So..... My new girl watches pRon.... A LOT vol. W/ a pic

ask her if she wants pizza. swing thru with the pizza (of course you gotta cut a hole out in the middle) and you know the rest.
This thread

She is
Good looking chic. I say you just let things ride, and don't say anything about it. Just reap the benefits!!!....
Originally Posted by FreshPrince

I would have taken a pic of her comp. history, but the last time i did that from my iphone, somebody google mapped my pic and pinpointed my location
NT detectives

ErickM713: feel free to exit thread

Good look with the advise. Keep it coming. We've been dating since a a couple days after Halloween. I got played pretty bad and lied to in my lastrelationship, so any weird %#$% that happens with other girls always makes me wonder what baggage they have.
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