Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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That's not how I feel.

I can read. And I can read your post, the response someone gave, and then yours to them. Therefore your point to the post was not overlooked.

You are projecting defensiveness and displaying it more than I.

And I think I gave you that rep for the initial post.
 [h3]Hans Rosling asks: Has the UN gone mad?[/h3]

The United Nations just announced their boldest goal ever: To eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere, already by 2030.

Looking at the realities of extremely poor people the goal seems impossible. The rains didn’t fall in Malawi this year. The poor farmers Dunstar & Jenet, gather a tiny maize harvest in a small pile on the ground outside their mud hut. But Dunstar & Jenet know exactly what they need to break the vicious circle of poverty. And Hans Rosling shows how billions of people have already managed. This year’s “hunger season” may very well be Dunster’s & Jenet’s last.

Up-to-date statistics show that recent global progress is ‘the greatest story of our time – possibly the greatest story in all of human history. The goal seems unrealistic to many highly educated people because their worldview is lagging 60 years behind reality.
[h4]About the film[/h4]
The visualizations are based on original graphics and stories by Gapminder. The data sources are listed here.

The Dollar Street project, featured in this film, will launch later this year.
Learn more and stay tuned here.

This film follows the previous award-winning BBC productions Don’t Panic – The Facts About Population  and The Joy Of Stats.

The film was produced by Wingspan Productions and broadcasted on BBC TWO  on September 23, 2015. Director & Producer: Dan Hillman. Executive Producer: Archie Baron. [emoji]169[/emoji]Wingspan Productions for BBC, 2015.
What is everyones thoughts on PLanet X being discovered by CalTech? We all know planet x "nibaru" (may have spelled that wrong) was introduced to us through ancient Sumerian tablets .... its about time we have proof that went mainstream. 

interested to hear your thoughts on this. 
What is everyones thoughts on PLanet X being discovered by CalTech? We all know planet x "nibaru" (may have spelled that wrong) was introduced to us through ancient Sumerian tablets .... its about time we have proof that went mainstream. 

interested to hear your thoughts on this. 
never thought i would see this day 7 years ago... reading upon zacharia sitchin books had me looking crazy at the time. Now i know im ok and not a looney tune.
What is everyones thoughts on PLanet X being discovered by CalTech? We all know planet x "nibaru" (may have spelled that wrong) was introduced to us through ancient Sumerian tablets .... its about time we have proof that went mainstream. 

interested to hear your thoughts on this. 
never thought i would see this day 7 years ago... reading upon zacharia sitchin books had me looking crazy at the time. Now i know im ok and not a looney tune.
Read a couple things on how chemtrails are really being laid out to layer in a false bubble to block our view of the sky... i know thats wayyyyy out there but you never know. I would like to have an idea of when this planet will be back in our orbit, we will know a couple years out and there is a rumored 1,000-,100,000 year orbit so no one truly knows i guess 
Mirin Dajo: Wonderman

Just after the Second World War, the Dutchman Mirin Dajo made himself into a living enigma, as his body was able to be pierced repeatedly, without suffering any internal injury or even bleeding. Sixty years on, the world has largely forgotten what he did, even who he was.


The phenomenon of apparently reality-altering displays is notoriously long. For many, this is purely conjuring, sleigh of hands or coincidence; for others it is evidence of a higher force at work, if not a “plan” of something above – God? – making itself known to us below.

Anyone visiting the idyllic Peruvian town of Arequipa will visit the Monastery Santa Catalina, which was home to a remarkable woman, Sister Ana de Los Angeles Monteagudo. Her cell is more impressive than others (she was, after all, prioress) and she became known for her accurate predictions of death and disease and was credited with healings, including the severely inflicted painter who painted the sole portrait of her. When she died in January 1668, she was not embalmed because her body did not reek of death; when she was exhumed ten months later, her body had not deteriorated, remaining as fresh and flexible as the day she died. Since her death, she has been credited with several miracles and as such, in 1985, Pope John Paul II made her a saint.

