Someone convince me to listen to the rest of Kanye's new album....

Originally Posted by Mw2889

Anyone proclaiming this a masterpiece is a stan. Level headed people recognize this as trash.
You'll get a better feel of it if you listen to the album in full. Skimming through music never helps a cause.
I enjoy most of the tracks on it, but
at it being called amasterpiece. Like a lot of people have said you're either really gonna like the album or you're gonna hate it. Two of my favorite tracks are Paranoidand Street Lights
that kanye isn't trash. But I just can't appreciate it not my cup of Tea I listen to rap not auto tune singing.
Dudes really said they were tearing up?

but for real though

the only song I felt was the Pinocchio story because I felt there was alot of emotion behind, seeing as he's been through alot this past yr with his mompassing and all that.
But other than that ever song on the album gets the automatic skip when it pops up on my iPod
I'll break it down for you

1. Download the album.
2. Promptly delete the following from the tracklisting: heartless, amazing, robocop, See you in my nightmares. No redeeming qualities in any of these joints.
3. Listen to the following 3 songs on repeat for 45 minutes: say you will, street lights (a top 5 kanye song), coldest winter.
4. Everything else is take-it-or-leave it territory and listen to it when you get a chance.
Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

I'll break it down for you

1. Download Buy the album.
2. Promptly delete the following from the tracklisting: heartless, amazing, robocop, See you in my nightmares. No redeeming qualities in any of these joints.
3. Listen to the following 3 songs on repeat for 45 minutes: say you will, street lights (a top 5 kanye song), coldest winter.
4. Everything else is take-it-or-leave it territory and listen to it when you get a chance.
Fixed. How is he gonna like the album if he deletes 1/3 of the songs before listening.
Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

I'll break it down for you

1. Download Buy the album.
2. Promptly delete the following from the tracklisting: heartless, amazing, robocop, See you in my nightmares. No redeeming qualities in any of these joints.
3. Listen to the following 3 songs on repeat for 45 minutes: say you will, street lights (a top 5 kanye song), coldest winter.
4. Everything else is take-it-or-leave it territory and listen to it when you get a chance.
Fixed. How is he gonna like the album if he deletes 1/3 of the songs before listening.
Let me strike through somebody's whole post and then write 'fixed' at the end. I'm so cool.

And all those songs I mentioned are not good, hence why I said don't listen to them.
listen to it if for no other reason then because dude is responsible for College Dropout and Late Registration...with that said I didn't like this at all
why dont you just go listen to it lol
its not the hard... you can skip the other songs if you dont like them
Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

I'll break it down for you

1. Download Buy the album.
2. Promptly delete the following from the tracklisting: heartless, amazing, robocop, See you in my nightmares. No redeeming qualities in any of these joints.
3. Listen to the following 3 songs on repeat for 45 minutes: say you will, street lights (a top 5 kanye song), coldest winter.
4. Everything else is take-it-or-leave it territory and listen to it when you get a chance.
Fixed. How is he gonna like the album if he deletes 1/3 of the songs before listening.
Let me strike through somebody's whole post and then write 'fixed' at the end. I'm so cool.

And all those songs I mentioned are not good, hence why I said don't listen to them.
That's your opinion though. If he just follows yours, he won't have his own. People are entitled to like whatever song they want to. Youblatantly telling him not to listen to those songs isn't gonna help. As I stated before, how's he gonna get a fair opinion if he doesn't listen toa third of the songs?
man it aint our job to convince you to listen to anythin, atleast give it one spin then make your own opinion about it
Originally Posted by CrimsonCloudAttire

I'll break it down for you

1. Download the album.
2. Promptly delete the following from the tracklisting: heartless, Amazing, robocop, See you in my nightmares. No redeeming qualities in any of these joints.
3. Listen to the following 3 songs on repeat for 45 minutes: say you will, street lights (a top 5 kanye song), coldest winter.
4. Everything else is take-it-or-leave it territory and listen to it when you get a chance.
You don't like Amazing? Alright, if that's how you feel...

Personally, I think the CD is pretty good, it grew on me. Definitely better than Graduation, IMO.
Set your bar low and forget what you know Kanye is capable of. I never thought I would enjoy this album so much after hearing love lockdown live on theVMA's.
How about you purchase it and then judge it yourself instead of asking random people to tell you why u should like it..

too many d riders.. if you dont like it, you dont have to.. i liked American Gangster and my dude hated it, he likes rock, and hates real hip hop.. makessense!

if you like gucci and hate kanye.. then u must not care about lyrical content or art, you just wanna fit in and be liked.... simple
if you've ever been in love (<-- such an ugly word) then listen to it....

lovelockdown definately speaks to you
Originally Posted by henz0

Originally Posted by Mw2889

Anyone proclaiming this a masterpiece is a stan. Level headed people recognize this as trash.

Wow. But anyone who proclaims this album as a classic and/or best album of 2008, or better than CD, Graduation(I'll give you LR because that's mypersonal favorite), is a STAN.

Definitely better than Graduation, IMO.
Damn, already? That was fast.
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