(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

People saying her character got cut out of the show. I think Quentyn might be out too. In an article it said trystane was Doran's heir.

How can they cut Arianne but cast the Sand Snakes? Doesn't make sense. And she's Doran's heir since women can rule in Dorne. Quentyn being cut doesn't really bother me.

Those time travel theories are ridiculous :lol:
to warn herself what though.. not to be a stuck up brat who knows nothing of Westeros?
not needed, but they shoudl shoot some scenes with homeboy before he gets that harry potter syndrome and grows too much
That one theory about Tyrion being a targaryan.....who would even be able to prove that? Selmy is the only one who comes to mind.
I read it somewhere that Aerys messed around with Tywin's wife. In addition to Tyrion being dwarf, it's the reason why Tywin loathes him. I'll find the theory when I get the time.
Yea there was the theory that he raped her. Some story about him making comments about her that Tywin overheard which strained their relationship when he was HOTK.
It's hard to believe something major like that would happen and aerys not brag about it or tywin's wife not tell him. Doesn't the little guy have the lannister colored hair anyway? Unless his mother was the same kind of blonde as the lannisters are.

People wanting GOT to be like Back To The Future.

Here was the quote from the Wiki:

However, the relationship between Aerys and Tywin was always complicated. When he was still a prince, Aerys had developed a crush on Joanna Lannister, who was to marry her cousin Tywin. Aerys was present at the wedding and drank too much during the feast, leading to him joking that it was a great pity that the lord's right to the first night had been abolished and to taking certain liberties during the bedding. It is said that Tywin did not forget Aerys's behavior.

This older thread too:

Ok, so Joanna was a lannister as well. Kissing cousins in that family along with their incest kids.
Anyone in here follow GRRM on twitter?

Dude started 12 days of Westeros 12 days before the Winter Solstice....winds of winter.... 
Anyone seen the season 5 trailer yet?
From Varys' convo with Tyrion when he says "Who said anything about him",it seems to me like they may have cut out the whole Aegon storyline which would be a HUGE change from the books.
Anyone seen the season 5 trailer yet?

From Varys' convo with Tyrion when he says "Who said anything about him",it seems to me like they may have cut out the whole Aegon storyline which would be a HUGE change from the books.

If you don't want to know what's been cut then don't read this

"Fake" Aegon and the Griff storyline have been cut as of now. I don't see this being introduced at all in the next season since they've said they're not trying to expland the cast any further and that they need to concentrate on the "core" characters. All the "new" Ironborn from the Kingsmoot on have been cut. Arianne Martell has been cut. Darkstar has apparently been cut. We already know Stoneheart has been cut and they're modifying Jaime's storyline heavily by sending him to Dorne. There's also the whole thing with (Arya spoilers)
The Kindly Man in the house of B&W now being Jaqen H'ghar

The deviations are tremendous and George's publisher has said Winds is not coming in 2015. RIP.

Edit: Also, where the hell is Kevan Lannister?
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Reading what's been cut from the show and that the new book won't be out this year makes me sad.
Well this sucks

GOT was doing a great job sticking with the books too

If they tried to follow the books, series would be 12 seasons (not including future, unreleased books)

It's annoying and enjoyable the show is deviating from the books, imo gives it a life of its own.

And no Winds of Winter this year ???? He's not going to finish the series :smh:
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