Stories of miracles – healings that are accomplished mainly through devout praying of those who are sick to one or more saints – are difficult to substantiate and seem to sit largely within a religious framework, such as the miraculous healings that occur in sites such as Lourdes. They tell more about those that prayed for good health than about the saints themselves. The miracle, it seems, is that mind can alter matter and that if you believe your body can be healed, the body will heal.

Still, some saints seemed to display super-human qualities within their lifetime: Ignatius of Loyola apparently levitated in Barcelona in 1524 and so did St Teresa of Avila, who described the event as such: “You see and feel it as a cloud, or a strong eagle rising upwards and carrying you away on its wings.” None of these accounts, though “investigated” and apparently “accepted” by the Catholic faith, hold much weight for a 21st century sceptical mind. The Vatican continues to use a strange mixture of religion and science to accept or deny these “miracles”.

But what happens if reality-defying features do not fall – or no longer fall – within the bailiwick of religion? In the 1970s, Uri Geller’s psychic abilities were repeatedly (even ad nauseum) tested and confirmed in many of the world’s leading laboratories, yet we remember him most for his spoon-fights with his sparing partner James Randi, a man who seldom if ever focuses on the more difficult to contest psychic feats that Geller performed in the most scientific of conditions.

Geller was however not the first or only person in modern times that defied the laws of physics, as defined by “scientists”. What Geller was to physicists, the Dutch “Wonderman” Mirin Dajo was to doctors. On June 23, 1947, the day before the world would officially enter what would become known as the “UFO age” (with the UFO sighting of Kenneth Arnold), Time Magazine reported on this “Miracle Man”. It stated: “In times of stress ‘miracle men’ have a habit of bobbing up with ‘messages’ for a world in search of signs and wonders. Some swallow swords, some are buried alive, some sleep on tacks. Others – the more conservative kind – merely possess ‘supernatural powers.’ Last week Zurich was agog over the latest miracle man.

Nightly at the Corso, the city's largest music hall, a 35-year-old Dutchman named Mirin Dajo stood stoically while an assistant seemed to push swords and spears through his chest. ‘I am no artist,’ Dajo said, ‘but a prophet. If you believe in God, your will can dominate your body. People wouldn't believe me if I started to talk. But after seeing my invulnerability they will.’ The act was a great success. So many people fainted that waiters demanded payment of checks before each performance.”


Today, Dajo is ill-remembered, if only because he was a rather localised phenomenon, contained to the Netherlands and Switzerland, for little more than two years, almost sixty years ago. Still, in 1947, headlines read that he was "like a second Messiah!" One person who witnessed one of his performances reported: "Mirin Dajo stands silently in the middle of the room, bare to the waist. In the twinkling of an eye an assistant steps behind him and rams the blade with full force in the back of his body, in the latitude of his kidney. Deathly silence. Open-mouthed, students and doctors of medicine examine the Dutchman. No doubt: an 80 centimetre long foil is stuck in his naked waist and juts out on his front side with more than a handbreadth! Over and above that no single drop of blood flows. They had never seen something similar before..."

Like Geller was tested by physicists, Dajo was repeatedly tested by doctors, if only because they were required to give him the necessary permits to perform. A Swiss doctor, Hans Naegeli-Osjord, hearing of Dajo's alleged talent, invited him on May 31, 1947 to the Zurich Cantonal hospital, where doctor Naegeli-Osjord himself, doctor Werner Brunner, the chief of surgery at the hospital, and a number of other doctors, students and journalists would test him. As usual, Dajo stripped to the waist, was pierced by a rapier through the heart, lung and kidneys, and did not bleed or feel anything. Dajo was then asked to allow an x-ray to be taken with the rapier still in place.

He agreed, though the doctors wondered how they would transport him to the x-ray theatre, as a stretcher was obviously ill-suited to transport a man whose upper body had a rapier through it. Not to worry, Dajo said, he could walk to the x-ray theatre with the foil still in place. The result of the x-ray undeniably showed that Dajo was pierced through several vital organs, yet without any ill effect or internal damage. Of course, it could just be that with the rapier still inside, little trauma had been caused and that massive internal bleeding would commence once the steel blade was withdrawn.

