Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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^From what i have always read/heard from retired military ppl, former NASA employees, etc., the et's wont intervene unless nuclear weapons are going to be used.
ok, good looks

good day and i hope this afternoon find you well, sir.  i would prefer  to differ on this matter with you, actually. the difference is that the 'idea' does in fact happen before the new testament.  ancient greek mythology speaks of the warring heavens and their ideas stemmed from egyptian and so on.  moreover,please, if you would, show me wherein did i state that my ideas were formulated by exclusively using a christian context or approach?  no, i would like to have it known that i visualize these images and feelings as an amalgamation, a conglomerate if you will, of all i've experienced and, moreover,  what others needed to experience in order for me know and feel all that i do regarding the matter.  

you see, if you try and visualize everything as a filter with it's own steady center of hold you will realize that the currents overlap, and that no two ripples are exactly alike - in turn, take advantage of the unique qualities bestowed upon you.
l meant speclflcally satan as the "god" of thls world.... that doesnt get mentloned ln pslams or proverbs... paul mentlons lt
oh so now u legitamize the works of the NT (new test) so HAPPY!!! i cant contain myself.  im a theistic troll!!! LOLOLOLOOL

thats all im good for! im good for nothing! im an idiot! LMAO

i own u, silly, meth, ne1 in this world wants it....they got it
ok the erk and jerk has dissipated and so i should be able to approach this with a greater level of diplomacy.  i see what ur saying now. ur saying that the concept of this being satans world didn't occur until the NT, not (as i previously understood it) that the concept of fallen angels didn't occur until the NT.  okay, i gotcha.  i read the King James Bible front to back a while ago and i vividly remember "this is satans world" being somewhere in the OT, maybe it was Job but i could've sworn it was in psalms or proverbs. i will look into this. 
^From what i have always read/heard from retired military ppl, former NASA employees, etc., the et's wont intervene unless nuclear weapons are going to be used.
wouldnt it be to late then?
not for da roaches.  word to ninja's room.
Twin Ancient Cultures On Opposite Sides Of The Pacific
:wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow: :wow:

WIKILEAKS BOMBSHELL: Surveillance Cameras Around the Country Are Being Used In a Huge Spy Network Called 'Trapwire'

Every few seconds, data picked up at surveillance points in major cities and landmarks across the United States are recorded digitally on the spot, then encrypted and instantaneously delivered to a fortified central database center at an undisclosed location to be aggregated with other intelligence. It’s part of a program called TrapWire and it’s the brainchild of the Abraxas, a Northern Virginia company staffed with elite from America’s intelligence community.
light weight, can't wait to sell my shoes on here, as a niketalk shoe alien civillian
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So...... what conspiracy happened during the Olympics?  Someone fill me in
In the summer of 1998, Russian scientists who were investigating an area 300 km southwest of Moscow on the remains of a meteorite, discovered a piece of rock which enclosed an iron screw. Geologists estimate that the age of the rock is 300-320 million years.
Dr Sal's Warning

The gentleman in the video is an Italian who emigrated to the USA, he works (worked may be a better term after this video) within a department of NASA that analyses space signals, trying to distinguish a signal of intelligent design against the background noise of space.
He claims that in 1994 they sent out a signal, and the following year they received a reply, he says they have established two way communication, but the signals have a huge time lag, so a signal sent receives and answer 331 days later.
He says the signals are very difficult to decipher, and that communication is hard, basically die to their technology and understanding being more advanced than ours, sort of like explaining science to a chimp. But they are are to understand parts of it.
They have recently being receiving warnings, about a pole shift that will happen in 2016, he goes on to explain that this pole shift is unlike previous ones because of the speed it will happen, over a period of a few months not like in the past where they were over centuries of even thousands of years. This will cause the Van Allen belt to drop to earth as the magnetic flux that holds it will drop as the change happens.
He goes on to state that the atmosphere will absorb some of the radiation but they expect a 75 - 80% loss of life on the planet. He said it is being kept under wraps to prevent panic, and also because those in charge are in denial. He has come forward because he wants the world, everyone in the world to start thinking about ways to help.
He mentions some technology that has already been developed for other uses that can be used to de-charge the Van Allen belt, make it less radioactive, and he feels that 6 billion of us all thinking about and working on the project can come up with something, the pole reversal cannot be stopped so we have to plan what we can do.

Islam is the only religion that prophesies that the sun will rise from the West, instead of from rising from the East, in the the End Times, before Day of Judgement. Both the Quran and the Hadith affirm that this phenomenon will take place. The occurrence of this phenomenon is considered in Islam as one of the major signs that indicate the Day of Judgement is close.

Allah says in the Qur'an:

  لا ينفع نفسا إيمانها لم تكن آمنت من قبل أو كسبت في إيمانها خيرا  .  6 / الأنعام / الآية 158

 " No good will it do to a person to believe then, if he believed not before, nor earned good (by performing deeds of righteousness) through his faith."     (Surah Al-An'aam 6:158)

This verse is referring to the rising of the sun from the West, according to the opinion of the majority of Quran commentators such as Tabari and Ibn Kathir.

Imam Tabari, after mentioning the different opinions of the commentators writes, "The most correct opinion in regards to the meaning of this verse is that what is apparent from the reports narrated from the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم   that he said, "Becoming a Believer will be of no benefit after the sun rises from the West.
****** ARE STILL in here talking about some mythical **** when we all know this REALLY HAPPENED right in front of our ol turn your head the other way *** ******

Wait, you believe in the "official" story of 9/11?

