So, Kanye West joined Twitter today...

He had 96 tweets after his first day on Twitter. Dude really loves Tweeting.
Originally Posted by TheEmperor45

Originally Posted by AJChick23

I thought he was following that one kid by mistake.

i think he did . that kids number of followers has jump about 300 plus.
Dude was like wow I wonder what would happen if Justin Beiber followed me. hah

Originally Posted by hymen man

I wish he didn't follow anyone for his whole twitter career. That'd be classic.
#beenthere #donethat crazy because he has 1 mill +
Originally Posted by TheEmperor45

Originally Posted by AJChick23

I thought he was following that one kid by mistake.

i think he did . that kids number of followers has jump about 300 plus.
Dude was like wow I wonder what would happen if Justin Beiber followed me. hah

Originally Posted by hymen man

I wish he didn't follow anyone for his whole twitter career. That'd be classic.
#beenthere #donethat crazy because he has 1 mill +
lol I don't use twitter much, so I wouldn't know. It would be funnier if Kanye did it 'cause of his ego.
lol I don't use twitter much, so I wouldn't know. It would be funnier if Kanye did it 'cause of his ego.
July 31st, 2010
07:29 PM ET

Kanye West anoints his first follow on Twitter

Rapper Kanye West, who some are saying has the funniest Twitter feed of all time, has been on the popular social networking site for all of four days and amassed more than 345,000 followers.

With celebrities and big brands, that kind of stuff usually happens. In April 2009, CNN and actor Ashton Kutcher battled to see which Twitter account would top 1 million followers the fastest.

What doesn't happen is when a celebrity who is following no one picks you as the sole person he or she is following.

For West, that person is an obscure Twitter account assigned to Steven Holmes of Coventry, England, aka ste_101.

Make that "was" obscure. Holmes' follower count went from about 60 to more than 600 (and counting) in about two hours after West pushed the button.

Homegrown Twitter celebrities aren't new. Earlier this year, comedian Conan O'Brien picked Sarah Killen, a 19-year-old who loved candy and peanut butter, as his first follow. He tweeted to her the now famous words, "Sarah Killen, your life is about to change."

And it did. Killen's tweets go out to more than 29,500 people now.

Holmes immediately acknowledged the rapper's deed, tweeting: "Holy [s--t] bro thx for following!"

Kanye replied: "You are the chosen one dun dun dun dun."

After about an hour, Holmes started to feel the effects of instant Twitter stardom as his follower count skyrocketed. "I feel pressure with my tweets now," he tweeted.

But West moved to shore him up, replying: "Tweet strong young man tweet strong!!!

Then he issued a final appeal to West. "My twitters melted down!" he said.

Alas, it's too late, ste_101, your life is about to change.
July 31st, 2010
07:29 PM ET

Kanye West anoints his first follow on Twitter

Rapper Kanye West, who some are saying has the funniest Twitter feed of all time, has been on the popular social networking site for all of four days and amassed more than 345,000 followers.

With celebrities and big brands, that kind of stuff usually happens. In April 2009, CNN and actor Ashton Kutcher battled to see which Twitter account would top 1 million followers the fastest.

What doesn't happen is when a celebrity who is following no one picks you as the sole person he or she is following.

For West, that person is an obscure Twitter account assigned to Steven Holmes of Coventry, England, aka ste_101.

Make that "was" obscure. Holmes' follower count went from about 60 to more than 600 (and counting) in about two hours after West pushed the button.

Homegrown Twitter celebrities aren't new. Earlier this year, comedian Conan O'Brien picked Sarah Killen, a 19-year-old who loved candy and peanut butter, as his first follow. He tweeted to her the now famous words, "Sarah Killen, your life is about to change."

And it did. Killen's tweets go out to more than 29,500 people now.

Holmes immediately acknowledged the rapper's deed, tweeting: "Holy [s--t] bro thx for following!"

Kanye replied: "You are the chosen one dun dun dun dun."

After about an hour, Holmes started to feel the effects of instant Twitter stardom as his follower count skyrocketed. "I feel pressure with my tweets now," he tweeted.

But West moved to shore him up, replying: "Tweet strong young man tweet strong!!!

Then he issued a final appeal to West. "My twitters melted down!" he said.

Alas, it's too late, ste_101, your life is about to change.
[h2]'Lucky' Student Chosen By Kanye West On Twitter Rejects Newfound Fame[/h2]

Posted Wed Aug 4, 2010 10:46am PDT by Lindsay Robertson inStop The Presses!