The doctors prepared for this likelihood. But when the steel blade was withdrawn, it became once again apparent that only the smallest of traces remained visible on the skin, with no blood and only a minimal amount of body fluid running out of the openings. The tiny wounds were cleansed, but Dajo and his assistant knew that even if they were not cleaned, no infection would occur.

Dajo’s display in Zurich was not the only such display in Switzerland, there were more demonstrations in front of a medical audience in Basel and Bern. In Basel, he allowed the doctors themselves to pierce him. As before, there was no harm. Some of these tests were filmed and Frontier Sciences Foundation recently showed the footage at its 2003 Frontier Symposium in Amsterdam, as well as at the 2004 Nexus Conference in the same city. The footage shows one doctor turning his head away; some believe he did so because he wanted to make sure that Dajo and his assistant did not “hypnotise” him; others interpret that the man could not look at what he was seeing, as it indeed defied our consensus of what is and what is not “possible”. In fact, whereas Dajo never came to any harm, members of the audience often fainted and during one performance in Switzerland, one member of the audience apparently suffered a heart attack, so great was the stress the audience was placed under.

At another demonstration in the Corso in Zurich, the sword accidentally struck a bone while it was pushed through Dajo, resulting in several ladies in the auditorium fainting when they heard the noise. As a consequence of such incidents, the licence for public displays was withdrawn; Dajo was now only allowed to perform in closed auditoria, which he actually considered to be a blessing, as though it seemed to be a restriction, it actually allowed Dajo to address his audience and preach his message. And that was what it was all about, he argued.

Dajo began his life as Arnold Henskens, on August 6, 1912, in the Dutch city of Rotterdam. He was known as “Nol” to his friends and Nol pursued a career in the “Beaux Arts”, specifically sketching and drawing; in his twenties, he became the team leader of a design bureau. That seems all very mundane. There had been, however, a number of unusual experiences in his youth, but like so many others, he did not realise what they were or mean. Some did stand out: for several nights in a row, he had visions of his niece Hannie, who had recently died; he drew a portrait of her, trying to capture the vision he had of her. Later, he drew a portrait of a deceased aunt who had lived her entire life in South Africa and whom he had never known.

Nol was able to draw her portrait with details that were soon to be confirmed by photographs; somehow, Nol’s portrait of a woman he had never seen corresponded with how the woman actually looked. It suggested that he had extrasensory perception. Most intriguingly, he found out that in the morning, he would often wake up in his bed, his hands and sheets dirty from drawing, and his studio in a mess. He then saw that without his own knowledge, he had been drawing in his sleep, returning to bed – all of this unconsciously and apparently without ever waking up.

Though intriguing, such exploits are in themselves not too extraordinary and not always signs of telepathic or other abilities. But when Nol turned 33 years old, something happened in his life. In fact, it was “nothing more” than him realising that his body was invulnerable.


Such “realisations” should of course be taking with due consideration. Perhaps the confusion over his nightly exploits had resulted in psychologically unbalancing a man who, as team leader, was often under great stress at work to deliver on sometimes harsh deadlines. He knew that if he were to tell his immediate family, he would not be believed. Others whom he did tell, did not believe either. How could he convince the world that he was indeed physically invulnerable? He decided to give up his job and go to Amsterdam, where he hung around pubs and invited people to push dagger-like objects through his body. He became a wandering solo freak show, but it did earn him money, money which he desperately needed, as he was now without a regular income and had not yet told his parents about him quitting his job or the career – or mission – he wanted to pursue.

Though Dajo would become known for his radical “body piercings”, his first demonstration actually involved him eating a piece of glass and a half dozen razor blades. After all, daggers or swords were not customary ingredients in a street café in the heart of Amsterdam. He ate them without any problem and Dajo later stated they apparently never left his body through the usual exit, which made him conclude that once eaten, they some disintegrated or dematerialised inside his body.

