So the womens say that they don't like a-holes...

Originally Posted by Falcon4567

Originally Posted by Battousai701

women take nice guys for granted
To be fair, some nice guys are "Nice Guys"
There are to many variables to say girls like jerks. Man women are simple either keep your pimp hand strong or your money long. What has worked for me my wholelife and it might not work for every dude because lets be honest some of ya'll aint handsome and that's no disrespect anyway just straight up ignorechicks especially if you are around some everyday like in work or school or whatever I have bagged chicks my whole life and I NEVER chase them now grantedI'm 6'3 in shape and ive been told I'm sexy numerous times I still consider that it's not about being nice or being mean it's aboutmystique and charm. Even the most evil chicks like to laugh or be talked to crazy.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by dunks87

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by dunks87

i used to always be attracted to a holes but i'm past that phase, i've learn to become one, since i couldn't beat them, i joined them. life is better on the "other side"

I was with an ex last night who made that same transformation....NOT a good look

hey you guys push us to these places, if you don't like it, you have no one to blame but yourselves.

hey my self esteem is just fine and trust i LOVE my damn self more than most. however, after trying to be the "Good person or nice female" andgetting treated like crap in return, i'm not going to continue to stay that way with that person. that isn't to say that if i come across a nice guyand we like eachother, that i would be an a hole or treat him how i treated someone else. how i treat an individual is based solely off of how they treat me,good or bad.
Yeah i been trying to step my jerk image up, im still establishing the boundaries but its going good

yall got any more tips
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Some of these guys BECOME a-holes/dbags AFTER they get the girl.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I think I'm like that[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].. I can't bring myself to keep one chick
..being greedy FTL[/color]
depends on the chick...but in general, i SWEAR every female i know has dated an a-hole at one point in their dating years...and it's not a bad thingbecause adversity provides growth and a chance to know what you want in a mate.

where they lose cred is when they complain about lame guys and then date em anyway.

some of these "a-holes" really got isses for real...inferiority complexes..and a lotta the chicks think they can change them...sothey get long-d------- and then cry when the dude does it to their best friends...

i've seen women get with

-dudes who intentionally keep em on the side and they knowingly go along with it.
-dudes who are broke and werent doing anything to improve the situation. it's a difference between being broke and working towards achieving goals
-abusive dudes

it's a difference between being a real man and checking your woman when she does something wrong..but cats be wild....
eh I'm pretty nice and polite and I do alright. The key is to be nice to the right ones. And you can still be nice to chicks but have a backbone. Nice =/=pushover. I got some homies that straight act an !+* that stay with em tho
Originally Posted by blackmagnus514

and a lotta the chicks think they can change them..
i've seen women get with

-dudes who intentionally keep em on the side and they knowingly go along with it.
-dudes who are broke and werent doing anything to improve the situation. it's a difference between being broke and working towards achieving goals
just gotta learn to balance the nice guy role and manly/cocky role

it's not that hard
of course they do.

it has something to do with their pops, insecurity, and the fact that they have a challenge.

but the thing is not to be an a-hole, the thing is you have to be a gentlemen.

if you know the difference, then you're on your way to miss right.

Originally Posted by f3DJam

Yeah i been trying to step my jerk image up, im still establishing the boundaries but its going good

yall got any more tips
not sure if you're serious BUT pretend to have been an ahole in your past. cuz girls always ask about pastrelationships. so tell them all the "bad" stuff you did. why? because they will think you're honesty is a sign you're trying to change forthem or whatever. once you got them hooked just continue being an ahole. then they can't say you didn't warn them.
women wanna conform there man...basically they see a a$# and they think they can change him...
Originally Posted by Super T1ght

women have no idea what they want

girls want a-holes...then they get their hearts broken by them and they learn, mature and become women then they want the nice guys

if a female you know likes a-holes...shes a girl
but once you meet a female who likes a nice guy...shes a woman...see the difference?
juss play the balancing act...............some girls will say either you're bad, and others say you're too nice..................not everygirl is thesame they all have different personalities. when u really look at it the girls that give u and u don't want her after you get it will say you're anda*hole and the ones that give u and u go crazy over them (like directly forget who u are and become softer than a feather pillow) will say you're a punk.

forreal though girls don't know what they want. don't listen to them. one night stand ftw.
You do not have to be an A-Hole to get a chick, just don't give them everything they want. You have to make her want you. If she is the main thing going onin her world, that will not turn her on. You can be nice and respectful, just have other priorities. Turn down opportunites to be with her because you have tostudy, write a book, rake leaves, volunteer at the community center, ANYTHING. That will make her want you. She will start to question herself and she will tryto make her want you more. After that you have her. Then use your kindness and respectfulness in the opportunities she gets to see you.
Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

they want to marry a nice guy, but they want to %+%! an a hole

I feel like this is 1000% true and have began making the transition from being too nice to being an a-hole purposely sometimes, if that makes sense
Originally Posted by geminifly

Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

they want to marry a nice guy, but they want to %+%! an a hole
nah, they wanna marry him too...
Then wants to divorce him when he beat her head to the wall in front of the kids. The nerve
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