Sources: Arod Was Seeking $350mil from the Yankees

$350 mil for someone who is a ghost during october is hilarious

$50/a game minor leaguers can do better than him during the playoffs :rofl:
When Santana gets a new contract, you better believe he's getting like $25M.
Team I Heart HarlemToTheBronx
If anyone pays him more than his last contract they are a damn fool.

I'm pretty positive about this. My professor, who used to be an agent and our class talk about this practically every day. He (Boras) and A Rod should have, in good faith, gone to the Yankees first, allowing them the make a bid for a new contract, before just totally opting out and asking for that 350. They should have had conversations about where they were headed, their expectations etc. That didn't happen. I'm not talking about Boras negotiating skills, I'm talking about the relationship between the club and his client. If he wanted any chance of getting 350m from the Yankees and Steinbrenner (the most stubborn man on earth), he shouldn't have allowed this to go the way it has (announcing it during the WS, shutting the Yankees out etc.). It's a PR nightmare. Something Rodriguez doesn't need at this point.

Yeah but players opt out of their contracts all the time. Gilbert is doing it, Kobe did it, countless other players do it without giving their teams the right to negotiate. Players want to test their value in the open market, not negotiate behind closed doors.

What does A-Rod owe the Yankees? He didn't sign with them, he was traded to them. He went through an entire season full of hatred from the media and even trade talks. Then, before he even opts out, the Yankees tell him they won't pursue him. That's a big slap in the face to someone who just carried the team the entire season.

I don't blame A-Rod for opting out but I blame him for the timing of the announcement.
808. PERIOD.

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Baseball Salaries are crazy.
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To all the A-Rod supporters now, isn't it OBVIOUS that he's all about the money?
Winning is the only option...
can't perform in the playoffs and want $350 mil.

i've lost ALL respect for the dude. get him outta here.
I don't blame A-Rod for opting out but I blame him for the timing of the announcement.

I have always said that him opting out was inevitable and I fully understand that. I'm talking about from a Pr standpoint. He def doesn't owe anyone anything. I think we are in agreement here.
The only thing that's obvious to me is that he wants out of New York. That makes it pretty obvious he didn't want to be a Yankee anymore...I think you dudes are forgetting that he offered to take a paycut on his 10/252 deal when he wanted out of Texas. He was going to take less money to get to Boston, and Selig and the Player's Union told him he couldn't. That's when the Yankees stepped in and said they'd take on the whole thing.
Team Longhorns
From a PR standpoint, it definitely wouldn't have hurt. But then again, most of that PR would have gone to waste if he left the Yankees for a higher offer.
808. PERIOD.

20% off with code: JBOAT

Im not surprised...Ive already heard this figure being thrown around right after they got eliminated....Bill Simmons even called it on his lil podcast. Thats a ******ed figure tho, he's not worth it....

....Da Upper Echelon Don....​

",,,cocked the baby 9mm, that N' gravy mine...*clanked him*-what was he thinkin on my corner when it's 'Pay-Me' time?"
You think some of it may have to do with the fact that he might not have been happy in NY or with the Yankees? He and Boras made these absurd demands because the only way he'd stay with the Yankees is for an inordinate amount of money?

No team is going to come anywhere NEAR that. Boras shops him to the highest bidder that he's happy with (or just the highest bidder) and that's that. Who knows, it might end up being the Yankees or maybe they won't want to deal with him or Boras and if he's unhappy with the Yankees, he moves on anyway.
TEAMNEWYORKMETSget busy livin or get busy dyin, that's g-ddamn right
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I told you guys he was all about the money.
.: nnarum :.​
is he going to turn out like Spreewell without a job?
TEAM DODGERS----Team [Scrubs]
See You Are What You Are in this world, thats either 1 or 2 things, your either a somebody, or you a nobody.
any team that pays him 40 mil season is stupid....

40 million/season for A-Rod = Josh Beckett + Curt Schilling + Dice K + change..... is what it is.
He will not sign for that amount of one could afford him at that price. Not the Yankees, not the Red Sox, not the Dodgers or Angels.

I think it is a move to tell New York, @#%$ you. I don't understand how A-Rod was hated by a big number of Yankee fans when the season started and now that he is walking ya'll get salty.

He will sign a similar contract that he signed with Texas, when it is all said and done. 10 years and about $250-$270.

Sources say it is highly unlikely that the Dodgers will seriously entertain the possibility.

Los Angeles Dodgers​
6 World Series Championships​
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11 National Championships​
The Marlins are interested?

Rodriguez would send that team into bankruptcy. Don't the Marlins get rid of their good players every 4 years?
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