Notoriety – fame – was what Dajo was after. In that respect, he was once again very much like Geller and both began their careers as stage attractions, for it seemed to be the only medium through which they could get notoriety. But in the case of Dajo, it was not so much a desire to show off what he could do; it was more that he wanted to show the world that there was more to this reality than what most people had accepted reality to be. For him, his invulnerability was stage one; stage two was Dajo informing his audience that he was a man with a mission, which involved preaching to the world that they should abandon their materialistic ways, that they should realise that there was a higher force out there – the Source… God – which was working through him and which had given him this invulnerability, as a clear sign that something greater was out there. He was preaching a message of peace – he wanted world peace, as Man’s materialistic ways would lead him towards misery and war.

It was around this time that Nol became “Mirin Dajo”, a name he adopted as in Esperanto, it means “wonderful”. Like others at his time, he felt that Esperanto was a mechanism through which Mankind could be united, as it would break down the communication barriers that existed between the various nations. One language, one world.

Dajo still performed in pubs, but now needed an agent, someone who was able to give him bigger audiences; audiences to whom he could show his invulnerability and preach his message. He would use the entertainment industry and the theatres as his church; the stage would be his pulpit, where he would preach his message. He found an agent, who informed him that he needed licences to perform in public. He was therefore taken to the University in Leyden, where the likes of Professor Carp, dr. Bertholt and dr. Stokvis were amongst the first to scientifically test his performance; they gave him a licence, though only for closed clubs, because of the nature of the “act”. Indeed, the doctors felt that certain audiences could not cope with the extreme nature of Dajo’s display… and they would be proven right.

Equally, Dajo was largely only allowed to display his invulnerability and not speak, which led to frustration on his behalf as one was the precursor to the other, and more important part of the message he had to impart on the world. The same disillusionment initially occurred in 1947, when he left the Netherlands and began to perform in Switzerland. Again, doctors granted him a licence, but again, it was only for the show, not the lecture, though we already noted that this changed soon afterwards.


Dajo had a number of assistants, whose main if not only task was to put the “steel instruments” through his body. Early on in his career, he sat waiting for the bus to Amsterdam and his neighbour, Jan Dirk de Groot, sat next to him and realised that his next door neighbour was the man who had become the talk of the nation. Soon Dajo invited de Groot to become his only assistant; soon, the two became inseparable friends. De Groot thus learned that there was more to Dajo than what people saw on stage. He learned that Dajo had several “guardian angels” (apparently at least three in total, each seemingly taking over after a time from the previous one), who frequently told Dajo what to do, i.e. what specific tests he had to subject his body to. Most of these tests occurred off-stage. One exercise was to place his body on ice, before the hair on his chest would be removed with a blow torch. Another exercise involved washing himself with boiling water, which did not even turn his skin reddish, let alone burn it.

De Groot realised that Dajo was often pierced up to fifty times in one single day; some days, the number was over 100. Sometimes, the instrument went through his lungs, or his heart, sometimes through his spleen, sometimes through several organs all at once. Each time, no harm came to him. On occasion, de Groot was asked to pull and push the instrument, while inside, sideways, as if to try and cause greater damage to the internal organs. Nothing. De Groot was often boxing on Dajo’s body, only injuring his own hands, but not harming Dajo in any way. On one occasion, the blade was heated to extreme temperatures before it pierced the body, but apart from some hissing when it went through his stomach (Dajo had shortly before eaten), nothing happened. One blade was even sprinkled with a poison, another was rusty, again to no ill effect. As most of this occurred in private, few people knew and some did not believe what they saw on stage.

They therefore asked to pierce Dajo three times with hollow, 8mm wide tubes, the ends of which would be connected to a water supply, which turned Dajo into a human fountain. The photographic evidence speaks for itself. And whereas doctors in Zurich were surprised he could stand, let alone walk with a dagger inside him, later Dajo went outside and began to jog in the park, running several laps in front of the astonished medical assembly.

