Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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bruh Kobe subbed out with 4.1 sec in his last game

and the Lakers scored 101 pts that game.

it was written.

Not only that.....he scored 60, and his teammates scored....41.

Trey Lyle's, I believe it was, took the last shot of the game. Jersey number 41.

Kobe was in the air for 41 mins before the"helicopter crashed"at 9:47.

All coincidence though. :rolleyes
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I don’t necessarily subscribe to the idea that this was orchestrated or lined up with the stars so to speak, but I do occasionally consider conspiracy when sudden celeb deaths happen.

If I was wearing my tinfoil hat in this instance though, I don’t think it would be too far fetched to believe at some point that Kobe (before kids) would be willing to sell/sacrifice his soul to become the greatest basketball player to ever live. I mean, Tracy McGrady’s comments about Kobe wanting to die early are very eye opening. I could see him putting morals/religion aside to ascend to God like status in NBA/sports history. He softened in recent years but for a long time Kobe was a cold blooded dude.
It’s called a Faustian bargain. Many athletes/entertainers make this pact with or without truly knowing the consequences. It goes back into antiquity when kings and priests would live a lavish life having whatever they desire and in turn die a sacrificial death. In this case it was a perfect blood sacrifice. 3 13 year olds. Virgin blood. Along with Kobe. But this is the Illuminati thread we’re all talking nonsense in here let’s just stick to whatever official stories the media outlets give us.
It’s called a Faustian bargain. Many athletes/entertainers make this pact with or without truly knowing the consequences. It goes back into antiquity when kings and priests would live a lavish life having whatever they desire and in turn die a sacrificial death. In this case it was a perfect blood sacrifice. 3 13 year olds. Virgin blood. Along with Kobe. But this is the Illuminati thread we’re all talking nonsense in here let’s just stick to whatever official stories the media outlets give us.
I am interested in this.

So does this bargain grant these players access to Super Human Skills?

Are they able to play better with this agreement?

If yes, who/what helps them reach those levels?

What does the sacrifice do exactly?
I am interested in this.

So does this bargain grant these players access to Super Human Skills?

Are they able to play better with this agreement?

If yes, who/what helps them reach those levels?

What does the sacrifice do exactly?

it doesn’t. Kobe’s Talent’s for example were god gifted and a result of hard work and dedication.

if he did something to go against the grain please believe kobe could’ve had everything taken from him early on.

with his competition drive and sheer will to be the best what wouldn’t he have agreed to in order to achieve the greatness he wanted early on?

In that realm of celebrity there are things that can be done to boost you into the spot light or cast you out. Like H headdetective mentioned giant pieces on a chess board. There are rituals that take place. Sometimes a sacrifice is made sometimes you have to be humiliated for the world to see and sometimes you have to participate in somehomosexual **** so they can use it to control you if you buck. A good example of this is Shakir Stewart.

we’ve also heard stories of when players are in the zone it’s like they’re not even controlling their body. The hoop looks like the ocean and everything’s effortless. but we’ll leave that up to conjecture since it can’t be proven.

it doesn’t. Kobe’s Talent’s for example were god gifted and a result of hard work and dedication.

if he did something to go against the grain please believe kobe could’ve had everything taken from him early on.

with his competition drive and sheer will to be the best what wouldn’t he have agreed to in order to achieve the greatness he wanted early on?

In that realm of celebrity there are things that can be done to boost you into the spot light or cast you out. Like H headdetective mentioned giant pieces on a chess board. There are rituals that take place. Sometimes a sacrifice is made sometimes you have to be humiliated for the world to see and sometimes you have to participate in somehomosexual **** so they can use it to control you if you buck. A good example of this is Shakir Stewart.

we’ve also heard stories of when players are in the zone it’s like they’re not even controlling their body. The hoop looks like the ocean and everything’s effortless. but we’ll leave that up to conjecture since it can’t be proven.

Wait wait wait
What happened with shakir stewart
How he buck the system
What got him killed
Please explain
And all that sacrifice stuff and humiliation rituals happen
Bunch of stuff I be wanting to post but can’t
Thanks for explaining that part.

I have a few questions.

1. At what point is an athlete "approached" about making this agreement? What if someone like, Patrick McCaw makes the bargain, what would happen?

2. SPeak on the "In The Zone" point you touched on. Do you feel someone else is controlling that player in that moment?

3. Do you think it is possible to be a star player without making the agreement/bargain? Will "they" just leave you alone if you say, "I'm good."
Thanks for explaining that part.

I have a few questions.

1. At what point is an athlete "approached" about making this agreement? What if someone like, Patrick McCaw makes the bargain, what would happen?

2. SPeak on the "In The Zone" point you touched on. Do you feel someone else is controlling that player in that moment?

3. Do you think it is possible to be a star player without making the agreement/bargain? Will "they" just leave you alone if you say, "I'm good."

1. At what point? Idk. Patrick McCaw ain’t getting approached :rofl:
There has to be a potential or talent level there that’s god gifted for them to pervert. It happens more often in the music industry because more of those people are super thirsty for the spotlight yet talentless so the machine provides them with whatever amount of fame or a couple hits. You can’t really do that in sports.

2. The zone thing, see the vid I posted.

3. if you’re THAT good to where you can’t be denied you either get down or lay down at one point. Most have got down knowingly or unknowingly.
1. At what point? Idk. Patrick McCaw ain’t getting approached :rofl:
There has to be a potential or talent level there that’s god gifted for them to pervert. It happens more often in the music industry because more of those people are super thirsty for the spotlight yet talentless so the machine provides them with whatever amount of fame or a couple hits. You can’t really do that in sports.

2. The zone thing, see the vid I posted.

3. if you’re THAT good to where you can’t be denied you either get down or lay down at one point. Most have got down knowingly or unknowingly.
sex rituals
humiliation rituals
and sacrifices are a big part of it
as well as brainwashing or that mk ultra stuff
tom cruise
just to name the obvious
others are "handlers"
as an example jay snake self is beyonce handler
there are also gatekeepers ellen and oprah are gatekeepers
doublemesh96 doublemesh96

So when will someone break the newsto the public?

Someone has to let the world know at some point right?

Meaning someone explicitly telling the truth while they are in their prime.

These things are communicated right in front of our faces on a daily basis. Literally constantly. Our subconscious might pick it up but most people like 99%+ do not study or have any interest in the occult so 10 times out of 10 something is put or said in plain sight and you have no idea what you’re looking at.

dave Chappell kinda tried to air it out but he knew if he did that would more than likely be his life. Now look at him. Multi million dollar Netflix deal, back on the scene...he layed down cuz he had no choice. He’s boulè. You wouldn’t say anything either cuz you don’t wanna die.
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