British teen Steven Holmes was initially thrilled when Kanye West chose him to be the first (and so far only) person Kanye would "follow" on Twitter. The student from Coventry, England -- who goes by the Twitter handle"ste_101"-- responded to Kanye's unexpected "follow" by excitedly Tweeting: "Holy *&$% bro thx for following!". Kanye replied: "You are the chosen one dun dun dun dun." But then the phone calls started.

In an exclusiveinterview with his hometown paper, the Coventry Telegraph, Holmes says he was immediately barraged through Twitter and his phone with requests from media organizations. He says he turned down interviews with the BBC, CNN, and New York Magazine, among others.

Since Saturday night, when the rap star chose to follow him on Twitter, Holmes began receiving messages from people desperate to get West's attention. People tried to send him film trailers and music demos, hoping to reach 33-year-old Kanye and his 400,000-plus followers. "I didn't want to talk to any of them," Holmes told the Telegraph. "Fame has never appealed to me. It's vacuous."

[Photos: Kanye's onstage fashion statements]

Now Holmes, who says he likes West's music but is "not his biggest fan" wants no part of the fame machine and has for now removed his Twitter application from his mobile phone (though he hasn't gone so far as to delete his account.) "Before this weekend I thought it would be cool to have a celebrity following me on Twitter but now I think it's really not worth it."

[See Kanye's impromptu concert on cafeteria tabletop]

On Monday, Holmes announced his semi-retirement decision to his 4,000-plus followers (most of whom no doubt came by way of Kanye's implicit endorsement),Tweeting: "I won't be speaking to anybody else, surprisingly not everyone wants to be famous. That's all I'm saying - peace out x."

The incident calls to mind the brouhaha from earlier this year when Conan O'Brien chose to follow an otherwise-unfamous young woman from Michigan. Sarah Killen, who goes by theTwitter moniker "LovelyButton,"now has more than 29,000 followers. The 19-year-old woman reacted to her newfound celebrity more positively than "ste_101" did: she used the spotlight to raise money for breast-cancer research.

Kanye has been showing a lot of love to Twitter lately: last week he visited the social-networking giant's headquarters to serenade its employees:
[h2]'Lucky' Student Chosen By Kanye West On Twitter Rejects Newfound Fame[/h2]

Posted Wed Aug 4, 2010 10:46am PDT by Lindsay Robertson inStop The Presses!

British teen Steven Holmes was initially thrilled when Kanye West chose him to be the first (and so far only) person Kanye would "follow" on Twitter. The student from Coventry, England -- who goes by the Twitter handle"ste_101"-- responded to Kanye's unexpected "follow" by excitedly Tweeting: "Holy *&$% bro thx for following!". Kanye replied: "You are the chosen one dun dun dun dun." But then the phone calls started.

In an exclusiveinterview with his hometown paper, the Coventry Telegraph, Holmes says he was immediately barraged through Twitter and his phone with requests from media organizations. He says he turned down interviews with the BBC, CNN, and New York Magazine, among others.

Since Saturday night, when the rap star chose to follow him on Twitter, Holmes began receiving messages from people desperate to get West's attention. People tried to send him film trailers and music demos, hoping to reach 33-year-old Kanye and his 400,000-plus followers. "I didn't want to talk to any of them," Holmes told the Telegraph. "Fame has never appealed to me. It's vacuous."

[Photos: Kanye's onstage fashion statements]

Now Holmes, who says he likes West's music but is "not his biggest fan" wants no part of the fame machine and has for now removed his Twitter application from his mobile phone (though he hasn't gone so far as to delete his account.) "Before this weekend I thought it would be cool to have a celebrity following me on Twitter but now I think it's really not worth it."

[See Kanye's impromptu concert on cafeteria tabletop]

On Monday, Holmes announced his semi-retirement decision to his 4,000-plus followers (most of whom no doubt came by way of Kanye's implicit endorsement),Tweeting: "I won't be speaking to anybody else, surprisingly not everyone wants to be famous. That's all I'm saying - peace out x."

The incident calls to mind the brouhaha from earlier this year when Conan O'Brien chose to follow an otherwise-unfamous young woman from Michigan. Sarah Killen, who goes by theTwitter moniker "LovelyButton,"now has more than 29,000 followers. The 19-year-old woman reacted to her newfound celebrity more positively than "ste_101" did: she used the spotlight to raise money for breast-cancer research.

Kanye has been showing a lot of love to Twitter lately: last week he visited the social-networking giant's headquarters to serenade its employees:
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