Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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[h1]Mystery Sea Monster? Nope, Just a Dead, Stinky Whale[/h1]

By Tia Ghose, Senior Writer
 | May 12, 2017 05:15pm ET

Monster of the deep? Or just a really funky dead whale?

A monstrously huge creature that washed ashore on a remote Indonesian beach, oozing a mysterious red fluid, is probably a baleen whale in an advanced state of decomposition, experts said.

The nearly 50-foot-long (15 meters) marine creature was lying on Hulung Beach on Seram Island, Indonesia, and was first discovered by 37-year-old local resident Asrul Tuanakota, who initially mistook the creature for a boat, the Jakarta Globe reported

Despite the blob's bizarre appearance, it's clearly a baleen whale, said Alexander Werth, a whale biologist at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia.

"There is lots of stuff in the ocean that we don't know about — but there's nothing that big" that remains unknown, Werth said.

Two dead giveaways revealed that the creature was a whale, Werth said: the grooves, or "throat pleats," and the upper jaw where the two racks of baleen plates
, used for filtering out food in the whale's mouth, would have been. [Whale Photos: Giants of the Deep

While scientists can say for sure that the whale belongs to the genus Balaenoptera
, it's not clear exactly which species it is: It could be either a 
blue whale
 or a Bryde's whale
, Werth said. However, Bryde's whales are not usually that big. The creature could also be a fin whale, said Moe Flannery, the collections manager in ornithology and mammalogy at the California Academy of Sciences. (The creature is definitely not a humpback, she added.)

Nasty gases

The beached whale
 is clearly in an advanced state of decomposition and likely has been dead for anywhere from two weeks to several months, Werth and Flannery said. The decomposition, and the gases produced by the associated bacteria, have inflated segments of the carcass like a balloon, Werth said.

"It must stink to high heaven," Werth told Live Science.

Baleen whales typically have many bacteria in their guts that produce gas, Werth said. These keep reproducing once the whale dies, creating a foul stench and inflating the bodies, he said.

"That's yet another reason you don't want to be close to these things, not because it's a scary, spooky creature, but [because] it would just be releasing some pretty foul, noxious gases," Werth said.

Though smelling the decomposing whale is not dangerous per se, people shouldn't be bathing in or drinking the water nearby, he added.

Normally, when a massive whale dies
, it sinks to the bottom of the ocean, where the corpse serves as a feast for a year or two for an entire ecosystem of worms, hagfish, sharks and other marine creatures, Werth said.

However, if a ship swiped the animal, causing internal injuries that did not allow gases to escape, or if the whale had a bacterial infection that produced huge amounts of gases, the animal could inflate like a balloon — enough to float to shore, Werth said. On the other hand, this ill-fated whale may simply have died in warm waters, which tend to fuel more bacterial growth. That, too, could rapidly produce enough gas after death to make the animal float rather than sink, Werth said.

"If it dies in really cold, polar waters, there's a greater chance it will sink," Werth said.

This phenomenon is not unique to whales: Two human bodies that presumably were submerged during colder weather popped up in a Central Park pond
 in New York during warmer weather, Werth said.

Tides or currents may explain why the floating whale carcass made it ashore, Werth added.

[h2]Mysterious cause of death[/h2]

While it's tough to determine a cause of death in an animal in such an advanced state of decomposition, some clues can still be gleaned from the carcass, Flannery said. For instance, if the a ship struck the whale
, signs of trauma such as fractured ribs would still be apparent. Identifying a bacterial infection would be difficult this far after decomposition. However, if the animal died of domoic acid toxicity, sometimes caused by algal blooms, a urine sample could reveal that, Flannery added.

At the least, researchers always try to take a tissue sample, which contains DNA that would reveal the species of whale and the gender, she said.

As for the reddish tinge in the water surrounding the whale, that is probably a combination of blood and grease, Flannery said.

"Whales are full of oil, and it's kind of orangey," Flannery told Live Science.​
it was obviously a damn whale. Like I said before, people are always so quick to make **** up when they don't understand something(few things here)

"first know the facts, then distort them at your will"

People can be very annoying at times when they don't just think for 1 sec
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author of fingerprints of the gods (hancock) was on rogans podcast recently this week. great listen, the topics vary a lot
just wanted to drop my 2 cents.....upon further review.....

my guess?

this is a simulation and im serious.

i have a bad way of explaining things but to put it simple

to give it a "number"......if it takes our civilization 5000 years to create a simulation that feels like real life and you can not and will never know the difference between "real life" (what is real life at that point) but to keep it short, if it takes 5000 years to create a simulated physical "universe" than that simulation would create another simulation thus creating it a multiverse and it would just be simulations within simulations.....i know im everywhere with this but i wish i can explain better.
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After living and learning and observing and growing and gaining wisdom, there is some part of me that wants to believe that it is entirely posssible that we are not real but merely a simulation.

When I step outside of myself and assess the situation, I have concluded that the reason I give any credence to my life being a simulation is....subconsciously it makes it okay for me to live and act wreckless or careless or neglect any moral compass I have otherwise.

Believing in simulation for me, immediately has a negative affect on me. Just now, as I type this...I can feel the energy shift in my being.

The mind, you have to control it or it will overpower you.
I mean, scientifically , there is potential for our experience to be simulated based on Quantum Physics. (see Double Slit Experiment) Electrons have both particle and wave function. Meaning, something physical/matter can also be a wave, or become intangible, based on being observed or not. When electrons are observed, the wave functions is collapsed. Things
exist because they are observed. When they are not, there are endless possibilities.
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Photos of mammatus, gravity waves beneath anvil of severe storms last night east of Roswell, NM #mammatus
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