Something interesting about East coast/Southern rap artist.

Aug 18, 2009
Sigway from another thread. People ive notice tend to believe southern artist etc are slow, and east coast are some intellectuals. But when being interviewedand in career decisions it shows opposite. Example Piles he may not be the enclyopedia brittanica on the mic, but interviews and business decisions proveotherwise. Same as young joc. Or look at david banner how many east coast artist would be invited to a round table discussion with the likes of cornell west.As much as like like nas(1 of my favorites) but have you seen him interview career moves he doesnt seem as intelligent as he sounds on the mic. Or anotherexample mobb deep, every other word in a interview is word,son,yo etc. But when on the mic you would think they are some sort of socrates. Master P primeexample,he might have been the most simplistic mainstream artist, but in interviews and deff in career decisions he has made wise choices. Im just trying towrap my mind around how like people say joe budden is so much this and that yet sounds like he has a 4th grade education in dialogue, and taking majorl's(career wise). It almost comes off as if they studied a thesarus and say what ever multiple syllable word comes to mind. Not trying to knock anyonetaste cause i like all the artist i mentioned.
You think all Southerns Are slow ******s that got signed to the major labels at a 2nd grade reading level?

Yooo lock this thread

you just trying to start some problems here

its easy to see

Or another example mobb deep, every other word in a interview is word,son,yo etc.
thats just the way we talk out here in NY. I use @%++ like that all the time it dont make me less smart or some @%++ like that. I mean even thedudes when they sound intelligent on the mic are still saying son and yo after everything. Hip-Hop is a way of expressing yourself and in the worrds of thelate great Big L "Thats just the way that I talk yo" just because you use @%++ like that doesnt make you less intelligent. You dont need to speaklike a Harvard scholar to be smart. It just makes you look like a stuck up !#$%$ if you try to hard.
im from VA and i say "yo" after almost errry sentence yo.

i been tryin to stop.but i cant.

it dont matter tho, cuz most people can understand what i say most of the time anyway.
We're businessmen down south. Some of us actually have degrees in business. Like Time said, most cats I hear be braggin' about not finishing highschool and $$@ up there. And some cats sound ignorant just so they can sound hood. I'm shocked Plies doesn't do that because he's clearlydumbin' his $$@ down to appease to women.
Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

well most of the east coast artists are dropouts so it makes sense... nas never seemed real smart... he just b sayin $$*!...

plies has a degree...

i dont kno what the *#!! would make u think havoc and prodigy were like that... they rhymes aint nothin special...

i was just listenin to Playin in the Wind by French Montana on youtube and i came across this in the comments.....
The beat on this record is insane. Frenchy is cool, but I'd love to hear a lyrical heavyweight like Papoose, Lloyd Banks, or Prodigy spit over it. I bet it would put the underground scene in a headlock, and get some mainstream love too.
found it funny.
You dont need to speak like a Harvard scholar to be smart. It just makes you look like a stuck up !#$%$ if you try to hard.

My point exactly so why do it on the mic while rapping. Why sound like ghandi when a beat comes on and then when in interviews etc sound like willaim hung. Ifanything it makes more sense to sound less profound and simplier on the mic. People arent looking for the answer to all the worlds problems with a beat, or anopinion on the newlyfound heathcare bill on beat. Then when asked about these type of issues in interviews all you can say is " yo yo yo son its you knowya mean its messed up its crazy ya know son"

im from VA and i say "yo" after almost errry sentence yo.

i been tryin to stop.but i cant.

it dont matter tho, cuz most people can understand what i say most of the time anyway

