Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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fyi, if this goes down the way it might, there won't be a such thing as money at the end of it all. i don't blame you, though, gotta do what's in your best interest. best believe i've done my share of thinking on profiting somehow if the economy collapses, ie gold, put options, etc.

this theory has always just made sense to me for some reason ...
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That article actually sounded pretty accurate.

My question is this: Everyone is trying to figure out how to survive the coming changes. How can we CAPITALIZE off of it? Where can we find information on PROFITTING from these impending disasters?

How do you expect to benefit when youre not part of the organization that will execute this major disaster or "new world order"?

If you're posting on NT then youre more than likely part of the masses... When this so called "collapse" occurs your well being and the well being of those like yourself are not in the plan. Nothing will be the same... It will be ALL BAD. Ordinary people like you and me are the target... We are the ones who will be brainwashed into living with fear. :smh:

That's why I always try to keep my eyes open and question everything... Money is just a distraction, learn to see past that and focus on the bigger picture.


I'm super high right now... The topics in this thread just make more sense when I'm zooted. I don't know why. :lol:

Forgive me if you see things differently. I mean no disrespect whatsoever.
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That article actually sounded pretty accurate.

My question is this: Everyone is trying to figure out how to survive the coming changes. How can we CAPITALIZE off of it? Where can we find information on PROFITTING from these impending disasters?

How do you expect to benefit when youre not part of the organization that will execute this major disaster or "new world order"?

If you're posting on NT then youre more than likely part of the masses... When this so called "collapse" occurs your well being and the well being of those like yourself are not in the plan. Nothing will be the same... It will be ALL BAD. Ordinary people like you and me are the target... We are the ones who will be brainwashed into living with fear. :smh:

That's why I always try to keep my eyes open and question everything... Money is just a distraction, learn to see past that and focus on the bigger picture.


I'm super high right now... The topics in this thread just make more sense when I'm zooted. I don't know why. :lol:

Forgive me if you see things differently. I mean no disrespect whatsoever.

I feel what you're saying, but I also feel like what you're saying is "Listen, you're powerless. You're just a peon, so get used to that and be good with that peasent life."

I can't do that. Throughout world history there are plenty of people who came up in times when coming up where literally impossible. By hook or by crook, if worse comes to worst, not only will my people come first (lol), but if I don't work the system then either my kids or their kids or THEIR kids will.

I got people in my family who straight up escaped slavery. I'm talkin bout ran off a sugar plantation in Cuba, swam to Florida, and lived amongst the Seminoles. I got people in my family who smashed their masters' wife, went on a trip to England with her as her servant, and just ran off into the city never to be seen again. I got people in my family who grew up in Jim Crow south, and at age 16 just up and decided they were sick of it and traveled with no money to NYC and managed to retire with money and property to their name.

I'm not about that "accept your status" life, bruh.

I understand completely where youre coming from... My family and I came from real humble beginnings as well. I wasn't born in the US and the only reason I'm an American citizen is because I was born on a military base and my father did 20+ years in the service. The struggle is real and I definitely know what it feels like.

I only responded to your post because I want you to understand that IF and when this drastic change occurs what we VALUE nowadays might no longer hold any weight. Everyone has money even poor people... We are on a messageboard for sneakers so I'm sure at some point in your life you've probably dropped $500+ on a pair so I'm def. not implying that youre a "peasant".

What I honestly believe is that no one is safe... Wealth means nothing once the dollar collapses. The "new world order" will be fueled by someone or an organizations quest for POWER. Why worry about PAYING for anything if you can just strong arm and take that **** with no consequences whatsoever. Like I said money is the distraction... And the masses will be too distracted by that to realize what is happening before it's too late. Once ultimate power is achieved and one single entity controls everything it's a wrap for us as a humanity... That's why you should always stay aware of what is going on with the United Nations. If the U.N. starts to fail then it's the beginning of the end IMHO.

Think about it tho... If news broke that we are low on fossil fuels/oil our whole world as we know it would collapse... Just that one announcement whether it was really happening or not would change everything. Our society is really that frail and fragile and at some point someone or something will take advantage of that.

But to answer you original question... As stated in the article, TRADE & BARTER would be your best way of PROFITING. If youre really about that life and think something is gonna happen stock up on stuff like gas, water, guns and ammo. If you think HYPEBEASTIN for sneakers is crazy now wait til you see what people are willing to do for things they actually need to survive...

I could go on for days about stuff like this... My girl and I talk about this kind of stuff all the time. The world isn't a scary place it's those that inhabit it. REAL ****.
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You know what bro?

You're right.

I was thinking last night about how I gotta start stocking up on gasoline.

We should get some type of post-apocalyptic Niketalk alliance.

