Solange-++#$ The Industry (Feat. Wale)

@ the saigon comment

and i agree...this is sickening but its hilarious at the same time
....son said he might make a video and make a track....FOR REAL?
I'm listening to you Wes...may have to release the Nike Boots Remix, TIME heard it.

That's where I don't agree with old dude at, I'd still Go Harder than Brooklyn on the track.
Originally Posted by Robby Valentino

son said he might make a video and make a track....FOR REAL?


Originally Posted by rwfanatic

_s done ran Wale off the board with these shenanigans

Originally Posted by haiti5

this is disgusting..

Originally Posted by knowledgebones72

H Town I can't believe you went and embarrassed yourself like that.


the @%%% that's been said in this thread

Originally Posted by notoriusWES

dreClark wrote:

Barack 0drama wrote:

"Y'all wanna sit up and argue with Wale, If I was Wale, I wouldn't argue with y'all N's..."
Self promoting *** _....


real NT emcee trying to get on, im not even mad at it...chess game
Originally Posted by H TOWN HUSTLER

Nah far from embarassed. I know when I know my potential. I'm good, even though he didn't want to get it crackin like snail shells.
Alright, I told myself I'm going to stop going afterN's heads on niketalk but I have to address this. Are you really asking for a internet text battle? Like I mean I remember this back in 1999, Aol chatrooms battling, I was like 16 doing that. So because he refused to battle with you online, on a sneaker message board, he "ran" and "lost"?And on top of that, I clicked and listened to your music..I really hope you have a back up plan in life because honestly dog I'm sorry to break it to youbut your NOT going to make it. You sound like EVERYBODY else in your city, in ATL, in FL, you do not stand out at all. Your lyrics are predictible and yourflow is unbareable. I don't understand how some dude who records at their mommas crib can really sit here and say another artist doing something biggerthan they EVER will is garbage. There is a difference between "opinion" and just flat out hate, you my dude are clearly jealous and hate just to makeyou feel better about your pathetic/ waste of time rap career. I know your embarassed about this, and honestly I listened to your music and I feel embarassedfor you. Sorry
If anyone gets embarrased on the internet then they should get out more. It isn't hard to open up Pro Tools, Load a track, and press record, end ofdiscussion. You are not going after anyone. At the end of the day and this, more people have listened, and more people know the name, I'm good.

I'm pretty successful without music at this point so it doesn't phase me.

I could ask you what you do with your life or whatever, but obviously, I don't care.

I have my own crib also.

And if I don't like someones music, I don't like it, no hate, not a fan of Gogo, the only people from that region I really mess with are the Clipse. Atthe end of the day, I respect the dudes craft and his position, you don't go at people higher than you, you go lower, and hell if I feel I can go atsomeone, I can go at the them. I don't have a let me sit back he doing it mentality, nah, I'd pull an Adibisi and go in for the kill.

Some of ya'll need some bibs because the slurping in this thread is outreagous, I think Wale has his internet street team intact though.
So instead of going at someone who called dude out to a 16 bar battle, go at the haters, the guys who hate on this man for no reason, the guys calling hisalbum a pre flop. Saying someone isn't going to sell is hate. Saying you don't enjoy a certain type of music, but either way you will the artistsuccess, is called being opinionated. Maybe some of you guys should get hobbies and start rapping or producing.

At the end of the day, I know Wale had some haters when he worked at Sprint before he got on. Hate is motivation, I got a few more people clicking, looking,and listening at the end of the day. All money is good money. All publicity is good publicity. I also could really care less about the opinions here, not thatmany NTers buy CD's, cough cough.
Nah real talk....

EDF...aint you *edited to hide the fraudulence*???




and i played your songs ...your money go both ways you can call it (disparaging term for homosexuals)...REALLY BRO!?!?!
...hang it up

son called it slurping...there is not one person on NT...or in real life...who thinks you are better than Wale'...+#!* i think Uncle Murda might have youfor lunch
Nah, I think you got me confused with another dude, but as far as my music and real life, my music is me, just me having fun, doing what I do, I know I'mjust as good as Wale, just not as well known, but at the end of the day, it's entertainment.

New tracks up tonight, going in the studio today.

I like how I got boys listening to my music, I may have to do more of, nah, but yeah, ya'll dudes have a happy new year, The Movement willvibrate in 09. And Wale, you know what it is, you did a risk assessment and going back at me isn't worth it especially if I Jay-Z you volume Nas.

I see how T.O. feels, I'm NT's Music Forum T.O. Who want's to be Romo?

And my paper goes both ways, chances are you will catch yourself repeating it.
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Hey, The line fit perfectly...
Don't act like you didn't spit it knowing you was gonna use it in a Wale related thread one day.
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