So my dog was attacked at the Vet today... lost part of his ear.

May 14, 2002
This is honestly the angriest I've felt in I don't even know when. I felt a mix of so many emotions today after finding out about it. :frown:

My dog was going in for a routine check up, some guy had to bulldogs and was waiting to pay his bill. You are supposed to bring you dog to the car before paying your bill. Well as my dog, a black lab, who has ZERO fight in him, is walking by, one of the bulldogs just lunges after him and ripped off a chunk of his ear. The owner claims the dog has never shown a single sign of being violent, and often plays with other dogs.....

It sucks that theres really nothing that can be done about it, its a natural occurrence and dogs will be dogs. While the other dog walks off with his owner with no problems, and my dog is upstairs wimpering. I just wish labs had the ability to be mean and my dog used his sized and bodied that dog. Damn labs for being wimps... lol.
wow i would of whooped the owners *** :smh:

sorry to hear that bruh i feel your pain. nobody fs with my dog hes like a son to me.
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That unfortunate.. Your dog bout to be scared for life after that. He might have trouble trusting other dogs now
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I never thought that I would be close to a dog, but after spending a lot of time with my gf's golden retriever, she (the dog) has become family to me. I used to be pretty neutral to dogs, but I never realized how loving and appreciative an animal could be. If something like that happened to my dog, I would've taken off on dude. I can't stand people with no control of their animals.

Sorry about your dog OP. I know I'd be just as enraged as if someone put hands on my kids if I had to watch my dog get its ear torn off. :smh:

Dogs fight yours lost. Eat it and keep it moving. It's your responsibility to protect him if he's soft.


A lab? They're passive dogs and don't really fight unless they're protecting someone. People fight too. So you would be cool with someone lopping a part of your body off unprovoked and would "keep it moving?"
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Better yours than mine op sorry it had to be you. I don't know how I would of reacted but it wouldn't have been pretty
So, is he going to be paying for your medical bills and maybe something to compensate? This isn't just an animal is going to be animal situation. That guy couldn't control his dog thus the responsibility lies on him. You should have kicked the guy's dog in the face and then curb stomp him.
Poor doggy :frown: that owner should have definitely paid for the bills or something

my rotty is very friendly with people and other dogs, but when **** hits the fan she dont play. She literally body slammed my sisters pitbull one time when it tried to mess with her, she stood on the pit after slamming it and just growled and stared at her until i came to get her off. It was pretty crazy
As a decent human being he should've jumped at the chance to pay for all vet pet bills his dog caused
Listen I have two dogs love them to death but I'm responsible for them and thier actions. They are not passive very aggressive actually but best believe that they don't and won't get close to unknown dogs they can't hang with. My eyes are always on them around anyone. I just believe in self-acknowledgement and not blaming others
American Bulldog ?

Pitts get a bad rap but from my experiences American Bulldogs way more problematic. They're extremely territorial and known for attacking other dogs for no reason.

Was the dog snipped ? I had a roomate that owned an "uncut" American Bulldog and that dog was nothing but a problem. I had to take care of him for 3 months when My roommate spent a summer in Mexico and during that time the dog got into multiple fights with other dogs and attacked and bit my ex. The dog grew a particular fondness for me but seemed to hate everyone else. We couldnt take him to the dogpark and had to be extremely careful taking him on walks because he would fight and pee on all the other uncut dogs. When my roommate got back I told him he had to get the dog neutered or move out.... he wouldnt get it cut and ended up moving... dogs probably killed someone by now :smh:

I'm sorry that you had to go through that.  What kind of bulldog was it?  The reason I asked is because I've owned an english bulldog and their not violent at all. 

Their American counterpart however...... that's a different story
This is honestly the angriest I've felt in I don't even know when. I felt a mix of so many emotions today after finding out about it. :frown:

My dog was going in for a routine check up, some guy had to bulldogs and was waiting to pay his bill. You are supposed to bring you dog to the car before paying your bill. Well as my dog, a black lab, who has ZERO fight in him, is walking by, one of the bulldogs just lunges after him and ripped off a chunk of his ear. The owner claims the dog has never shown a single sign of being violent, and often plays with other dogs.....

It sucks that theres really nothing that can be done about it, its a natural occurrence and dogs will be dogs. While the other dog walks off with his owner with no problems, and my dog is upstairs wimpering. I just wish labs had the ability to be mean and my dog used his sized and bodied that dog. Damn labs for being wimps... lol.

Civil suit
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