Somewhere in NYC Ninja and Steezy are turning over... in their awful looking couches.....

I really hope it does get picked up for another season. It would be nice to see where everyone goes with their ventures.

Except that douche ludwin....hate that cat because he comes off as such a hipster tool.

they are not filming for a second season so i think is safe to say this is it, truth is real reality doesnt sell, nobody gives a damb about these kids lives enough to bring in good ratings, people rather see tons more ignorance, fights, ratchetness which this show doesnt have much of, being that they all get along pretty well....ive watched every episode and will watch till it ends...really hope the homie JP lands something....all the cast members been promoting heavy on IG for him and his gigs/mixtape, they have a crapload of followers, so if anything the show put them on the map, now is up to them to push harder than ever.

Lud does come off as a douche, but ive heard hes actually pretty cool.
Reyna and JP are the most likable. Reyna has the most annoying voice ever but seems like a sweetheart.
Taylor is cute but has no personality. One thing I dislike about the show....the forced conversations they have about each other with each other. 

For example, in the most recent episode, when Fred asked Ludwin about Ludwin's fling with Frankie, he asked him immediately after what appeared to be a really fun paintball game. It felt unnatural. Made me feel a little squeamish. 
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Already bumped to the 11 PM slot :lol:

1st step to da death sentence....

Da show aint being supported by many i know cuz of da reasons i already

Explained prior...its not da absence of ratchetness..its da absence of a genuine

Heightz experience.
why in the hell would they make a show about these kids in the first place?? these people are hella boring..

MTV used to have great shows like Diary and True life..

even the real world looks like crap now, they need to stop trying to reach minority audiences because their whole way of doing it just seems forced and in the end it ends up tacky as hell.
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