times weve been shot at waswhen someone was waiting in ambush to rob us etc. not during a stick up or anything.
However, in America most shootings seem to be gang related or a botched robbery. Therefore Ive decided to stay strapped as often as possible except for a timelike this because I doubt I will be a target since even though im almost 17 so im pretty young, im pretty big for my size (6 foot 1 and around 170 pounds). Illtry to see if I can just get someone in my family to come with me cuz none of my friends will want to go.
Do you think there will be a better chance of getting them at a midnight release or normal opening times?