spray paint on air jordan 3's?

Sep 30, 2007
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my friend was giving me ideas onto masking the parts i dont want to paint white...and start spray painting with white spray paint on the leather parts, pulltab, and midsole..is this a good idea?
Bapestars speaks the truth
I spray painted Cement III's and they looked good as new, just don't plan on wearing them because the midsoles will chip effortlessly.



Don't spary to close or you'll have a sloppy layer
most of the time it goes wrong because people think of a coat like, they need to hold down the nozzle and spray all around. =/ this is the most stupidest thingyou could ever do. If anything your finger shouldnt even be on the cap for a full second when spraying the shoes and you need to like mist spray a very thinlayer iono ! its hard to explain i cant teach it you just gota know and learn

this was spray painted
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