Yes as do i but in a formal setting ie and interview, articles etc i dont speak in that manner.
It would be like talking so called ebonics at work and then talking like you have 4 degrees at harvard with your street fame.
Rap music as so many of the backpackers put it is for the streets etc. I never use words like fecitious etc with my folks on the block.
Also according to sales etc if you see that this uplifting/intellectual rap isnt selling. Seems like common sense would tell you to as lupe put it(dumb it down). I see this no different then liking jordans etc jeans, but knowing that you have to compromise that when going to the worlplace. Wearing the suit and tie doesnt define change who you are. You can still be that dude. Why cant esp east coast artist learn this.
in a interview with Complex a while back ...Nas said that he's not the type to have his business moves in the media, so we dont know where his money iscoming from after rap

and Time is right most NY rappers didn't finish school sad but true

i guess southern artists dumb their selves down to appeal to the got groups like Slum village who are educated but dont have a souljah boy buzz
We're businessmen down south. Some of us actually have degrees in business. Like Time said, most cats I hear be braggin' about not finishing high school and $$@ up there. And some cats sound ignorant just so they can sound hood. I'm shocked Plies doesn't do that because he's clearly dumbin' his $$@ down to appease to women.

Exactly my point which proves how smart he really is. It would be like trying to teach 1st graders trig. If you see 20 other teachers try and fail why would you try(as if your results would differ.) This is a business and businesses are built on making money. So if you see something not making money why keep doing it just to so call "keep it real" All your doing is "keeping it real" BROKE. If you are infact as intelligent as you claim you dont have to flaunt it our use it when it is unwanted or not needed.
Originally Posted by shoepacalypse

We're businessmen down south. Some of us actually have degrees in business. Like Time said, most cats I hear be braggin' about not finishing high school and $$@ up there. And some cats sound ignorant just so they can sound hood. I'm shocked Plies doesn't do that because he's clearly dumbin' his $$@ down to appease to women.

Exactly my point which proves how smart he really is. It would be like trying to teach 1st graders trig. If you see 20 other teachers try and fail why would you try(as if your results would differ.) This is a business and businesses are built on making money. So if you see something not making money why keep doing it just to so call "keep it real" All your doing is "keeping it real" BROKE. If you are infact as intelligent as you claim you dont have to flaunt it our use it when it is unwanted or not needed.

You're speaking to the choir over here. But dudes want everyone to showcase their intelligence through lyrics and can't accept the fact that hip hop isa business whether you like to think it is or not.
Originally Posted by shoepacalypse

Plies is beyond fraudulent tho'

How so what makes him a fake.

He portray's himself as a goon and he's not. I wouldn't call it fraudulent though. I mean he stats in interviews he's graduated from collegeand he raps about his brothers life. He hasn't had his past from anyone and the funny thing is he probably has a deeper rap sheet than the majority of therap game. He's taking on the character of his brother. Not sure if i'd consider that fraudulent. Especially since 70% of his music is dedicated towomen.
He portray's himself as a goon and he's not.
Sorta like an actor portrays themself. Is will smith,mattdamon fakes frauds. Last I check acting was a form of entertainment, and well wait what do ya know sois music(i know some ppl look for it as there way to be educated in wordly affairs.)Also plies never once said he did this and did that, in the same way willsmith never said yea i was a cowboy, yea i use to wear black suits and fight aliens. He just PORTRAYED it in a movie,same as an artist PORTRAYS it on a song.Fake are all these cats( no offense to east coast) saying they are/was a kingpin then subject themselves to be a puppet for a major record label getting joejerked and end up broke. How you gonna make 10 20 mil in dope and give it up to work for a middle/older age white man selling cds having to answer to some1 fornot even a tenth of what you was making. Then get on a mic and sound so profound. It makes absolutely nosense. I can see a cat like jay-z saying it cause hemoved up in the world, same as 50,diddy etc. But when i hear a cat like freeway or someone say it,why would you give up living bmf status to live middle class.
Yes i am how is he being fake. Being fake is pretending acting in a way that contridicts who you are. If thats the case just about every real dude street catis fake. We act one way in corporate america,then totally different in another(once we hit the block be amongst peers.)As well as i look(not trying to be abraggard) in a suit i wouldnt wear one everyday if it wasnt for business,yet i do so.So in a sense im being fake. Im not true to myself i would rather wearsome 1's jeans and a tee, to be perfectly honest. Plies would be fake if he was all rich and famous and on the block selling dope,kicking in doors etc.Cause there would be no need to do it other then to be some1 he isnt. Fake is acting, not so much as what ppl percieve u to be. I think alot of ppl get beingcontridictary and fraud confused. If Rick Ross was a cop and while being a cop went on and on about hating cops and was out selling dope then that makes him afake. 2pac doing a gangsta track,then turning around and doing a fight the power type of track is being contridictary. Its not like he is on the block afterleaving a nation of islam rally.It be like if bow wow was acting like a thug,then going on air and being on a nickolodeon show talking about less stop theviolence, and be out in the street talking to youth and collecting weapons.
Originally Posted by rocyaice

