So why exactly is NY > CA ? Im serious? Are there any good reasons at all?

^^^If you live in a certain place for a long time...then any other city you visit, and spend a week or so to get to know will probably be better than your origin city.

Your there as a tourist, staying in a luxury hotel, you eat out while your there, and hit up all the attractions of that city...I haven't been up to the empire state building nor the statue of liberty and i'm a born new yorker.
Born in and lived half my life in New York, (just moved back), and I've been to LA at least 8 times. NYC is clearly better, LA is SUPER overrated, but it's still a nice place.
Originally Posted by scribble253

I was born and raised in NYC. For the first time I went out to San Diego, CA, a couple of weeks ago, and I hate to admit this but CA is def better. The weather, female, and lifestyle def beats out NYC. I can't speak for LA or San Francisco, but San Diego was real nice. Also, somebody told me San Fran is not too bad if not better. I been living in NYC my whole so the hustle and bustle will eventually burn you out. Also, NYC might have more females but CA females look a lot better than these NYC hoodrats. CA>NY from a New Yorker.

Just a little useless fact about NYC ..

You can eat out everyday for the rest of your life and never eat in the same place.
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

Originally Posted by kbweezy24

I just moved to NY 2 months ago from cali, and I can already say that I htink NY is a cooler city to live it

ny wins in:

women (ny has women, vs california girls)
public transportation
music scene/the arts

cali takes:

lower rent
cleanliness (barely)
From what city. Please don't say Fresno.
EL A. specifically pasadena 
and for 4 years in college i lived in newport beach, orange county 
Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

92F is still hot.

I'd kill myself if I had to experience 85+ degree weather 8-9 months out the year.

I like snow.
I like rain.
it averages 70-75 year round in lbc. nice breeze no humidty.

it doesnt get "hot" until mid-late june then cools off end of august-mid september
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

LOL how do you expect New York City to compete against an entire state?

I was thinking the same lol, but I'll take the west coast over the northeast any day.
Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

This is tired. But I will say this...

I like my 4 Seasons. I don't get people's fascination with hot weather EVERY DAY of the year.
me neither fam. 
That's why I plan to never live in Arizona. Yeup.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

^^^If you live in a certain place for a long time...then any other city you visit, and spend a week or so to get to know will probably be better than your origin city.

Your there as a tourist, staying in a luxury hotel, you eat out while your there, and hit up all the attractions of that city...I haven't been up to the empire state building nor the statue of liberty and i'm a born new yorker.
I actually been to a couple of cities for example Boston, Philadelphia, Jacksonville, Savannah, Baltimore, DC, Atlanta, and most of East Coast. With that said, San Diego> most of the cities I just mentioned. However, this was my first time out in the "West Coast".
Originally Posted by TxRook

Can we just agree that every state is good/bad at something? Remember this..

I had never seen this before, but i can't tell you one thing after going to college in AR, they have a mass # of almost every one of these

Originally Posted by John Sterling

Keep comparing your state to our city.

Originally Posted by scribble253

I was born and raised in NYC. For the first time I went out to San Diego, CA, a couple of weeks ago, and I hate to admit this but CA is def better. The weather, female, and lifestyle def beats out NYC. I can't speak for LA or San Francisco, but San Diego was real nice. Also, somebody told me San Fran is not too bad if not better. I been living in NYC my whole so the hustle and bustle will eventually burn you out. Also, NYC might have more females but CA females look a lot better than these NYC hoodrats. CA>NY from a New Yorker.
no you werent
Originally Posted by kbweezy24

I just moved to NY 2 months ago from cali, and I can already say that I htink NY is a cooler city to live it

ny wins in:

women (ny has women, vs california girls)
public transportation
music scene/the arts

cali takes:

lower rent
cleanliness (barely)
looks like youre a homebuddy when you were in cali
Originally Posted by ILL LEGAL OPERATION

Originally Posted by sickickz23


that don't look like Manhattan....

Because it's clearly Washington, D.C...
Yup, op goof'd

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

LOL how do you expect New York City to compete against an entire state?
I'll never understand this either. Seems like its always CA vs NYC. Its beyond played.

Originally Posted by scribble253

I was born and raised in NYC. For the first time I went out to San Diego, CA, a couple of weeks ago, and I hate to admit this but CA is def better. The weather, female, and lifestyle def beats out NYC. I can't speak for LA or San Francisco, but San Diego was real nice. Also, somebody told me San Fran is not too bad if not better. I been living in NYC my whole so the hustle and bustle will eventually burn you out. Also, NYC might have more females but CA females look a lot better than these NYC hoodrats. CA>NY from a New Yorker.
A New Yorker who has actually visited and appears to have an educated opinion on the subject. Most people that post on this subject have never been to the place they are claiming to be inferior. I have been to NYC hundreds of times and I would never choose it over L.A. or SF.
From a third person perspective, both NYC and Cali are awesome. NYC is the coolest city and Cali's got the nicest weather and is literally like paradise. You can't compare the two, they're both great in their own rights.

I'd love to live in NYC and Santa Monica sometime in my life.
Yo seriously to each their own..

Weather? I like my 4 seasons, I'm a winter guy mostly.
Sports? I like my NY sports teams
Girls? I love the sense of fashion and style the city NY girls have
Schools? You are acting like you attend all 10, big deal you got more top 100 schools
MJ/ Smoke? Don't smoke so don't really care
Business? You work at any of those Forbes 500? What are they doing for you?

We have more billionaires than you do.. We also are visited by tourists more than your state.. and?
I like what my city offers me so I live here. I love fashion week/ shows.. You have that?
here's my view and i've lived in both so i'm pretty unbiased on it.

i prefer nyc over la but i could see why some would prefer la over nyc if they prefer a different change of pace

statewise tho cali > any other state
Originally Posted by John Sterling

Keep comparing your state to our city.

when anyone is talking about Cali they really only care about SoCal and the Bay which combined are just a little bit bigger than the Tri-State pop.

It's obvious many of the people making statements haven't been to both areas.
at folks try to hate on Cali's "heat" like its Arizona. The average high temp in LA is 76 for the year. Just beautiful
Dunno about yall.. but I love winter
.. I lived in CA/LA all my life and moved up to Minnesota when I was 18 and I'll never go back *kanye shrug*
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