Like, after the ish goes down, if you can accurately answer certain Niketalk questions and identify yourself by your screenname, then you're part of this group with which you can trade your goods.

Is that the point of the Masons and whatnot? When the ish goes down they can just deal with eachother exclusively?

Existential anxiety, bruh.
You know what bro?

You're right.

I was thinking last night about how I gotta start stocking up on gasoline.

We should get some type of post-apocalyptic Niketalk alliance.

Like, after the ish goes down, if you can accurately answer certain Niketalk questions and identify yourself by your screenname, then you're part of this group with which you can trade your goods.

Is that the point of the Masons and whatnot? When the ish goes down they can just deal with eachother exclusively?

Existential anxiety, bruh.

There's always the NT handshake
All I know is TAP TAP PULL... If there's a new handshake then I'm losing already. :lol:

The crazy thing is if something was to really happen I bet it will have been discussed in this thread already... NT KNOWS. :nthat:
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forget money.

outside of money what can you trade, provide as a skill, produce.

Money is the antithesis to the barter system. It has created a climate where people trade time, real value and hard work for a damn receipt of debt.

Spinning wheels over nothing.
forget money.

outside of money what can you trade, provide as a skill, produce.

Money is the antithesis to the barter system. It has created a climate where people trade time, real value and hard work for a damn receipt of debt.

Spinning wheels over nothing.


It's o.k. to try and GET MONEY but never ever be a slave to that ****.
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Buy gold and silver. Once the dollar collapses. People will start buying gold as a safe haven to protect the wealth. And when the new system is implemented it will be back by precious medals. I currently use silver to shop/barter at my local liquor store/mart.
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Buy gold and silver. Once the dollar collapses. People will start buying gold as a safe haven to protect the wealth. And when the new system is implemented it will be back by precious medals. I currently use silver to shop/barter at my local liquor store/mart.

I agree, but gold in a lawless environment as money would lead us right back here.

i would trade services and goods and hold off on the gold until a real government based on truth, fairness, that respected all living life came into power

i think trading in gold or letting be known you have gold to trade would be like wearing a bulls eye.
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Is that the point of the Masons and whatnot? When the ish goes down they can just deal with eachother exclusively?

Existential anxiety, bruh.

not at all.

Buy gold and silver. Once the dollar collapses. People will start buying gold as a safe haven to protect the wealth. And when the new system is implemented it will be back by precious medals. I currently use silver to shop/barter at my local liquor store/mart.

explain on how you barter with silver today?
Can someone PM a place to find the latest coast to coast broadcasts?? the place i usually get them from hasn't uploaded in a while.
A Live Woolly Mammoth From 1943?

After the conclusion of the WW2 Battle of Stalingrad, Nazi Party member and official photographer for the NSDAP, Holger Hildebrand, was captured by the Red Army at the Battle of Stalingrad. He and thousands of other Wehrmacht soldiers were later sent on a death march towards Siberia; this mammoth footage is understood to have been taken during that journey. (Hildebrand is believed to have died a prisoner of war at a Soviet forced labor camp in late 1945. His Granddaughter later came into possession of the footage when his belongings were repatriated to Germany from Russia decades after his death.)

-When aliens in galaxies 65 million light years away look at earth through a telescope....

they see dinosaurs.

-"eleven plus two" is an anagram of "twelve plus one"

-count the number of letters in ANY word, then count the number of letters in that, etc....etc
You will ALWAYS end up with 4.

Elephant = 8 letters . Eight = five letters. Five = four letters

Supercalifragicexpealidoucious = 30 letters. Thirty = six letters. Six equals three letters. Three = four letters.
-When aliens in galaxies 65 million light years away look at earth through a telescope....

they see dinosaurs.

-count the number of letters in ANY word, then count the number of letters in that, etc....etc
You will ALWAYS end up with 4.

Elephant = 8 letters . Eight = five letters. Five = four letters

Supercalifragicexpealidoucious = 30 letters. Thirty = six letters. Six equals three letters. Three = four letters.

The bolded is COMPLETELY wrong and a factor of laziness and or poor education.

the last one is stupid because there's no limit to how far you can keep going.
Did you know if you keep going with that process you're bound to go through every number?

It's like "Did you know if you drive for 7 hours straight, you will come across a red light, no **** sherlock.
-When aliens in galaxies 65 million light years away look at earth through a telescope....

they see dinosaurs.

-"eleven plus two" is an anagram of "twelve plus one"

-count the number of letters in ANY word, then count the number of letters in that, etc....etc
You will ALWAYS end up with 4.

Elephant = 8 letters . Eight = five letters. Five = four letters

Supercalifragicexpealidoucious = 30 letters. Thirty = six letters. Six equals three letters. Three = four letters.

eventually you're gonna hit 4 letters tho and then stop :tongue:
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