So I just told my parents I'm having a kid...

Aug 12, 2008
Now I'm just sitting at my desk staring blankly at the wall like when the Cowboys lose. It's like when the Berlin Wall fell, uniting two long-separate peoples, my parents and the version of their son that they knew and raised. It's an awkward moment that lasts long after you hang up the phone, let me tell you. Luckily, she's a decent chick so at least I don't have to have her hardwood floors buttered. Please hold your congratulations, but I'll take those cool story points now...if I get enough, I get to retell it to somebody who cares.

Wrap it up NT (and watch for the dreaded halo, when you pull out and only the ring of the raincoat comes with you. Victim.)

My 2,000th %*%*@@$ post...couldn't plan that...
Originally Posted by wanksta23

how old are you guys?

best of luck OP

23 (me)/22 (she)...and I'll take all the luck I can get, thanks.

Originally Posted by FinallyFamous

Was this planned?

Sure was...even got it done 5-7 years ahead of schedule! Efficiency...
Originally Posted by horchata kid

So do they not dig this girl or what?

They barely knew she existed, of those untagged friendships, ya know?
Originally Posted by Gordonson

Did you guys tell her parents yet, and if so, how did they react?

She told hers the day it happened, damn near...they were overjoyed on some "OH YAY BABY BLESSING WHEE!!!"

I took a look around at my almost minimum wage job, my fledgling writing career, my horrible credit, and the world we're about to bring our kid into complete with the other little #**%$!!* the same age who people our age raise and was like..."$@*@ you mean, yay?!"

Originally Posted by Lou Baton

Good luck. Keep your head up. You're young but not too young to be a parent. Maybe not great timing or not the mother you would have chosen but children are a blessing nonetheless.

Thanks dude...and it's the timing that's #+%%%@ up more than anything, she's a really great chick...if I were to pick a mother for my kids it might just woulda been her...slim pickings in twentyleven, ya know?
Good luck. Keep your head up. You're young but not too young to be a parent. Maybe not great timing or not the mother you would have chosen but children are a blessing nonetheless.
Originally Posted by horchata kid

So what exactly did your parents say? Did they get at you for not being married or something?

My dad was more like "ok, okay, whatever, make sure it's yours", and I reminded him that I know the Maury show number by heart. My mom...yeah...I made a sincere effort over the past 10 years to convince her that I was the little angel she effused from herself a couple decades back, but this kinda screwed that up.

Oh, and you betcha. I was raised religious, so that was a fun section of the conversation...
pull out method fail

i would be telling her abort..abort..abort!!!

but thats just me tho

you might as well find an 2nd job asap to save up
Originally Posted by G14

pull out method fail

i would be telling her abort..abort..abort!!!

but thats just me tho

you might as well find an 2nd job asap to save up

I was covered up, but my para-shoot ripped, hence the halo reference in the OP.

It's way too late for that, and I barked up that tree til my lungs were sore anyway...too bad I don't have the heart for the direct approach.

Don't curse at me please, my times are hard enough...

Originally Posted by Beware The Underdog

Deion Xavier (first my idea, middle hers) Johnquantaes over here. Hey, "DX" works for could have been worse...and if you don't like that name, I got 2 words for ya...
Homie doesn't sound to jazzed about the baby nor the girl but its too late for that, Good luck with it tho. Home Paternity test at CVS is about 100 so yeah there you go. Just imagine, next Christmas your joy may come from an entirely new place. Never know this might be the push you need in life to grind on your writing career. Try to look to the positives for now..
Originally Posted by Gex The Damaja

Homie doesn't sound to jazzed about the baby nor the girl but its too late for that, Good luck with it tho. Home Paternity test at CVS is about 100 so yeah there you go. Just imagine, next Christmas your joy may come from an entirely new place. Never know this might be the push you need in life to grind on your writing career. Try to look to the positives for now..

I'm cool with the girl, that's the only thing that made this bearable...and yeah, the vision of having to spend my life in this place for health benefits for the kid kicked the +$*$ out of my career...I wrote a book and a screenplay in 3 months and will have book and script #2 ready by the time it's a month old...I'm doing this man, @%!# indentured servitude. Thanks for the kind words tho, man...
Well OP I know the timing is off and you want to be established before having a child so I commend you on wanting to do right. Sometimes things happen that are beyond your control and its a situation you have to make the best of.

Me and my girl have been discussing marriage and pregnancy and the times we slip up she never got pregnant and her dr told her she couldnt have children. Its definitely a blessing that this child will be for both of you
Originally Posted by potus2028

Originally Posted by Gex The Damaja

Homie doesn't sound to jazzed about the baby nor the girl but its too late for that, Good luck with it tho. Home Paternity test at CVS is about 100 so yeah there you go. Just imagine, next Christmas your joy may come from an entirely new place. Never know this might be the push you need in life to grind on your writing career. Try to look to the positives for now..

I'm cool with the girl, that's the only thing that made this bearable...and yeah, the vision of having to spend my life in this place for health benefits for the kid kicked the +$*$ out of my career...I wrote a book and a screenplay in 3 months and will have book and script #2 ready by the time it's a month old...I'm doing this man, @%!# indentured servitude. Thanks for the kind words tho, man...

Better change that sig too. This country isn't electing a dude with a kid out of wedlock. There goes your chance...
just don't be a deadbeat, cause you sound low-key depressed

@ para-shoot
Congrats man this little guy/girl will be all you ever need. Motivation right there to accomplish anything in life.
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