Spring Time allergies FTL!

Ill trade my Hives everyday for the runny nose and sneezing.... I get watery eyes and stuffy nose everyday now cant figure out what im allergic to.
Ill trade my Hives everyday for the runny nose and sneezing.... I get watery eyes and stuffy nose everyday now cant figure out what im allergic to.
ive been sneezing like a madman... mucus too
If you have them on a regular basis and take meds, switch it up. I normally use Zyrtec, and lately I've used Allegra...Works great.
If you have them on a regular basis and take meds, switch it up. I normally use Zyrtec, and lately I've used Allegra...Works great.
Took a Tylenol Allergy yesterday.

Worked wonders for about 4-5 hours. I just feel so out of it and oblivious with my allergies, on top of itchy throat and watery eyes. 

And this is the first year ive had allergies bother me. 
Took a Tylenol Allergy yesterday.

Worked wonders for about 4-5 hours. I just feel so out of it and oblivious with my allergies, on top of itchy throat and watery eyes. 

And this is the first year ive had allergies bother me. 
Especially when you're on the train or bus and someone with strong cologne or perfume decides to sit next to you.
Especially when you're on the train or bus and someone with strong cologne or perfume decides to sit next to you.
do allergies make you wheeze and cough?

ive never had allergies till i came out to VA. its gotta be allergies. one week i had all the signs of being sick EXCEPT actually feeling sick. that was like 3-4 weeks ago. i no longer get like a stuffy nose, mucus, but i cough damn near constantly. gotta be due to an allergy right?
do allergies make you wheeze and cough?

ive never had allergies till i came out to VA. its gotta be allergies. one week i had all the signs of being sick EXCEPT actually feeling sick. that was like 3-4 weeks ago. i no longer get like a stuffy nose, mucus, but i cough damn near constantly. gotta be due to an allergy right?
All this rain has let me dodge the allergies from the spring.

I said this in another allergy thread, but Alaway x Zyrtec is the defense.
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