SoYoungSoFly new upcoming brand SYSF

I think this lane is over saturated. The style of your prints are reminisce of other notable street brands like Crooks and Castles and you have plans on expanding to other garments?

Also remember that quality ultimately trumps all.

I wish you best of luck.
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Thanks bro I'm just starting out, I have many ideas going to set it apart from other brands . I'm definitely expanding to different designs and garments.

but I think there should be better execution on the designs.
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Looks EXACTLY like everything else that's out fam. Change ya **** up. Become more creative. Make your own lane and then you'll get better feedback.
'So young So Fly' seems like it could be targeted towards younger high school kids.

I'm 25 and will not wear your clothes, simply because of the name.

Anything associated with 'fly', 'cool', swag, 'dope', 'trill', etc. is very tacky and will need much convincing.

Actually, I have a Black Scale shirt that I bought in 2009 that had a very similar logo to yours.

Good luck to you sir, but I would consider going back to the drawing boards.
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Thanks for the comment man. My target market is young kids in middle school and those entering high school. I just started this as a hobby check out my Facebook group DMV Sell Your Stuff Fast .
the lettering on the hats looks like them NY hats they sell at the gas station for 3 bucks..

you gotta be original, i dont like when other brands blatantly rip off some high end ish and dumb it down.

but if you do at least be different.
No thanks Jeff, even if I was 14 I would not want, just my opinion. But good luck. It looks like a knock off what bow wow is wearing so be ready for lawsui my brotha
So it's a bootleg Yves Saint Laurent? Too many copy cat streetwear brands in an over saturated market full of look-a-likes. With how close that logo looks to the easily recognizable "YSL" logo you may face legal trouble selling that too.

Please don't tell me you plan on doing a Dream Team style shirt next. Or a portrait tee. Or one of those rows of text tee's either.

The name of the brand is corny. Nothing about your brand seems original or distinguishable from everything else. You hit Crooks & Castles on Google and you'll find the brand and it won't get confused for something else. They have their own symbols and imagery that are synonymous with their brand. When you see the broken chain letter C or the Medusa head with the mouth covered you can immediately associate it with their brand.

Did you really have a concept or theme prior to creating this brand? Do you even have a proper logo? (That wasn't bitten?) Everything you've posted has been done before and if a kid is going to buy new apparel and sees a look-a-like, he's more likely not going to get the pretender. Kids are brand conscious and brand slaves. Kids still get clowned for wearing knock-offs. Like when kids wore Gucci coloured/look-a-like shirts. "That's not fake Gucci, it's real Joochi."

I don't know how much money you've invested in this, but this is looking more like a cash grab than a labour of love.
Fashion is about originality..or at least taking existing concepts and transforming it into something unique.

Come up with a new name and more copy and pasting.
That hat 

Definitely would not wear. 
Whenever I see these clothing line threads, I always think of that HBO show How To Make It In America, and how much hustling those guys had to do just to get noticed.

Almost seems like the brand name, even the clothes themselves hardly matter compared to the creativity that needs to go into the networking and marketing to push the brand.
Thanks for the comment man. My target market is young kids in middle school and those entering high school. I just started this as a hobby check out my Facebook group DMV Sell Your Stuff Fast .
You from the DMV? This looks like the type of stuff they would sell at Forman Mills.. which isn't a bad thing, maybe that should be your market. The whole store is basically just cheap knockoffs of expensive brands repackaged for low-income people, which is what your clothing brand looks like (no offense).
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SoYoungSoFly? lol wow.....even the name sounds lame as ****.
good luck marketing to 12-13 year olds.
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