So I met Guy Who gets $42k a Month For Nothing!!

Eh, there are other people wayyy better off than him. Why not get on them too? A better question is, why are you meeting people like this?
Most people who are getting it like him work very hard for their money. This guy just had it handed to him and he had to do nothing at all.It's like winning the lotto without even playing

And asking why I'm meeting people like this? When you get out from behind a computer screen you can meet lots of different people

For the money he's making, that house is wack.
For a first home I would say it's pretty nice.

Digital, what area does this dude live in? Going by your avy, and that house, I think I know where this is
im callin ducktales on this dude walkin the streets with 9 felonies
He has been in and out of jail and prison the past 10 years. Jails are to crowded to hold all these drunk drivers

To everyone who is saying after all the native Americans have been thru they deserve to be taken care of I 100% agree but this is just to much imo. Like I saiddude did not even know he was native or even care. I'm all for helping real tribal members out but this cat getting bailed out after #$*+#*+ up his lifejust seems crazy to me. I just don't see who in the tribe says yeah lets break this kid off $40k just because without even making sure the money would bespent on things to better himself or his family or even a background check.
Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by dhart48

they ever gonna do this for black people???

Maybe if we owned something instead of selling it everytime we make a lil bit of bread.

They are gonna create a rez for black people where drugs will be legalized and all the profits from drug sales go to black people.
The Myth of the Monthly Check

There has long been a myth that Indians receive a monthly check from the U.S. Government because of their status as Indians. There is no basis for this belief other than misinformation and misconception of the status of American Indians. Some tribes, tribal members and lineal descendants received payments from the Federal Government resulting from claims settlements. But there are very few judgment funds per capita payments that remain today.

Some tribes distribute payments to enrolled members when revenues from the sale of tribal assets such as timber, hydroelectric power or oil and gas permit. Many tribes cannot make per capita payments because they do not have natural resources or other revenue from which they make a fund distribution.

Some Tribes have successful businesses, such as defense contracting, casino operations and information technology compainies. If profits warrant it, and tribal members approve it. Funds from those operations can be paid out as monthly, yearly or occasional stipends to tribal members.

There is a clear distinction between judgment funds and tribal funds. Judgment funds are appropriated by Congress after a claim that is filed by tribes or Indian descendant groups against the United States, is settled. Tribal funds are derived from tribal assets (refer to paragraph above). An individual does not have to be an enrolled member of a tribe to receive a final judgment fund payment. An individual must be an enrolled member of a tribe to be eligible to receive payments derived from tribal funds.

The goverment site says different...
Oh ok...

Then the people complaining about the gov't don't know what they're talkin' about then.

If they choose to give money to this loser in life type dude, Ain't nothin' you can do about it.
yeah it sucks, but then there are a lot of people who are just born rich and/or get money for doing nothing. sucks for us unfortunate folks
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by DIGITALJORDAN

So I met this guy who's grandma was a full Indian in Cali somewhere. Well long story short her tribe opened up a casino and now since he is part Indian and the casino is doing well he gets a monthly check for over $40k a month!! He never met any of the tribe or spent any time with them at all and they just decided to give him cash! This guy has 7 DUI felonies plus 2 other distributing narcotics felonies and was a real low life and now he is living in a $700k house with over $100k in shoes and jewels!!

How does this happen? All the good things this money could be going towards and they are helping this guy buy half pounds of weed to smoke and $1200 bottles of Remy while I struggle to feed my family
Blame the gov't. I guess it's karma for them doing what they did to the Native Americans. They have too much to worry about anyway. A very small percentage of them are caking like that. There is a reason why the suicide rate is highest among that group.
true..don't forget about alcoholism with them
Originally Posted by DIGITALJORDAN

So I met this guy who's grandma was a full Indian in Cali somewhere. Well long story short her tribe opened up a casino and now since he is part Indian and the casino is doing well he gets a monthly check for over $40k a month!! He never met any of the tribe or spent any time with them at all and they just decided to give him cash! This guy has 7 DUI felonies plus 2 other distributing narcotics felonies and was a real low life and now he is living in a $700k house with over $100k in shoes and jewels!!

How does this happen? All the good things this money could be going towards and they are helping this guy buy half pounds of weed to smoke and $1200 bottles of Remy while I struggle to feed my family
life isn't consistent...good doesn't beget good and bad doesn't beget bad...people lie cheat and steal and wind up with the happyending and never get caught...and people live their entire life by the books and get a raw deal...its how it works
I was JUST finna fly out to Cali to see my cousin who recently just finished up our family tree...she is half cherokee and married a younger full bloodedcherokee...i wonder if they getting some type of dough..
being part of the muscogee tribe i'd get 10k a year just for going to school....graduating ftl?

i have quite a few friends who are florida seminole and they get bank like that when we were 18 they all had at least 2 cars and houses paid for. oh i lovedhanging with them cause it was always fun and they always offered to pay for stuff

checking genelogy for native background =$100

getting your role number =$50
getting a check everymonth for being part Native = priceless
Originally Posted by Nktran001

Wow.. My uncle in the VA is making $120K a year, and each year he gets a $8K raise. But he actually works for his money.
What does that have to do with anything?
Originally Posted by kashino1

were can you check your genology for native background for $100?
A page or two back there are some links.

My cousin knows a lot of NA in Central Cali and most of them just sit at home drink do drugs and fight with each other. Most of the younger ones have Hummers,Escalades on 24 or 26's, some recycle the money and spend hella of it at the casino.
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