De Groot saw the private Dajo and began to understand what was truly going on. For De Groot, Dajo was a man who was the instrument of a higher force, who appeared to him in various forms, sometimes materialising, sometimes “merely” speaking to him telepathically. Parallels with Geller and his exposure to enigmatic lights and mysterious voices are, of course, once easily made. Some have rejected this bond with such entities as negative, for it seems to negate free will. Indeed, Dajo was to do as they said and De Groot has drawn various parallels with guardian angels, specifically as described by Socrates and the French cineast Jean Cocteau, both of whom stated that they lived according to the desires of their guardian angels, who were able to appear to them and advise if not direct the course of their life.

Deviation from this path was not appreciated by these entities.
Apart from invulnerable, De Groot claims that Dajo was telepathic and could heal. When in Switzerland, one evening, De Groot could not reach his family back home and became worried, upon which Dajo said he should not be and should just phone them at 8am in the morning; he told De Groot that they were playing cards and would be so until 2am. In the morning, De Groot confirmed that Dajo had been correct.

Various people came to Dajo, asking to be healed. One man in Holland was suffering from severe headaches and Dajo healed him, an event that occurred in the presence of a doctor. After the healing, the doctor remarked: “Boy, that’s all suggestion, we work with those things too.” To which the patient replied: “Doctor, if that is so, why did you operate on me three times and gave me all of those powders and pills and why did you not heal me with suggestion?” upon which the doctor is said to have left the house. During another display, one medical student explained the Dajo phenomenon away as hypnosis and wrote as such in a monthly magazine, though there was no evidence whatsoever that hypnosis, either self-hypnosis or mass hypnosis, was involved.

So what was going on? Like Geller, Dajo’s body had a special relationship with metal. In fact, De Groot and others reported that on occasion, something inside Dajo’s body seemed to bend the daggers, even turning them into semi-corkscrews, though this was the exception, rather than the rule.

Dajo himself said that the weapon did not go through him, but that he went through the weapon. There was a division of his body, whereby the area through which it went became “lighter”, “less physical” and hence the body did not get injured, as there was nothing “solid” to injure. De Groot claims that during one test, Dajo actually became physically invisible and remained so until his emotions took the better of him and he “materialised”, naked, in the middle of winter, on a beach where several people were walking and saw him totally naked, before Dajo quickly put back on his clothes.

Dajo and De Groot believed that Dajo was able to change the composition of his body, altering its density and even annihilating it totally from within the visible universe. This is reminiscent of an episode in Geller’s novel Ella, in which during one of her tests (based on Geller’s laboratory tests, some of which remain classified) a video camera records the event, whereby a frame by frame analysis reveals that Ella’s body seems to phase in and out of existence, being totally absent on some and not on other frames, as if her body vibrates so fast that our eyes do not see it, but not fast enough to trick the camera.

With modern research constantly pushing our understanding and revealing how our mind is indeed tricked all the time when it comes to the perception of colour, motion, etc., we should perhaps indeed wonder whether not all of our bodies “vibrate” as such, but some perhaps so fast that it becomes noticeable by cameras – which would bring new meaning to the concept by those who claim to be operating on “higher – faster? – frequencies”.


Dajo was physically invulnerable, or at least to an extent. De Groot reports how during one walk, Dajo broke his arm. This is clearly evidence that he was vulnerable. Yet De Groot claims that Dajo repositioned it and immediately could reuse the arm as if – and most likely – no longer broken. It ties in with other statements of both men that Dajo only was “superhuman” when he was “demanded” to be; Dajo was able to lead a normal life and had normal bodily sensations; only during training or his performances did he become invulnerable, suggesting he could turn it on and off.

