(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

Because thats where they were ordered to be with no prior knowledge to what jamie did
I think they did know.

Ned: "When Kings landing Fell. Ser Jamie slew your king with a golden sword and I wondered where you were."

Ser Gerold Hightower: "Far away or Areys would yet sit on the iron throne and our false brother would burn in seven hells"

They didn't seem shocked or anything about the news that Areys died, so I'm inclined to think they knew what happened. 

Also Ned went to KL for the siege, then after finding the King dead he went to Storms End to lift the seige there then went to the Tower of Joy. Word had to have traveled to Dorne by then of the news. 

What I think happened was King Areys sent the three KG to protect Rhaegar then he sent them to protect his son. 
sorry im late getting back to this.

rhaegar died before Aerys did IIRC

and as far as they knew Aerys still had Dany and Viserys.

also jon would still be a bastard with no claim.
 Originally Posted by Tdogg2k  

Let Maestor Tdogg school you half-wit peasants on the laws and history of Westeros...
1. IF jon has the blood of a targeryeon it still doesnt set him up to be the next successor in line. He is still bastard born. And even if the other 2 (see book thread for other 2 spoilers) werent eligible to claim. No one can legitimize a. Him having targ blood. B. His father being anyone else but ned stark.

2. We know for sure jon has Stark blood. Thats undeniable. For those who havent read the books there is NO PROOF to him being born in this tower of joy. (Which again is a book thing not a show thing.)

3. (Book spoilers go to the book thread)

4.again read the books.. ever heard of something called the blackfyre rebellion?
People still need to back jon. Which again, who can prove???
Maury isnt a Lord over in Westeros.

5. If you believe in r+l. Without reading the books. Your opinion is less than the muck i step in with my sandals in flee bottom.

My sweet summer children you know nothing.

Robert Baratheon (let the father judge him rightfully) took the throne. His children are bastard born of incest.

The only "true king " through rights is our Rightful king Stannis Baratheon

To address #1 there are Targaryen's that practice polygamy. There have been a few Targaryens that have taken multiple wives, so I think Rhaegar marrying Lyanna before giving birth to Jon is a possibility.

Not sure what the blackfyre rebellion has anything to do with the show.
sorry im late getting back to this.

rhaegar died before Aerys did IIRC

and as far as they knew Aerys still had Dany and Viserys.

also jon would still be a bastard with no claim.
I don't think it matters if Rhaegar died before his father. I think the line of session should still fall to the son of the prince which is why Aegon in the books thinks he has a better claim then Danny. 
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Shsjshsndkmgkckdokdmkdi see jsjhshdjdkdjdj

Real quick in. The car
The only targareon to do that was aegon 1 the conquerer. Iirc ill have a def answer.
But they def stopped doing it after they started marrying outside of the family

Meagor the Cruel was the last to take multiple wives, but my point is it's still possible.

Also I know there isn't any proof of any of this, but there are clues that GRRM deliberately put in the books so that the reader can put things together.

You have to admit that all of the fan theories make the books a lot more fun.  

I'll type my theory out today. but cliff notes from it.

-Aery's is the father of Tyrion, Dany, possibly Jon.
- Rhaegar had full intention to join with Robert during the rebellion
- Ser Author Dayne was reluctuantly at the tower of joy, but there doing his duty (this will make sense when I talk about it) and still alive.

With those 3 things said. (and from what i said in the show thread) majority is based off of Jamie and Selmy's chapters

Theories are plenty fun. but when people are bouncing their theories off other theories that are perceieved as true is what kind of gets me like did you even read??

im fine with the R+L Theory. (though I dont believe it)
but when other theories bounce from off from the R+L theory is what gets me with the :rolleyes
I always think, if a lot of those people have read through some of the book they would know that wouldn't add up.

and show people well again there is no way to really know R+L is a theory just watching the show. I have someone that just marathoned the show in 2 weeks. and only mentioned Lyanna once.

Not sure what I can and can't say in the show thread anymore since we're at a weird spot were the show is caught up for the most part but there are some details that are left out and you never know if people might feel a type a way by know some info that isn't in the show.

After watching the trailer I was wondering what some of the book readers thoughts are. Tower of Joy, Kings Moot, Knights King, etc. 

For the alleged tower of joy scene, I wonder why they dude was wearing Targ armor and not KG armor? 
I didn't even watch the trailer. I'm gearing up to go to GRRM's house to form a watch dedicated to make sure he finishes theses books.