You think planes toppled those buildings?
Wait, you believe in the "official" story of 9/11?
You think planes toppled those buildings?
how are you gonna intentionally omit the links I clearly provided in size 7 font and continue to question me on my position on 9/11 man? :lol:

I posted the links right ******g there...they explain everything on how scholars, scientists, engineers, and architects are all calling the official story of 9/11 scientifically impossible.

.I've posted these links numerous of times throughout the thread only to receive no response from people who are on some dumb deaf and blind ****

Back with some more knowledge..seems like the 2012 hype is about to pan out..this is sillputty ether...tons of interesting information relating to the unfolding mysteries of our existence

I'ma even throw my mans 13 in there for his old wisdom
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White Image of Christ = Cesare Borgia

The deception is real...

Not surprised , The Borgias Killed , Lied, Backstabbed it's way into the Catholic church ( then the most powerful institution on earth)

From there they changed everything
White Image of Christ = Cesare Borgia

The deception is real...
Not surprised , The Borgias Killed , Lied, Backstabbed it's way into the Catholic church ( then the most powerful institution on earth)

From there they changed everything
Speak of which, I didn't know that The Borgias on Showtime was actually like the 8th time or so that there has been a movie/show about them. 

Fascinating stuff. 

Absolutely one of the first legitimate crime families. 
I just got done watching the "Dr. Sal's Warning" video. This video seems fishy. He says they (the people communicating with the aliens) don't know what the aliens look like, what they eat, or what their home world is like, yet, a few seconds later he says "they're far more technologically advanced than we are" how would he know that if he knows nothing of them or their living conditions?
coasttocoast a.m.

Wednesday August 15, 2012

First Hour: Author and lecturer Jeff Belanger talks about historic ghosts, and the possibility of time travel.

Second Hour: Nick Redfern is notorious for digging into secret, classified government and military files. He'll discuss how and why government agencies have, for decades, taken a clandestine and profound interest in numerous archeological, historical, and religious puzzles.
Social Security Administration To Purchase 174 Thousand Rounds Of Hollow Point Bullets

The Alex Jones Channel Alex Jones Show podcast Prison Planet TV Twitter Alex Jones' Facebook Infowars store

Preparing for civil unrest? Ammunition to be delivered to 41 locations across U.S.

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

UPDATE: DHS Now Covering Up Ammo Purchases?

First it was the Department of Homeland Security, then it was the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and now the Social Security Administration is set to purchase 174,000 rounds of hollow point bullets that will be delivered to 41 locations across the country.

A solicitation posted by the SSA on the FedBizOpps website asks for contractors to supply 174,000 rounds of “.357 Sig 125 grain bonded jacketed hollow point pistol ammunition.”

An online ammunition retailer describes the bullets as suitable “for peak performance rivaling and sometimes surpassing handloads in many guns,” noting that the ammo is “a great personal defense bullet.”

The synopsis to the solicitation adds that the ammunition is to be shipped to 41 locations within 60 days of purchase. A separate spreadsheet lists those locations, which include the Social Security headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland as well as major cities across the country including Los Angeles, Detroit, Oklahoma City, Dallas, Houston, Atlanta, Denver, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and Seattle.

Hollow point bullets are designed to expand as they enter the body, causing maximum damage by tearing apart internal organs.

It’s not outlandish to suggest that the Social Security Administration is purchasing the bullets as part of preparations for civil unrest. Social security welfare is estimated to keep around 40 per cent of senior citizens out of poverty. Should the tap run dry in the aftermath of an economic collapse which the Federal Reserve has already told top banks to prepare for, domestic disorder could ensue if people are refused their benefits.

Indeed, earlier this year the Department of Homeland Security ran a drill called Operation Shield which included turning the entrance of a Florida Social Security office into a checkpoint manned by Federal Protective Service officers armed with semiautomatic rifles.

“With their blue and white SUVs circled around the Main Street office, at least one official was posted on the door with a semiautomatic rifle, randomly checking identifications. And other officers, some with K-9s, sifted through the building,” reported the Daily Commercial.

A rash of solicitations by federal agencies for hollow point bullets in recent months has stoked fears that the government is preparing for civil unrest caused by a financial collapse on a scale similar or even larger to scenes already witnessed in Europe over the last two years.

As we reported yesterday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has put out a contract for 46,000 rounds of hollow point bullets along with 500 paper targets.

Despite initially asking the bullets to be delivered to the National Weather Service, NOAA claimed this was a “clerical error” and insisted the ammunition was being sent to the Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement. Why powerful hollow point bullets that are designed to tear apart internal organs are needed for practice shooting at paper targets has not been explained.

Back in March, Homeland Security purchased 450 million rounds of .40-caliber hollow point bullets that are designed to expand upon entry and cause maximum organ damage, prompting questions as to why the DHS needed such a large amount of powerful bullets merely for training purposes.

This was followed by another DHS solicitation asking for a further 750 million rounds of assorted bullets, including 357 mag rounds that are able to penetrate walls.

The DHS recently put out an order for riot gear in preparation for the upcoming DNC, RNC and presidential inauguration. The U.S. Army is also busy buying similar equipment.

The DHS also recently purchased a number of bullet-proof checkpoint booths that include ‘stop and go’ lights.
Our Government is preparing for war on it's citizens... are you?
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