Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Going to watch those videos meow.
I watched both of them. Although Brother Panic drops some knowledge at times, I often get turned off his works whenever he makes it seem like white people do not have the ability to reach the levels he speaks of. What does our human shell have to do with our soul as a whole? I can't really vibe with anyone, regardless of race/ethnicity that perpetuates such things. I mean in the grand scheme of things, what is this human life? In the realm of spirit what does our earthly race really have to do with anything at all? Even Sadhguru is very pro India, and the Indian people. I feel like these people are speaking to their respective races/cultures because they can best connect with them and hopefully lift them above their current place. I don't think I have ever came across anyone who really and truly speaks for all peoples of Earth. Our humanity and human identities color any information we receive or speak of. Ultimately I think we all need to find our own truths through whatever means necessary.

Peace to all of you! We're all gonna make it.
I watched both of them. Although Brother Panic drops some knowledge at times, I often get turned off his works whenever he makes it seem like white people do not have the ability to reach the levels he speaks of. What does our human shell have to do with our soul as a whole? I can't really vibe with anyone, regardless of race/ethnicity that perpetuates such things. I mean in the grand scheme of things, what is this human life? In the realm of spirit what does our earthly race really have to do with anything at all? Even Sadhguru is very pro India, and the Indian people. I feel like these people are speaking to their respective races/cultures because they can best connect with them and hopefully lift them above their current place. I don't think I have ever came across anyone who really and truly speaks for all peoples of Earth. Our humanity and human identities color any information we receive or speak of. Ultimately I think we all need to find our own truths through whatever means necessary.

Peace to all of you! We're all gonna make it.
i agree i just find some of his stuff interesting i dont share his same views. the concept of race has no scientifically proven biological or genetic validity. it is a social construct that has been used as a tool of oppression for centuries.
my man mark passio going in
@ 36:00-56:00

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I watched both of them. Although Brother Panic drops some knowledge at times, I often get turned off his works whenever he makes it seem like white people do not have the ability to reach the levels he speaks of. What does our human shell have to do with our soul as a whole? I can't really vibe with anyone, regardless of race/ethnicity that perpetuates such things. I mean in the grand scheme of things, what is this human life? In the realm of spirit what does our earthly race really have to do with anything at all? Even Sadhguru is very pro India, and the Indian people. I feel like these people are speaking to their respective races/cultures because they can best connect with them and hopefully lift them above their current place. I don't think I have ever came across anyone who really and truly speaks for all peoples of Earth. Our humanity and human identities color any information we receive or speak of. Ultimately I think we all need to find our own truths through whatever means necessary.

Peace to all of you! We're all gonna make it.


Really hard to listen to guys like Bobby Hemmit or anyone that still degrades another race and speaks of his own skin color as superior. I'm on a mission for truth, understanding and love so it's hard for me to take in their gospel if their still missing the point completely.

Just try to ignore the racism in the videos and take in the historical facts.
i think he's a gimmick
but so is the mainstream news so at least it's a different perspective

sometimes he's embarrassing but sometimes it's interesting
i always ask myself what's the motivation

not completely against but don't follow all that much
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Has anyone watched Interstellar yet? I watched it last night at Arclight. I loved it! I liked the subtle symbols the Nolan brothers included in the script along with the talk of wormholes, blackholes and going beyond the dimension of time. I don't want to spoil anything but I would consider it a must watch if you are a reader of this thread.
Interstellar is making me interested in higher dimensions...anyone got any videos about that? 
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