Like Jesus, Dajo’s mission lasted approximately three years. Like Jesus, a lot of questions remain about the circumstances of his death. In Switzerland, the voices told Dajo to eat a steel needle, which a doctor would later surgically remove, without narcosis. On May 11, 1948, Dajo did as his spiritual guides told him to do and a doctor consented to surgically remove the needle, though the procedure was performed under narcosis, on May 13, 1947. Indeed, the dagger remained inside for two days. About ten days later, Dajo lay down on the bed, while De Groot went to collect his wife from the airport. When they returned, they found Dajo still on the bed. De Groot knew that Dajo often meditated, or had out of body experiences and then, as now, he checked whether Dajo had a pulse, which he had. The following day, Dajo was still in bed; he had never been in such an extended trance state, but again, Dajo was breathing and had a pulse. On the third day, De Groot checked again, but this time, there was no pulse or breathing. Dajo was pronounced dead on May 26, 1948, his death having occurred approximately 12 hours before De Groot had discovered his death.

An autopsy was performed almost immediately (even though the law stated that a period of three days had to pass before one was performed) and this revealed that Dajo had died of an aortic rupture – a verdict contested by De Groot and the surgeon, but whereby both were unable to officially contest it, if only because De Groot was a foreign national. In retrospect, De Groot realised that Dajo had known he would die soon: when he left the Netherlands some months before, he told De Groot he would not see his country again. And he told De Groot that he should not assist him when he swallowed the steel needle; if he had, De Groot would have been liable for prosecution.

Dajo believed that he was there to bring a mission of peace, but it is clear that his sudden death and the short period in which he stunned the world was not at all as powerful as, for example, the three years that Jesus preached before he died. If anything, Dajo’s death was a welcome event for those doctors who could now forget about him and the challenges he posed, though some doctors were so convinced that they wrote and spoke about Dajo and the challenges he had posed.

Geller equally failed – or was asked to fail – from the perspective as a man that would change the world in its perception of our reality. But Geller, in his novel Ella, creates a semi-autobiographical character, Ella, who does succeed where Dajo, Geller and so many others have so far failed. And, indeed, we should see these failings not so much as their own, but perhaps equally failures of the controlling entities. Dajo does indeed seem to have a “test”, a trial balloon, to see whether or not the world was “ready” for this – and after three years, the experiment was apparently cancelled.

In the novel, Ella does show the world and the world is convinced. But Ella’s message is in no respect different from Ignatius of Loyola, Geller or Dajo: she states that prayer was a vital component and that through prayer, our reality could and would be changed. Dajo did not have the medium of television, but Geller had – and still has – and in the 1970s demonstrated that change was possible, if people believed what they saw. In the end, prayer is little more than directed thought… void of doubt. Faith and prayer formed the backbone of people like Sister Anna and Ignatius of Loyola. Irrelevant of whether Jesus or not existed or his status of Son of God, their unquestionable belief and allegiance and prayer made them “supermen”… But only one Dutch superhero called himself “Wonderman”.
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I think that is the guy who was said to have died because he performed without envoking the spirit or without permission/protection.
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That vid has me thinking. Been in the behavioral health field for over ten yrs working with adolescents. It is one of the most stressful fields and the pay sucks yet we are providing the most critical foundation for individuals to succeed.
I feel that the "powers to be" have a blueprint that is learned behavior. This leads to poisoning the young minds out there with weird media, weird healthcare practices, weird education... Just offbeat **** that makes certain people in society feel as if we are walking in circles with no purpose
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"I want a daughter. I hope she'll be a fool - that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool." - Daisy Buchanan from The Great Gatsby. First thing that comes to mind when I hear ignorance is bliss

Those who are awakened have a way more stressful life in my opinion. I'm always so tired from it
^^^ I get what you mean. But it depends on your level of you awakening and enlightenment.
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Mario this is so true for me right now. I get irritated easily by the greed and other corruptions I see often. It can be exhausting. I need to channel that energy better and be happy and humble just by simply being
If the UN's goal is to eradicate extreme poverty for everyone, then either:

A) they have set out to discover a free/ perpetual energy solution.... which would end the water and food shortage, cause the price of everything to plummet and effectively end the world economy as we know it.

