Socially Awkward Habits That You Do, Post Them.

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

-i have some sort of anxiety attack whenever people are looking at my things... i dont know i dont like people looking at my phone, or in my room, or in my notebook... not that im hiding anything it just feels invasive and makes me uncomfortable.

Same here. They might be playing with my Rubik's cube and I constantly feel like I have to get it back

I'm always thinking about the worst possible thing that can happen. For no reason. Something as stupid as being afraid that when I come home everyone is dead 
. It's so annoying and I realize I'm doing it but I just can't get over it.
Originally Posted by RAWse

Originally Posted by Munfy

When I look in a mirror, I don't trust it. I look behind me thinking something is there that doesn't show in the mirror when I look at it. Even in public.

When I use someone elses bathroom and they have a tub with a shower curtain pulled all the way across, I have to check it to make sure no one is there hiding.

Did you watch a scary movie on acid recently?


haha nope, I have trust issues not only with people but with objects such as mirrors.
-I have a tendency to sing terrible songs outloud when i think no one is there only to realize some one is. (stupid Ke$ha songs)

-When i zone out at work I play out situations in my head that have no relevance and speak the solutions out loud by accident because i get so caught up in the day dream. "I would have ran", "Jump out the window and try to land on that hangover then you could prob just jump down from there" people always mug me but i try my best to play it off like it made sense.

-I also do the shower curtain thing. I always leave it open but if its closed i open it just incase. Also have a tendency to peer under my car while approaching just to make sure no one is under it ready to cut my Achilles tendons and jack my car
- I will walk down a grocery isle I have no purpose in just to see
if a chick has a fat @#$.

- Whenever I have to turn around suddenly in public I either check my watch
or lightly exhale.

- I believe people in my peripheral eyesight are planning to attack me so
don't be surprised if I slow my pace or even go as far as to take a unnecessary trip to the
bathroom just to let you past.

- Whenever I'm caught talking to myself I'll desperately resort
to singing loudly to let you know that I was actually singing.

- Sometimes I take trips to the bathroom just to quickly glance in the mirror,
If someones in there I will atleast wash my hands.
Originally Posted by Beast4ya

as soon as i go on my computer I must go on





-and then w/e

in that order. Idk its just a habit
Couple more

When I eat i always wipe my mouth with a napkin everytime food goes in my mouth. Idk I guess i feel like theres food leftover around my lips.

When I'm at the bar, I always make sure i have a drink in my hand, and i make sure i sip slower than everyone else

I noticed i look down a my shoes way too much

I wear glasses, so yea everyonce in awhile ill push them up with my nose( eye glass wearers know what i mean)

When someone asks me for a dollar or loose change, even though i know i dont have any to give, i check my pockets pretending i might have some.

When My boys come over to blaze and play playstation, they are never allowed to use my White ps3 controller
Crack my knuckles when I run out of things to talk about with someone.

Stomp my feet while sitting down for no reason

Or constantly spin my phone when I walk
i guess its not socially awkward cuz i do it when no one is around but i ALWAYS run up stairs if no one is around...

i did it the other day going to class and when i got halfway up some people were coming down and i felt mad dumb...
*When its night time I never turn any lights on (unless I absolutely have to), I even shower in the dark
*When I adjust the volume on things I always put it on an even number
*I microwaved my cereal so that everything is slightly warm
*I hold by breath when passing garbage trucks
*I watch movies on DVD usually in 3 or 4 sittings, almost never in 1
i always have to jingle my keys when locking or closing a door..
i'll close the door, lock it then i will take out my keys and jingle a couple of times.. think it is a little OCD..
I always have to sort words that I see on like signs and stuff into a consonant-vowel order.

For example,

I see the word 'Facebook' so I will think how the word could be set up with an order of like consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel

The worst is when I am driving on the interstate and see street signs all over with different cities...
I watch the floor...

It LOOKS really timid and insecure.. When I walk, I count tiles. As I stand, I look at the top of my shoes. Just cause
. I'm always stepping over cracks or playing the "sidewalk game" -- the one where you only step once with each foot in any particular section of sidewalk no matter how small or large it is- so I walk around looking like a little kid playing "Mother May I".. taking giant steps here, little steps there, and so forth...

I make EXTRA random look-arounds

I can be talking to you and just blatantly look away as if something caught my attention. There's nothing there. I just don't like ANYTHING. My eyes get antsy or something and just look away. I'm fidgety. I pace. So I gather that the eye thing is just an extension of my undiagnosed ADHD. I look over my shoulder or auto-track any sharp noise with my eyes. I can't help it. I always look like I'm looking FOR something when really I just don't like staring at things and people. It's weird. When I'm on stage, my eyes are open but not "on". I'm looking through the crowd, but AT no one or anything -- if not the back wall. Sometimes I stare into the spotlight and go blind on purpose just to make the people in the room go away for a second... It's crazy. It's like I'm blinded by all of the randomness in front of my eyes. I see nothing and everything at once.

i guess its not socially awkward cuz i do it when no one is around but i ALWAYS run up stairs if no one is around...

i did it the other day going to class and when i got halfway up some people were coming down and i felt mad dumb...

There's nothing remotely awkward about not being lazy. I run up or down stairs based on my energy level and the level of urgency. I never once figured it to be inappropriate tho... is it?
Originally Posted by AntOne209

i hate the sound and feel of styrofoam. its like nails on a chalk board.

Sound of it makes me go

I'm notorious for pretending to text in certain situations.
Originally Posted by J23S

I turn away when I see people kissing on tv, I just find it disgusting
Thought I was the only one. If there are people handing out flyers trying to recruit I pull out my phone, which I guess it isn't to odd but I use the same convo over and over. Something along the line "where you at? Yea? Yea? %%@+ I'm on my way" Some Dave Chappelle %%@+.
When i wake up i rub my left bicep

I cant take a crap in public if someone is in the stall next to me

I wear my headphones all the time so weirdos wont talk to me

When im at a stop light i hate making eye contact with the person in the next lane

I also take my clothes off when i gotta take a crap
Originally Posted by bulls90s

Originally Posted by AntOne209

i hate the sound and feel of styrofoam. its like nails on a chalk board.

Sound of it makes me go

I'm notorious for pretending to text in certain situations.
yes. another thing that drives me crazy ever since i was younger is trying to write with a broken pencil... every time i think about it i cringe.
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