- Jun 4, 2008
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Originally Posted by Harlem On The Rise
Originally Posted by Dead Stokc
Originally Posted by Diego
SdotRusherz wrote:
I look at it like this man... HOW YOU LOCK DUDES UP FOR +$+# YOU RAP ABOUT????
* he makes good music though.
Dudes in here really dont know the difference between a C.O. and a COP?
A C.O is nothin more than a security guard in the prison...just tryin to keep some order in a facility full of convicted criminals. A job that most NTers wouldnt be able to do (myself included).
Now if he was a cop and out in the streets chasing dealers, I could understand the hate.
But hatin on a dude for being a C.O????? Some of you dudes really think youre criminals.
If it wasn't so big of deal, why did due bold face deny it?
Maybe you don't know the difference between what a security guard/CO/Cop is... I'm a security guard
Now I've been to state prison to visit friends and family, I also have dear friends that have done both state and federal time, a correctional officer is part of LAW ENFORCEMENT just like a police officer is...
Now to think the CO job is some tuff $$%% in comparison to an actual police officer is pretty stupid... COs are asked to watch over criminals who have ALREADY been convicted of various crimes and are in confinement for a period of time, of course they'll get an occasional razor, or some weed here and there and you'll sometimes have to search their cells, bunks or even butt crack for it...
But you mean to tell me that's a harder job then actually catchin these creeps on the street when they have acess to ANY type of weapn they can get their hands on in the free world?? You can't be serious...
If ANYthing being a COP is one of the tuffest jobs out there... I know NWA said "%***'em" and all, but if you think its tuffer to be some FAT CO, touchin prisoners johnsons every 4 or 5 hours then actually being on the street and dogdgin bullets and chasing criminals so they can be handed over to the justice system, and hopefully a William Roberts if guilty...
Explain to me where I said being a C.O. was tougher than being a cop? If anything youre basically restating the part where I said:
"A C.O is nothin more than a security guard in the prison...just tryin to keep some order in a facility full of convicted criminals".
I mean I would like to respond to you, but right now I have no clue what the hell youre trying to argue.