So who else staying home this Saturday night

Haha at labtop.

I've been at work since 5 PM. I don't get off until 5 AM. That's been the story of my last month and a half. I don't even go out Fridaysbecause I need as much rest as possible to be ready for the tasks that are assigned for that. Very stressful job.
stayed in tonight...smoked some k and watched last samurai
Blah. Playing MW2 and trying to find a party. Bored out of my mind I really want to go out tonight

Shouldve gone to see Tiesto in SF instead, but tickets got expensive
I've got a stop motion video due Tuesday and I took about 1000 pictures today. Getting my editing on...
only got one hour of sleep last night
mad tired now
had dinner with my girl
about to watch some sportscenter right now

work at 8am , smh
*Raises hand*

My hands are cold as !@%+ for some reason

Browsin NT and Youtube and listenin to Kevin Cossom!
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