So turns out , Omer Bhatti really is MJ's real son ...

This kid looks like what the REAL Mike would produce with a white woman and Mike was mysterious enough to keep something like this under wraps... Let'sassume he is Mike's son. Be real.. Mike aint into to girls, sexually. Why would he intentionally impregnate a woman with his sperm, then not claim theboy?? He wanted kids, and those three kids he claimed obviously do not have his any of his genetics. They look like what Mike wantedto look like,instead what he started off lookin like (2 totally diff looks).. *side note: Omer looks less like his mother, Pia Bhatti, than he looks likeMichael.... For some reason I believe Joe...
Originally Posted by dyyhard

MJ obviously wasn't a Simpsons fan, otherwise he would have added an H the front of omers name.


my first laugh of this Saturday

His moms is Norwegian i think.
They said MJ had a concert in Norway and smashed a fan.
This Norwegian girl = Liberian girl?

I wouldn't doubt every trucker/ball player/traveler, there's a jumpoff...and this dude MJ was an international icon.

But 4 real tho, I'd buy it....ya'll don't see the resemblance?
they just need one more unknown kid and itll be the jackson 5 AGAIN
why was he never mentioned before huh? gold diggers

he just came out of no where now.
i can c it.

n do you think they would have a FAN or FRIEND in the FRONT ROW next to Janet and the rest of the family at Michael Jackson funeral?

maybe floor seats or something like that butFRONT ROW next to the immediate family? come on now we talking Michael Jackson

n from the pics you can see he looks like Mike look at the 1st 5 pics then look at pics of Michael from the Thriller days!
[h1]Omer Bhatti: I'm Not Michael Jackson's Love Child[/h1]
July 26th, 2009 10:57 AM by Free Britney
Tags: Omer Bhatti, Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson's rumored love child, Omer Bhatti, has revealed how the star made him his "honorary" son after inviting him to move in with him years ago.

Omer Bhatti, 25, hails from Norway, and lived at Neverland ranch for eight years. Rumors say Jackson fathered him during a one-night stand with his mom, Pia.

But he says there is no biological link between them, despite the rumors that he is Jackson's secret son. He says the music legend was just his "best friend."

Omer, who still lives in Norway, reveals that Jackson used to say that he was "like a son" to him and thinks that must be the reason for the love child rumors.

Confiding in a close friend from Oslo, Omer Bhatti said: "Michael Jackson is not my father. He and I were just very, very close. He was my best friend."

Omer was a guest of honor at Jackson's memorial service in L.A. two weeks ago - sitting along with the pop legend's closest relatives in the front row.

"Michael always used to say I was like a son to him," he said. "But my true parents are in Norway. The reason I was asked to sit with his family at the memorial service is because I was Michael's closest friend - not because I am his son."

Bhatti also confided in a girl pal: "Michael was such a special person to me and I cannot believe he is gone, I am in total shock. I have lost weight because I cannot eat anything. All I can think about is how Michael died."

Omer Bhatti says he moved to Neverland Ranch in 1996 after Michael Jackson met him and his parents in Tunisia where 12-year-old Omer had been on holiday.

Jackson was so taken with Omer, who he dubbed "Little Michael," that he had the adolescent boy, his mother, father and sister move to L.A. with him immediately.

Michael gave Omer's mum Pia a job as a nanny for his son Prince Michael and employed dad Huayoun as a driver. Meanwhile, he and Omer grew very, very close.

Another of Omer's friends, Ricky Harlow, also reveals how Omer's bond with Jackson grew so strong that he shared the star's bed - while his family stayed in a cottage in a different part of the sprawling Neverland complex.

Amazingly, the sleepovers took place at a time when Michael Jackson was still reeling from allegations that he had molested 13-year-old Jordan Chandler.

Continue reading this article in the UK's Daily Mirror ...

I'll take his word over Joe Jackson's...
its all well and good, but the dude looks like mike, which for all intents and purposes can be a coincedence ... joe jack was crazy enough to create michaeljackson, so who knows what else hes capable of ...

EvIl GeNiUs
if you're reading this, show yourself Omer...i know you frequent the JB forum.
Originally Posted by PleaseSayTheBaby23

i can c it.

n do you think they would have a FAN or FRIEND in the FRONT ROW next to Janet and the rest of the family at Michael Jackson funeral?

maybe floor seats or something like that but FRONT ROW next to the immediate family? come on now we talking Michael Jackson

n from the pics you can see he looks like Mike look at the 1st 5 pics then look at pics of Michael from the Thriller days!
Originally Posted by The Maverick 41

why was he never mentioned before huh? gold diggers

he just came out of no where now.
You don't know anything about the topic .

Omer was always around .
Whether he is or not, I don't get how yall can say with certainty that his kids couldn't be that light. a lot of mixed kids are real light like that.the Jacksons are fairly light anyway so it's very feasible. ex: Paula Patton, Mariah Carey, Drake etc.
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