So my dog was attacked at the Vet today... lost part of his ear.

Hope lil one is ok.

Here is my dog Wanderlei. He don't take **** from no dog. he stays with the pink  red  rocket on deck doe

my heart melted 
Anyone know a good dog breed suitable for living in an apartment/condo?

Always preferred bigger dogs.. Good exercise partner. Best wingmen. Can defend me/themselves & vice versa.
I would have been LIVID.

Not sure what I would have done, but I would have made it CLEAR to the other dog's owner that it's not ok.

This is my pup, she's about 6 months.

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i hate these dog threads...only cause they make me jelly that i can't get one at the moment. definitely will soon.

cool dogs to those that posted :pimp:

OP...sorry to hear your dog got hurt. hope he's doing alright now.
Studies have shown that labs, retrievers, and huskies are above put bulls when it comes to dog on dog violence (without any human influence)
Chows and Dalmatians are the meanest breeds I've ever been around.

Every Pit I've known has been really sweet.
Chows and Dalmatians are the meanest breeds I've ever been around.

Every Pit I've known has been really sweet.
Pits are actually nice by nature...

The way the media has portrayed them though, one bad egg spoils the bunch sadly.
Anyone know a good dog breed suitable for living in an apartment/condo?

Always preferred bigger dogs.. Good exercise partner. Best wingmen. Can defend me/themselves & vice versa.

maltese are great indoors. i run with my dog and he goes 15mph. hes an amazing alert dog cause at his size he aint guarding/attacking anything

or get a red nose pit.
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These are my two buddies, one a boy the smaller a girl. Both are part chihuahua ones part terrier the other not sure. They bring me peace at the end of long days. I need to spend more time with them :/
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Looking at all these doggie pics got me mad jelly. I want a pup :frown:

But OP, that is crazy. Defintely make the dogs owner pay up.
American Bulldog ?

Pitts get a bad rap but from my experiences American Bulldogs way more problematic. They're extremely territorial and known for attacking other dogs for no reason.

Was the dog snipped ? I had a roomate that owned an "uncut" American Bulldog and that dog was nothing but a problem. I had to take care of him for 3 months when My roommate spent a summer in Mexico and during that time the dog got into multiple fights with other dogs and attacked and bit my ex. The dog grew a particular fondness for me but seemed to hate everyone else. We couldnt take him to the dogpark and had to be extremely careful taking him on walks because he would fight and pee on all the other uncut dogs. When my roommate got back I told him he had to get the dog neutered or move out.... he wouldnt get it cut and ended up moving... dogs probably killed someone by now :smh:
how can ya'll so nonchalantly talk about cutting a dogs balls off? That **** is disgusting
Dogs fight yours lost. Eat it and keep it moving. It's your responsibility to protect him if he's soft.

straight ignorant. period.

i'm not one for confrontation, so please dont reply. As i wont be responding back. Take care

Hope your dog is okay Op |I

- Stay freshh
American Bulldog ?

Pitts get a bad rap but from my experiences American Bulldogs way more problematic. They're extremely territorial and known for attacking other dogs for no reason.

Was the dog snipped ? I had a roomate that owned an "uncut" American Bulldog and that dog was nothing but a problem. I had to take care of him for 3 months when My roommate spent a summer in Mexico and during that time the dog got into multiple fights with other dogs and attacked and bit my ex. The dog grew a particular fondness for me but seemed to hate everyone else. We couldnt take him to the dogpark and had to be extremely careful taking him on walks because he would fight and pee on all the other uncut dogs. When my roommate got back I told him he had to get the dog neutered or move out.... he wouldnt get it cut and ended up moving... dogs probably killed someone by now :smh:
how can ya'll so nonchalantly talk about cutting a dogs balls off? That **** is disgusting

Must be all the Price is Right I used to watch....

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no doubt. I would have first kicked the other dog in the head. Then reach over and chop owner in the neck. While the owner is on the floor struggling to breathe I'll dive down and grab the dog that attacked Porkchop and put him in a sleeper hold. While I'm holding the other dog (most likely a chihuaha) Porkchop will go in and give the little ***** the one two landing multiple combinations on him. I will then force the owner of the now dead dog to allow Porkchop to hump him.
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