B) they will perform mass extermination of the world population by 2030

C) they will lower the bar for what poverty is

or D) all of the above
I have mentioned in some of my past posts, although in a ostentatious way, the absolute fact of government agencies, (conjoined with mainstream media, entertainment agencies, and other prominent influential institutions) and their public relations divisions taking advantage of the instantaneous information flow propelled by the internet.

Disseminating propaganda is and has been since 1915 their main tool of controlling the minds of the masses. They have teams that manage and sift through the data of sub-divisions of sub-divisions of sub divisions of our many interests. Think tanks of some of the most intelligent scholars on the planet cornering all of the major industries that shape our society. Well thought out plans and strategies. And the internet, the most important invention of our life time, shouldn't be overlooked as a potential tool for propaganda. If you've ever thought for one second that they haven't' been ahead of the curve when it comes to disseminating propaganda by way of the internet, then I'm afraid you may be a victim of this propaganda already. Conspiracy theories are most definitely no exception due to it's nature to capture imagination and emotion.

These same folks we're ecstatic when the radio became wildly popular back in the 20's because they could quickly disseminate and promulgate an idea into the consciousness of the public instantaneously and pervade throughout America. The internet by far trumps the radio these days. Infinite amount of date is instantaneously in the palm of your hands in rectangular form at any time of the day if you so choose to reach in your pocket and use it. This, in my opinion; and theirs, is their perfect tool.

This thread does a good job of mirroring the debate you two are having @FrankMatthews green rhino123 green rhino123 . There are posters who post information thinking it's providing enlightening information, however unbeknownst to them, it is more confusion and bewilderment than it is enlightenment. If brought to a critical analysis, using reason and logic, we'd see that these are nothing more than a compendium of fanciful fallacies. Flat earth, reptilians, aliens, holograms. celebrity cloning, illuminati etc. etc. These narratives have a pernicious effect. To claim that any of those things are truth would be disingenuous. They provide the illusion of truth and "thinking outside of the box" yet they are just another box hiding inside another box, inside another box. Another form of entertainment to keep you in fear and distracted.

***I cant stress enough to pick up the 2 books "Propaganda" By Edward Bernays | and "Manufacturing Consent" by Noam Chomsky wayniac211 wayniac211 here's is the first lines in the opening chapter of Propaganda. This pertains exactly to what it is you have been feeling about our consciousness being manipulated "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society". ***

And this is where the stress comes in. This is where the dis-empowerment comes in. The helpless feeling like there's nothing we can do. Which is understandable because if you follow the narrative of spooky men performing witch craft underground drafting up evil policies and sacrificing little black babies in the name of Satan, then no wonder you feel disempowered and helpless.

I can't say what the answer is because I don't know it, but if "truth" leaves one angry, sad and alone, then that is no truth I want any part of. Ignorance is not bliss, contrary to modern terminology. Ignorance is Evil ( Amazon product ASIN B00ABLJ5M2 ) . We must keep searching for each of our own individual truths. The ones that lead to fulfillment and happiness for not only yourself but the people you effect directly and indirectly through your actions.

I promise you knowledge is the key. It will help you get out of that stage of hopelessness, exhaustion and stress. I was once there, and I still have to battle it day by day. But freedom, happiness, love, brotherhood and unity comes about through understanding, and understanding is created through education. I have fully committed myself to my re-education and it has brought me a sense of confidence and hope on my own path.

I hope I didn't come off as pertentious. That is not my intent. I'm simply honing the skills of my creative writing work in a place where I am grateful for everything each and every one of you have taught me about life and myself and I'm just hoping what I am learning can be of some help to some of you.

Hope all is well my brothers. One love.
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Not sure if proper as Im not familiar with US politics. I dont even know why Im posting this here but maybe because for some reason my "learnings" from this thread got me more curious with US politics and tried to see if there are anyone from the inside who's not part of the structured "manipulation" and "brainwashing" of the general population and that lead me to Jesse Ventura and Ron Paul. Based on his interviews and performances in debates I think he provides the true solution that will help US end war and the government's uncontrolled spending which in the grand scheme of things benefit the "elite few".

