So I've Been Thinking... Vol Mature NTers Welcome.

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

This past year has been pretty eventful for me in an odd way. Finishing up Junior year in High School I had the "my life is just beginning" mentality- I got a good SAT score, my grades were on point, and I was finally nearing that step towards college and becoming successful in the future. At that point I was convinced I was just starting the new part of my life- Im only 17 after all. But after a couple occurrences over the past couple months, that entire mentality has shifted. In a certain sense, I no longer understand where I stand nor where I'm heading. I was talking to a friend of mine recently and realized how relative the term "youth" is. At this point in my life, you could say I am young- as I had thought just months ago. But by saying I am young, I am assuming I will live for a long time. For example a 17 year old who will live to 70 is "young", but if I pass tomorrow, I'm old. Its all relative. I've always looked forward to the future as a means of motivation for getting through rough times- the thought that in 10 years I would be a practicing doctor, have a family, and be happy. But with that not guaranteed, its really unnerving. Certain occurences in the past six months have completely changed my outlook on life- I met people I would never have guessed I'd meet, and things I never expect happened to me. Its almost like a dream. So here I am, hoping for a better future from where I stand now, but at the same time I'm reminding myself that that future isnt guaranteed, and its a waste of today to dream of tomorrow.

Anyone else understand what I mean?
Not true. If you die tomorrow, you'd still be young. You would only have lived 17 years, and that's young whether you live to be 17 or 70.
I mean in terms of my life, not compared to others. "Young" connotes you have a long way to go and you'll live for a while- which isnt always true.
It's how long you've lived. You a baby who dies two weeks after birth is considered old? No.

You dont understand what Im saying. I agree with your point, but its not what Im trying to say. If I will live to be 18, and im seventeen RIGHT NOW, then in terms of my life, im old, simply because I have a year left to live and I have already lived 17. My point was that its all relative.
Well that's saying you're expected to live to only be 18 but you're not. Humans are expected to live much longer thus making you young if you die at 17.
It doesnt matter how long were expected to live or when most people die, thats not my point, and I never implied it was. My point is simply thatyou dont know just how "young" you are because you dont know when you will pass. Using your mentality, Im EXPECTED to live much longer, so I amrelatively young, but I'm not GUARANTEED to live much longer, so I am not necessarily young.
he makes perfect sense as far as the relativity thing goes ... but think about it this way ...

what if we all have a pre determined lifespan? we may unknowingly be living the last leg of our lives and are therefore old to us ...
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Originally Posted by AgentArenas

This past year has been pretty eventful for me in an odd way. Finishing up Junior year in High School I had the "my life is just beginning" mentality- I got a good SAT score, my grades were on point, and I was finally nearing that step towards college and becoming successful in the future. At that point I was convinced I was just starting the new part of my life- Im only 17 after all. But after a couple occurrences over the past couple months, that entire mentality has shifted. In a certain sense, I no longer understand where I stand nor where I'm heading. I was talking to a friend of mine recently and realized how relative the term "youth" is. At this point in my life, you could say I am young- as I had thought just months ago. But by saying I am young, I am assuming I will live for a long time. For example a 17 year old who will live to 70 is "young", but if I pass tomorrow, I'm old. Its all relative. I've always looked forward to the future as a means of motivation for getting through rough times- the thought that in 10 years I would be a practicing doctor, have a family, and be happy. But with that not guaranteed, its really unnerving. Certain occurences in the past six months have completely changed my outlook on life- I met people I would never have guessed I'd meet, and things I never expect happened to me. Its almost like a dream. So here I am, hoping for a better future from where I stand now, but at the same time I'm reminding myself that that future isnt guaranteed, and its a waste of today to dream of tomorrow.

Anyone else understand what I mean?
Not true. If you die tomorrow, you'd still be young. You would only have lived 17 years, and that's young whether you live to be 17 or 70.
I mean in terms of my life, not compared to others. "Young" connotes you have a long way to go and you'll live for a while- which isnt always true.
It's how long you've lived. You a baby who dies two weeks after birth is considered old? No.

You dont understand what Im saying. I agree with your point, but its not what Im trying to say. If I will live to be 18, and im seventeen RIGHT NOW, then in terms of my life, im old, simply because I have a year left to live and I have already lived 17. My point was that its all relative.
Well that's saying you're expected to live to only be 18 but you're not. Humans are expected to live much longer thus making you young if you die at 17.
It doesnt matter how long were expected to live or when most people die, thats not my point, and I never implied it was. My point is simply that you dont know just how "young" you are because you dont know when you will pass. Using your mentality, Im EXPECTED to live much longer, so I am relatively young, but I'm not GUARANTEED to live much longer, so I am not necessarily young.
come on man..You're trying too hard to bedeep..Just live life man, you kids are so emotional these days.
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

This past year has been pretty eventful for me in an odd way. Finishing up Junior year in High School I had the "my life is just beginning" mentality- I got a good SAT score, my grades were on point, and I was finally nearing that step towards college and becoming successful in the future. At that point I was convinced I was just starting the new part of my life- Im only 17 after all. But after a couple occurrences over the past couple months, that entire mentality has shifted. In a certain sense, I no longer understand where I stand nor where I'm heading. I was talking to a friend of mine recently and realized how relative the term "youth" is. At this point in my life, you could say I am young- as I had thought just months ago. But by saying I am young, I am assuming I will live for a long time. For example a 17 year old who will live to 70 is "young", but if I pass tomorrow, I'm old. Its all relative. I've always looked forward to the future as a means of motivation for getting through rough times- the thought that in 10 years I would be a practicing doctor, have a family, and be happy. But with that not guaranteed, its really unnerving. Certain occurences in the past six months have completely changed my outlook on life- I met people I would never have guessed I'd meet, and things I never expect happened to me. Its almost like a dream. So here I am, hoping for a better future from where I stand now, but at the same time I'm reminding myself that that future isnt guaranteed, and its a waste of today to dream of tomorrow.

Anyone else understand what I mean?

I understand...but you have to accept that you are human and being human is very risky. You have the choice of working for a better future
or giving up on life because your future is not guranteed
but either way you will be "wasting" your days. You have to decide ifyou want to waste them honorably or disgracefully. In my opinion, the disgraceful route comes with way more problems. ( I know a couple of people that felloff and they are constantly going through it.)
when did HS juniors become so complex, at that age I was just trying to get my hands down my next pair of panties and steal some of my best friend's popsWoodchuck Ciders
Just have a bunch of casual, unprotected sex, drink, smoke some, have fun...just know when to separate that from the business at hand and keep your prioritiesintact.
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