We're businessmen down south. Some of us actually have degrees in business. Like Time said, most cats I hear be braggin' about not finishing high school and $$@ up there. And some cats sound ignorant just so they can sound hood. I'm shocked Plies doesn't do that because he's clearly dumbin' his $$@ down to appease to women.
i bump heads with alot of artist down here and these dudes aint idiots. For example some +@!% that'll blow yo mind OJ The Juiceman can hold aconversation. He says the dumbest +@!% in his raps makes me wanna swerve in a ditch but this dude is actually not ******ed. Dude is just hella goofy he gothella businesses in the A. Someone told me Gucci Mane got real estate investments and is about to start a car rental spot. u got dudes like Flo-rida who hasstreet ties and was actually a street type rapper before "Low" hit and he found a lane because thats where the money was. like buddy said south dudeslook at the music industry as a business.... i know right? shame on them
Originally Posted by iHateTimeDotCom

nas never seemed real smart... he just b sayin $$*!...
i always thought that too. Nas seemed more book smart than intelligent. He was also street articulate which made dudes cling to his words. thataint no knock tho
Gucci does same as young joc and has a few clothing/shoe spots. OOMP camp been around like 4eva. People act(arguement always kill me the good ole days) FatBoys Run DMC etc. They did it for fun, they are true to the art. Even tho they didnt do it just for the money. As soon as the opportunity came they took the1st sellout train to the masses. And btw grandmaster flash etc they werent no lyrical giants. Wasnt no methodical thought in the message. I didnt spendcountless nights trying to decifer a Run DMC track. How come they arent considered wack but some1 like souljah boy is. Neither are superb lyrically. Subjectmatter ill give u. but that just about ends that arguement.
You can't make that assumption based off the few artists you've named.

For the most part, all artists are fairly intelligent (not "educated") people. But when it comes to speaking properly, it varies. Some speakignorantly because that's just how they speak causally while for others it's just apart of their image. But the opposite is also true.

Look at Diddy. He's probably one of the smartest businessmen in urban music, but that negro is one of the dumbest mf'ers ever.
Then there is Jim Jones... Dude couldn't speak properly if his life depended on it, but he's one of the sharpest and wisest guys out there.
The Game is a Foot's
For the most part, all artists are fairly intelligent (not "educated") people.

If so why would you make do something that is subject to fail. If i see this encylopedia rap isnt working why do it. It would be like having a big interviewand comming in with sweats and a tee. Not get the job and then say oh its cause im real. That to me doesnt mark the signs of a intellegent man.

Look at Diddy. He's probably one of the smartest businessmen in urban music, but that negro is one of the dumbest mf'ers ever.

How is he dumb thats an oxymoron he understands and recognizes his strengths and weaknesses and exploits them. But yet ppl say(glad you brought up p diddy)Jada ppl say he is this and that, but in actuality he is the dummy. Cause diddy was smart enough to see he was just all smoking mirrors,if he wasnt he wouldnthave signed that joe jerk date rape record deal.But on the mic he sounds like some intellectual hoodlum.How you gonna come up with a rhyme scheme full of wordswith 3 4 syllables yet dont have the basic sense to guide a decent career.

Then there is Jim Jones... Dude couldn't speak properly if his life depended on it, but he's one of the sharpest and wisest guys out there.

Exactly my point. You dont see Jim Jones rapping like he just won 50 weeks str8 on jeopordy or could give ben stein a run for his money.
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