I was wondering the same about the Targ sigil on the breast plate. I don't recall the stag being on any of the current KG but I've never paid attention. Hopefully Tower of Joy gives us R+L=J confirmation. And some more flashbacks from Robert's Rebellion. I'm excited.

Kings Moot will be interesting. Will Theon be a part?

Seeing Davos at the Wall, I'm wondering if instead of looking for Rickon he'll be about propping up Jon to take the North.


Please don't start that R+L stuff if they show tower of joy because that still proves nothing.
Still not even sure what they show in this show will even happen in the book.

can't say "well grrm told D&D the ending" Yea I dont believe that was the case at all. I think that was rumored to not make people mad about changes that happened.

I also don't believe it's a different route to the same ending....

The Kings Guard has always had white cloaks, and white armor whether it be in battle or just protecting. so I don't think that was Arthur Dayne like some people are speculating.
Good seeing the book thread back on pg 1.

Not good seeing Tdogg continue to spew his malarkey.

Please don't start that R+L stuff if they show tower of joy because that still proves nothing.



Not sure what I can and can't say in the show thread anymore since we're at a weird spot were the show is caught up for the most part but there are some details that are left out and you never know if people might feel a type a way by know some info that isn't in the show.

After watching the trailer I was wondering what some of the book readers thoughts are. Tower of Joy, Kings Moot, Knights King, etc. 

For the alleged tower of joy scene, I wonder why they dude was wearing Targ armor and not KG armor? 

The Targ armor did strike me as odd as well but remember D&D aren't writing to appease book readers. Book readers know what's happening or going to happen at the ToJ, well everyone except Tdogg of course, but there's a slew of show watchers that have no idea what the Tower of Joy is or what took place. The Targ armor makes it clear Young Ned & co. are fighting Targ. If they put men in white cloaks, I believe show watchers would get confused.

Please baby Jesus let them have secretly casted the gawd Rhagear to appear this season

I would absolutely love this.
The Kings Guard has always had white cloaks, and white armor whether it be in battle or just protecting. so I don't think that was Arthur Dayne like some people are speculating.





If not Arthur Dayne then definitely one of the Kings Guard.
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Arthur Dayne also has a valyrian steel great sword called Sword of the Morning and none of those swords look like it.
Good seeing the book thread back on pg 1.

Not good seeing Tdogg continue to spew his malarkey.
 Originally Posted by Tdogg2k  

Please don't start that R+L stuff if they show tower of joy because that still proves nothing
The Targ armor did strike me as odd as well but remember D&D aren't writing to appease book readers. Book readers know what's happening or going to happen at the ToJ, well everyone except Tdogg of course, but there's a slew of show watchers that have no idea what the Tower of Joy is or what took place. The Targ armor makes it clear Young Ned & co. are fighting Targ. If they put men in white cloaks, I believe show watchers would get confused.
I would absolutely love this.
 His reluctants to buy into R+L is annoying but you can't be mad at him. Technically it hasn't been confirmed so until it does, I guess he has a point. I personally don't think that the reveal will carry as much wait on TV as it will in the books, but how cares. Book readers will be satisfied. 

I wonder who they got playing Lyanna Stark 
It's kind of interesting. In the anime thread there was a very clear secret origin story in the manga "Naruto" and only one poster kept supporting it while everyone was like "that's too obvious and cheap, no way that's what it is."

Tdogg is super active there too. This is the complete opposite of that.

tdogg2k tdogg2k remind me where you stood on the Tobi + 2 "eyes" = ____ theory.
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Because its not. R+L isn't just R+L.
It's theory+theory. Aka speculation + speculation

Not fact+fact. And barely theory+fact.

So that's why I refuse to conform to that theory as other people have.

Time lines don't add up some events don't add up.

All the true believers have to go off is a fever Dream and Jon isn't Catherine Tully. PERIOD.

There is really no other undeniable FACT. That you can point me too that makes that right.

There are plenty of facts and theories that go against r+L which lays out better time lines and better reasons to the plot
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Nako. The difference between obito to bi was that was waaaay to obvious. I believed it but I didn't like it
Will read that later for laughs. Not even sure how that would happen. Going from having no woman to dany all on your nuts deserves a Most Improved Player award for sure though.
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