Again my opinions are based on my limited exposure on Ron Paul's interviews, campaigns and participation in debates.

I guess what Im trying to achieve in this post is to hear everyone's opinion regarding Ron Paul relating to things being discussed here (wars that benefit the elite few through government contracts, federal banks printing more money killing the country with interest rates, etc.)
I have mentioned in some of my past posts, although in a ostentatious way, the absolute fact of government agencies, (conjoined with mainstream media, entertainment agencies, and other prominent influential institutions) and their public relations divisions taking advantage of the instantaneous information flow propelled by the internet.

Disseminating propaganda is and has been since 1915 their main tool of controlling the minds of the masses. They have teams that manage and sift through the data of sub-divisions of sub-divisions of sub divisions of our many interests. Think tanks of some of the most intelligent scholars on the planet cornering all of the major industries that shape our society. Well thought out plans and strategies. And the internet, the most important invention of our life time, shouldn't be overlooked as a potential tool for propaganda. If you've ever thought for one second that they haven't' been ahead of the curve when it comes to disseminating propaganda by way of the internet, then I'm afraid you may be a victim of this propaganda already. Conspiracy theories are most definitely no exception due to it's nature to capture imagination and emotion.

These same folks we're ecstatic when the radio became wildly popular back in the 20's because they could quickly disseminate and promulgate an idea into the consciousness of the public instantaneously and pervade throughout America. The internet by far trumps the radio these days. Infinite amount of date is instantaneously in the palm of your hands in rectangular form at any time of the day if you so choose to reach in your pocket and use it. This, in my opinion; and theirs, is their perfect tool.

This thread does a good job of mirroring the debate you two are having @FrankMatthews green rhino123 green rhino123 . There are posters who post information thinking it's providing enlightening information, however unbeknownst to them, it is more confusion and bewilderment than it is enlightenment. If brought to a critical analysis, using reason and logic, we'd see that these are nothing more than a compendium of fanciful fallacies. Flat earth, reptilians, aliens, holograms. celebrity cloning, illuminati etc. etc. These narratives have a pernicious effect. To claim that any of those things are truth would be disingenuous. They provide the illusion of truth and "thinking outside of the box" yet they are just another box hiding inside another box, inside another box. Another form of entertainment to keep you in fear and distracted.

***I cant stress enough to pick up the 2 books "Propaganda" By Edward Bernays | and "Manufacturing Consent" by Noam Chomsky wayniac211 wayniac211 here's is the first lines in the opening chapter of Propaganda. This pertains exactly to what it is you have been feeling about our consciousness being manipulated "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.
We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society". ***

And this is where the stress comes in. This is where the dis-empowerment comes in. The helpless feeling like there's nothing we can do. Which is understandable because if you follow the narrative of spooky men performing witch craft underground drafting up evil policies and sacrificing little black babies in the name of Satan, then no wonder you feel disempowered and helpless.

I can't say what the answer is because I don't know it, but if "truth" leaves one angry, sad and alone, then that is no truth I want any part of. Ignorance is not bliss, contrary to modern terminology. Ignorance is Evil ( Amazon product ASIN B00ABLJ5M2 ) . We must keep searching for each of our own individual truths. The ones that lead to fulfillment and happiness for not only yourself but the people you effect directly and indirectly through your actions.

I promise you knowledge is the key. It will help you get out of that stage of hopelessness, exhaustion and stress. I was once there, and I still have to battle it day by day. But freedom, happiness, love, brotherhood and unity comes about through understanding, and understanding is created through education. I have fully committed myself to my re-education and it has brought me a sense of confidence and hope on my own path.

I hope I didn't come off as pertentious. That is not my intent. I'm simply honing the skills of my creative writing work in a place where I am grateful for everything each and every one of you have taught me about life and myself and I'm just hoping what I am learning can be of some help to some of you.

Hope all is well my brothers. One love.


peace brother.
Anyone going to Niketalk live on the 14th? I don't watch basketball anymore but It's a Bart ride away from me and it would be nice to have some enlightening conversations and meet you guys in person.
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