Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Yo watch the video i posted, it's long but it's worth it. There's more to December 21 2012
The part about the Helical Vortex Solar System  we inhabit honestly amazed and scared me at the same time, that along with us entering the ring wow, our sun is basically a bullet travelling through space and we're along for the spectacular ride into and through the unknown, really puts us in perspective, amazing, thank you, is there anything else you recommend watching?
Huge Fleet of UFOs detected in Infra Red camera cover entire Sky.

coasttocoast a.m.

Thursday December 13, 2012

UFO expert and editor of Unicus Magazine, Robert Stanley shares updates on covert alien activity.
I posted about this in the beginning of this thread but if you guys are into this thing, particularly higher consciousness and evolution, you should check out Bringers Of The Dawn. And if you don't really care, I suggest checking the book out for the different perspective. Just maintain an open mind.
coasttocoast a.m.

Sunday December 16, 2012

In the first half, George Knapp will be joined by film director, Oliver Stone and Professor of History, Peter Kuznick, for a discussion on how far the United States has drifted from its democratic traditions and the powerful forces that have struggled to get it back on track.

In the latter half, chairman of International Cruise Victims, Kendall Carver, will discuss odd and mysterious disappearances on-board cruise ships and how the industry stonewalls investigations of missing people.

The Invisible Science
The claim is that canola is safe to use because through genetic modification (again Monsanto) it is no longer rapeseed but ‘canola’

It has been marketed as a wonder oil that is low in saturated fats with a beneficial omega-3 fatty acid profile, but is now believed to cumulate in the body, and it takes almost 10 years before negative symptoms begin to manifest

One possible effect of long-term use is the destruction of the protective coating surrounding nerves called the myelin sheath. This is like having raw, open wires in the body. Some symptoms include:

tremors and shaking
uncoordination when walking or writing
slurred speech
deterioration of memory and thinking processes
fuzzy or low audio levels
difficulty urinating/incontinence
breathing problems/short of breath
nervous breakdown
numbness and tingling in extremities
heart problems/arrhythmia
From a nutritional perspective, canola oil has been found to deplete Vitamin E. It has a tendency to inhibit proper metabolism of foods and normal enzyme function. It also depresses the immune system
In regards to the sandy hook situation, I turned on the news today and first thing they were discussing was gun control while people were still in a stage of panic this is the easiest and best time to do it. Just really makes you wonder if there is a driving force behind this stuff. I won't share my personal thoughts on it, but a question I ask myself if someone can kill 4000 people, and destroy 2 buildings with an agenda; killing 20 children doesn't really make a difference to them either.
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